IGNOU BPSC 111 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU BPSC 111 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

BPSC 111 Classical Political Philosophy. This is another course offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Political Science (BAPSH) programme.

IGNOU BPSC 111 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

Course Structure:

  • Block-1 Text and Context
  • Block-2 Plato
  • Block-3 Aristotle
  • Block-4 Machiavelli
  • Block-5 Hobbes
  • Block-6 Locke

Q.1 Describe Plato’s concept of Allegory of Cave.

Plato's Allegory of the Cave, featured in Book VII of "The Republic," serves as a profound metaphor elucidating his philosophical notions concerning knowledge, reality, and the transformative journey toward enlightenment. Through a dialogue between Socrates and Glaucon, Plato vividly illustrates a scenario where prisoners are confined within a dark cave since birth, their bodies tethered by chains, with only a wall in front of them upon which shadows flicker. These prisoners, devoid of exposure to anything beyond the cave, mistake these shadows for reality, never questioning the limitations of their perception.

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In this allegory, the cave symbolizes the material world, dominated by sensory perceptions and superficial appearances. The prisoners, representing ordinary individuals, are ensnared by ignorance, their understanding restricted to the immediate sensory experiences, thus remaining oblivious to deeper truths. The chains that bind them represent societal norms, cultural conditioning, and the limitations of sensory perception, preventing them from transcending their perceptual constraints.

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IGNOU BPSC 111 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Plato introduces the figure of the philosopher as one of the prisoners who breaks free from the chains and ascends toward the cave's entrance, symbolizing the journey of philosophical enlightenment. Initially overwhelmed by the blinding sunlight outside the cave, representing the realm of Forms or ultimate reality, the liberated prisoner gradually adjusts to the brilliance and gains insight into the true nature of existence. Through dialectical reasoning and contemplation, the philosopher discerns the eternal and immutable Forms that underlie the transient world of appearances.

However, the philosopher's return to the cave to enlighten his fellow prisoners is met with skepticism and hostility, reflecting the resistance of the unenlightened masses to embrace philosophical truths. Despite his earnest attempts to awaken them to higher knowledge, the prisoners ridicule and reject his teachings, highlighting the difficulty of liberating others from ignorance.

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IGNOU BPSC 111 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Plato's Allegory of the Cave encapsulates his epistemological and metaphysical views, emphasizing the superiority of philosophical knowledge over sensory perception. The physical world, characterized by flux and illusion, pales in comparison to the realm of Forms, which embodies eternal and immutable truths. Philosophical enlightenment entails liberation from the shackles of ignorance and the attainment of knowledge of the Forms, enabling individuals to perceive the true essence of reality.

IGNOU BPSC 111 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Moreover, the allegory underscores the transformative power of philosophical education and the ethical responsibility of enlightened individuals to guide others toward enlightenment. Plato advocates for the cultivation of virtue and wisdom among philosophers, who serve as guardians of truth and catalysts for societal progress. Through the Allegory of the Cave, Plato imparts a timeless lesson on the importance of critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, and the pursuit of wisdom in the quest for personal fulfillment and societal harmony.

Q.2 Examine John Locke’s views on natural rights.

Q.3 Enumerate and describe the features of Locke’s constitutional government.

Q.4 What did Locke have to say about the limit of toleration ? Elaborate.

Q.5 Describe four types of societies discussed by Plato.

Q.6 What is science for Aristotle?

Q.7 Explain human nature as understood by Aristotle.

Q.8 Explain the grounds on which Aristotle defined citizenship

Q.9 Explain the proportional equality propounded by Aristotle

Q.10 Aristotle has propounded six types of constitution. Which are they? Amongst them, which one is best suited for contemporary times? Justify your answer.

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Q.11 Why Roman history was important for Machiavelli?

Q.12 Write a short note on republicanism in city states of Italy.

Q.13 Illustrate the reasons why Machiavelli gave importance to civic virtu and liberty?

Q.14 Write down the ideals to secure republic as Machiavelli perceived.

Q.15 According to Locke, why is it pointless to use the force and authority of government to make people follow one religion over another?




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