IGNOU BPAC 108 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU BPAC 108 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

BPAC 108 Public Policy and Administration in India, a course offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for its Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Public Administration (BPAH) program.

IGNOU BPAC 108 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

Course Structure:

  • Block-1 Public Policy
  • Block-2 Decentralisation
  • Block-3 Budget
  • Block-4 Citizen and Administration Interface
  • Block-5 Social Welfare Administrations

Q.1 Discuss the significance of constitutional status of Panchayats in rural local governance.

The constitutional stature of Panchayats within rural local governance epitomizes a pivotal shift towards decentralized democracy and grassroots empowerment, particularly in nations like India. This constitutional recognition and empowerment of Panchayats signify a foundational commitment to local self-governance, participatory decision-making, and holistic rural development. 

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IGNOU BPAC 108 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Firstly, the constitutional elevation of Panchayats underscores a transformative journey towards decentralized governance and grassroots democracy. By enshrining Panchayats within the constitutional framework, governments underscore the intrinsic value of local self-government, entrusting communities with the authority to manage their own affairs. 

This decentralization of power fosters active citizen engagement, transparency, and accountability in governance processes, empowering local communities to shape their destinies and address their unique challenges. It promotes a bottom-up approach to development, wherein local needs and aspirations inform policy formulation and resource allocation, resulting in more responsive and contextually relevant interventions.

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Secondly, the constitutional recognition of Panchayats facilitates efficient service delivery and localized development initiatives. Empowered Panchayats are better equipped to identify and address the diverse needs of rural communities, spanning infrastructure development, healthcare, education, sanitation, and livelihood enhancement. 

IGNOU BPAC 108 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-With constitutional backing, Panchayats gain legal legitimacy to plan, execute, and oversee developmental projects, leveraging local knowledge, resources, and networks to ensure optimal utilization of resources and timely delivery of services. This decentralized model encourages innovation, flexibility, and community ownership in addressing local challenges, leading to improved socio-economic outcomes and enhanced well-being for rural residents.

Furthermore, the constitutional status of Panchayats plays a pivotal role in promoting social justice and inclusive governance. By empowering locally elected representatives, including women and marginalized groups, Panchayats serve as platforms for political participation, representation, and empowerment. Constitutional provisions, such as reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and other marginalized communities, ensure equitable representation and amplify the voices of historically disadvantaged groups in decision-making processes. This inclusive approach fosters social cohesion, mitigates disparities, and promotes equitable access to opportunities, resources, and benefits, thereby advancing the principles of social justice and inclusivity in rural areas.

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Moreover, the constitutional recognition of Panchayats strengthens the institutional framework for rural governance and fosters the institutionalization of democratic norms and principles at the grassroots level. By providing a legal framework for the establishment, composition, powers, and functions of Panchayats, constitutional provisions ensure clarity, consistency, and stability in local governance structures.

This institutionalization fosters the rule of law, transparency, and accountability in Panchayat administration, guarding against arbitrary actions and promoting adherence to democratic norms and procedures. Additionally, constitutional recognition confers legitimacy and authority upon Panchayats, enhancing their capacity to engage with higher levels of government, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders in collaborative governance initiatives aimed at promoting rural development and welfare.

IGNOU BPAC 108 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Furthermore, the constitutional status of Panchayats serves as a catalyst for capacity building, institutional strengthening, and leadership development at the grassroots level. By formalizing the roles and responsibilities of Panchayats in the constitution, governments are compelled to invest in building the capacities of local elected representatives, Panchayat functionaries, and community members in areas such as governance, administration, finance, and project management. 

This capacity building enhances the effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of Panchayat institutions, enabling them to effectively discharge their duties, mobilize resources, and leverage partnerships to address complex rural challenges. Moreover, the constitutional status of Panchayats provides opportunities for leadership development and political empowerment, enabling local leaders to emerge as catalysts for change, advocates for community interests, and champions of inclusive development in their respective constituencies.

Q.2 Examine the Rational Policy-Making model.

Q.3 Explain the term public grievances and describe the machinery for its redressal.

Q.4 Examine the Right to Education and major issues and problems.

Q.5 Discuss the concept and approaches of social welfare.

Q.6 ‘MGNREGA scheme has been successful in achieving its targets and generating

employment for unemployed masses in ruralareas.’ Comment.

Q.7 Critically explain the salient features of the Lokpal and Lokayukta Act, 2013.

Q.8 Describe the concept of social welfare and any three related policies.

Q.9 Examine the features of the National Health Policy, 2017.

Q.10 Discuss the significance of budget and functions of major institutions in budgetary process.

Q.11 “E-governance deploys Information and Communication Technologies to make governance more effective, efficient and transparent.” Comment

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Q.12 What are the major challenges of Environment Policy ?

Q.13 Explain the role of major donors and agencies in the budgetary process at the union level

Q.14 Elucidate the citizens’ charter with its principle, features and implementation problems.

Q.15 Discuss the goals and objectives of National Health Policy, 2017 along with its principles




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