IGNOU EPS 08 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU EPS 08 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

EPS 08 Government and Politics in Australia is a course offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) that delves into the political system, structure, and processes of Australia.

IGNOU EPS 08 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

Course Structure:

  • Block-1 Introducing Australia
  • Block-2 Society And Culture
  • Block-3 Political Structure
  • Block-4 Political Processes
  • Block-5 Australian Economy
  • Block-6 Australia In World Affairs-I
  • Block-7 Australia In World Affairs-II
  • Block-8 Issues and Trends in Contemporary Australia

Q.1 How does climate condition the soil patterns of Australia?

IGNOU EPS 08 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Australia's soil patterns are intricately shaped by the continent's diverse climate, which encompasses a wide array of environmental conditions ranging from arid deserts to temperate forests. Across Australia, climatic factors such as rainfall variability, temperature fluctuations, evaporation rates, and wind patterns exert significant influences on soil formation processes and distribution.

Also Read-

Rainfall variability stands out as a critical determinant of soil patterns. The interior regions of Australia experience sparse and irregular rainfall, resulting in slow soil formation processes characterized by the accumulation of weathered materials. Consequently, shallow and underdeveloped soils, such as desert soils and red earths, prevail in these arid and semi-arid areas. Conversely, coastal regions and the tropical north benefit from more consistent and substantial rainfall, fostering intense weathering, leaching, and erosion processes. These conditions give rise to deeper and more fertile soils, including red-brown earths and black soils.

Temperature gradients across Australia also play a pivotal role in shaping soil characteristics. The warmer climates prevalent in the tropical north and parts of the interior accelerate chemical reactions, organic matter decomposition, and biological activity. Consequently, soils in these regions tend to be relatively young, less weathered, and susceptible to erosion. Conversely, cooler temperatures in the temperate south and highlands slow down weathering processes, resulting in older, more weathered soils with deeper profiles and higher organic matter content.

IGNOU EPS 08 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Evaporation rates and wind patterns further contribute to soil variability, particularly in arid regions. High rates of evaporation in conjunction with low rainfall lead to the accumulation of salts and minerals on the soil surface, resulting in the formation of saline and sodic soils. Wind erosion exacerbates soil degradation in these areas by removing surface materials and exposing underlying substrates, yielding sandy and skeletal soils with diminished fertility and water retention capacity.

Moreover, anthropogenic activities such as agriculture, urbanization, and land clearing have profoundly impacted soil patterns across Australia. Deforestation and land clearing have accelerated soil erosion rates and compromised soil quality in many regions. Agricultural practices, such as intensive grazing and monoculture farming, have further exacerbated soil degradation through compaction, nutrient depletion, and erosion. Urban expansion and industrial activities have also contributed to soil contamination and pollution, posing additional challenges to soil conservation and management efforts.

 Q.2 Describe in brief the topography of Western Australia.

Q.3 How many persons entered Australia between 1852 and 1861 and what attracted them to this country?

Q.4 How was the ideology of multiculturalisln expressed in Australia during the I970s?

Q.5 Trace the historical background of the founding of the Australian Federation.

Q.6 Discuss the factors hampering the formation of the Australian Federation.

Q.7 What are the powers and functions of the Australian Governor-General?

Q.8 Examine the ideology, policy and practice of the Australian Liberal Party.

Q.9 Examine the issue of a national vote in Australia.

Q.10 What do you mean by globalisation of the economy?

Q.11 Discuss some elements of new teclinology being applied to Australian

Q.12 Examine the importance ofthe mining industry in the Australian economy

Q.13 Illustrate the nature of reforms in Australian manufacturing


Q. What measures did the Labour Party take to estnblish Australia's identity as a regional power?

Q.15 Discuss Australia's interests in forlning the IOR-ARC.


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