IGNOU BPAC 106 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU BPAC 106 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

BPAC 106, offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), introduces you to the world of public policy and its crucial role in shaping our lives. 

IGNOU BPAC 106 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

Course Structure:

  • Block-1 Context of Public Policy
  • Block-2 Public Policy and Ideology
  • Block-3 Public Policy and Civil Society
  • Block-4 Policy Evaluation

Q.1 Examine the essence of Nehruvian vision with respect to agricultural, social and economic policies.

The Nehruvian vision, shaped by India's first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, played a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of independent India's agricultural, social, and economic policies. Nehru's vision, deeply influenced by his commitment to secularism, socialism, and democracy, aimed at transforming India into a modern, industrialized, and egalitarian society. His policies emphasized state-led development, social justice, and economic planning, with a focus on uplifting the rural agrarian economy, promoting social welfare, and fostering economic growth. Examining the essence of Nehruvian vision in these domains provides insight into its impact and legacy on contemporary India.

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IGNOU BPAC 106 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-In the agricultural sphere, Nehruvian policies aimed to modernize and transform India's predominantly agrarian economy. Nehru recognized agriculture as the backbone of the Indian economy, given the majority of the population depended on it for their livelihood. To this end, his government introduced land reforms aimed at abolishing landlordism, redistributing land to landless farmers, and promoting cooperative farming. The goal was to create a more equitable distribution of land ownership and enhance agricultural productivity.

Furthermore, Nehru emphasized the importance of scientific research and technological advancements in agriculture. Initiatives such as the establishment of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and the Green Revolution sought to improve agricultural productivity through the introduction of high-yielding crop varieties, modern farming techniques, and irrigation infrastructure. These efforts aimed to boost food production, reduce rural poverty, and ensure food security for the growing population.

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IGNOU BPAC 106 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-In the social sphere, Nehruvian policies focused on promoting social justice, equality, and inclusivity. Nehru was a staunch advocate of secularism and believed in fostering a pluralistic society where people of all religions, castes, and communities could coexist harmoniously. His government introduced measures to promote social welfare, including the expansion of education and healthcare services, the abolition of untouchability, and the promotion of gender equality.

Nehru's government also prioritized the development of basic infrastructure such as roads, railways, and electricity to improve living standards and connect rural areas with urban centers. Initiatives like the Community Development Program aimed at empowering local communities and promoting participatory development at the grassroots level.

In the economic sphere, Nehruvian policies embraced a mixed economy model with a significant role for the state in guiding economic development. Nehru believed in using state intervention to promote industrialization, infrastructure development, and economic planning. The establishment of public sector enterprises in key industries such as steel, coal, and heavy machinery was aimed at promoting self-reliance, reducing dependence on foreign imports, and fostering indigenous industrialization.

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Additionally, Nehruvian economic policies emphasized the importance of socialistic principles such as equitable distribution of wealth, public ownership of key industries, and progressive taxation. The Five-Year Plans, inspired by the Soviet model of economic planning, sought to achieve balanced economic growth, prioritize agriculture and industry, and reduce regional disparities.

IGNOU BPAC 106 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Overall, the Nehruvian vision encompassed a comprehensive approach to nation-building, encompassing agricultural, social, and economic dimensions. While Nehru's policies faced criticism for their perceived shortcomings and limitations, particularly in terms of bureaucratic inefficiencies and inadequate implementation, they laid the foundation for India's development trajectory in the post-independence era. The essence of Nehruvian vision continues to influence India's policy discourse and development priorities, underscoring its enduring legacy in shaping the socio-economic fabric of the nation.

Q.2 Describe the nature of public policy in a developing State.

Q.3 Examine the characteristic features of the Eastonian Model of policy analysis

Q.4 Elucidate the nature of policy in the context of globalisation.

Q.5 Junsunwai Innovation of Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan helped in the growth of the organisation.’’ Elucidate

Q.6 Examine the problems and remedial measures of policy evaluation.

Q.7 “In policy process, interest groups use different strategies to achieve their goals.” Comment

Q.8 Write a note on Geoffrey Vickers’ analysis of policy making.

Q.9 ‘‘Indian Constitution aims at social and economic justice that is based on equality of opportunity.’’ Discuss the statement in the light of Social Policy in India.

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Q.10 Describe the different forms of policy evaluation

Q.11 Discuss the Elite Mass Theory of State and Policy

Q.12 Explain the different types of policy evaluation

Q.13 Examine the nature of policy in the context of Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation

Q.14 Analyse the strategies adopted by interest groups in policy process.

Q.15 Describe the various techniques of policy monitoring and analysis.



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