Assignment 2021-22
004 Solved Assignment 2021-22: All IGNOU Assignment Free of
Cost available at our website. IGNOU University always being in picture due to
its IGNOU Assignment Date Extended. In this post Student will Get MPSE 004 Solved Assignment 2021-22
MPSE 004 SOCIAL AND POLITICAL THOUGHT IN MODERN INDIA Solved Assignment 2021-22, MPSE 004 Solved Assignment 2021-22, MPSE 004 Assignment 2021-22, MPSE 004 Assignment, IGNOU Assignments 2021-22- Gandhi National Open University had recently uploaded the assignments of the present session for Programme for the year 2021-22. Students are recommended to download their Assignments from this webpage itself. They don’t got to go anywhere else when everything regarding the Assignments are available during this article only.
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MPSE 004 Solved Assignment 2021-22
Tutor Marked
Course Code:
Assignment Code:
Marks: 100
Answer any five questions in
about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions from each section. Each
question carries 20 marks.
1. Discuss the nature of state
and sovereignty in medieval India.
nature of State in Medieval India has been a subject of great controversy
amongst the scholar. Scholars like Dr. R.P. Ashraf, Dr. Ishwari Prasad, Prof.
A.L. Srivastava, etc. hold that the Muslim state in Medieval India was
theocracy. For example Dr. R.P. Tripathi says, “All the institutions that
the Muslims either evolved or adopted were intended to sub-serve the law.”
Dr. Ishwari Parsad says that like other Muslim states, the state in Medieval
India was a theocracy. The king was both Caesar as well as Pope. But, his
authority was restricted by the principles of Shariat. His rule was based on
religion and the Ulemas predominated the State.
certain other writers like Dr. I.H. Qureshi holds, “The supremacy of the shar”
has misled some into thinking that the Sultanate was a theocracy. The essential
feature of a theocracy— the rule of an ordained priesthood—is however, missing
in the organisation of Muslim state; the jurists are laymen who claim no sacerdotal
immunity from error. Gibb is right in calling the Islamic policy theocentric.
Even Mohammad Habib says, “It (Muslim state in India) was not a theocratic
state in any sense of the word” and that “its foundation was, nevertheless,
non-religious and secular.”
In view
of the two conflicting views offered by the scholars regarding the nature of
the state in Medieval India, it becomes imperative to examine this issue more
thoroughly. First of all, we must try to find out what is meant by theocracy.
Only then we will be able to arrive at some conclusion regarding the nature of
state in Medieval India.
term theocracy is derived from the Greek word theos, meaning God. Therefore, a
theocratic state is one which is governed by God or sacerdotal class.
In the
first place, we can agree with Dr. Qureshi that there was no ordained or
hereditary priesthood in Medieval India which is the essential feature of a
theocracy. The Jurists were laymen who claimed no sacerdotal immunity from
error and certain laymen like lbn Battuta acted as Qazi of Delhi during
Muhammad bin Tughlaq.
the appointment of lbn Battuta was a unique case. It cannot be denied that
mostly the Jurists were taken from class of Ulemas.
Ulemas were orthodox and wielded great influence with the Sultan. Even Dr.
Yusuf Husain has testified that these Ulemas were orthodox and were given
education in Madrasas. This education had a distinct religious voice. The
Jurists and advisers of the Sultans and kings were appointed from amongst these
Ulemas and they interpreted the Shara (Islamic law).
to lbn Hasan, “The protection of Shariat has two aspects: The propagation of
the knowledge of Shara and its enforcement as law within the state The one
implies the maintenance of a class of scholars devoted to the study, the teaching
and the propagation of that knowledge, and the other the appointment of one
Prom those scholars…as an adviser to the king in ail acts of state. The
scholars devoted to that knowledge are called Ulema and the one selected from
among them is termed Shaikh-ul-Islam”
2. Write an essay on nationalism
and colonial modernity.
3. Examine the modes of
reformist thought in early 19th century India.
4. Elaborate upon the ideas of
Bankimchandra Chattopadhyaya on nationalism.
5. Describe the importance of
the extremist ideology in the nationalist movement.
Write a short note on the
following in about 250 words each:
6. a) Swami Vivekananda on
social change
b) Sri Aurobindo on passive
7. a) V.D. Savarkar on Hindu
nation and Indian state
b) M.S. Golwarkar on social
8. a) Maulana Maududi’s views on
b) Jaipal Singh as a champion of
Adivasi identity
9. a) Gandhi’s views on
relationship between religion and politics
b) Jawaharlal Nehru’s theory of
10. a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on
reason and rights
b) Rabindranath Tagore’s
differences with Gandhi
Dear Students,
MEC Solved Assignment As explained in the Programme Guide, you
have to do one Tutor Marked Assignment for each course. We are sending the
assignments of all the six courses together in this booklet. Assignment is
given 30% weightage in the final assessment. To be eligible to appear in the
Term-End Examination, it is compulsory for you to submit the assignments as per
the schedule. Before attempting the assignments, you should carefully read the
instructions given in the Programme Guide. These assignments are valid for two
admission cycles (January 2021 and July 2021). The validity is given below:
1. Those who are enrolled in January 2021, it is valid upto
December 2021.
2. Those who are enrolled in July 2021, it is valid upto June
In case you are planning to appear in June
Term-End Examination, you must submit the assignments to the Coordinator of
your Study Centre latest by 15th March, and if you are planning to appear in
December Term-End Examination, you must submit them latest by 15th September
IGNOU Assignment Status 2020-21
2021-22: Those students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to
their allocated study centres can now check their Assignment Status. Alongside
assignment status, they will also checkout their assignment marks & result.
All this is often available in a web mode. After submitting the assignment,
you'll check you IGNOU Assignment Status only after 3-4 weeks. it'd take 40
days to declare.
Here the scholars can check their IGNOU Assignment Status 2020,
marks, result or both the sessions i.e; June & December.
MPSE 004 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Once the TEE assignments are
submitted to the Centres, it's send to the evaluation department. After which
the evaluation of IGNOU Assignment Solutions takes place.
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