IGNOU EPS 03 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU EPS 03 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU EPS 03 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-EPS 03 Modern Indian Political Thought is a course offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) that deals with the evolution of political thought in India from the 18th century to the present day.

IGNOU EPS 03 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

Course Structure:

  • Block 1: Background of Social and Political Thought
  • Block 2: Socio-political Reform in the 19th Century India
  • Block 3: Militant Nationalism
  • Block 4: Colonialism, Caste Order and The Tribal Societies
  • Block 5: Politics and Religion in Modern India : The Interface
  • Block 6: Gandhism : Evolution and Character
  • Block 7: Nationalism and Social Revolution-I (Socialism)
  • Block 8: Nationalism and Social Revolution II (Communists)

Q.1 Write in five lines the major developments which were responsibk for the third stage of colonial rule

IGNOU EPS 03 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-The third stage of colonial rule witnessed pivotal transformations that redefined the relationship between colonizers and the colonized:

During this period:

1. Economic Exploitation escalated as colonial powers intensified resource extraction and labor exploitation, fostering industries and plantations. 

IGNOU EPS 03 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-This economic hegemony fueled the industrialization of colonial powers while impoverishing indigenous populations.

Also Read-

2. Technological Innovations, such as steamships and telegraph systems, revolutionized transportation and communication, enabling greater control and coordination over distant colonies. These advancements facilitated accelerated resource exploitation and reinforced colonial authority.

3. Ideological Rationalization emerged through doctrines like Social Darwinism, which propagated the notion of Western superiority to justify colonial domination. Such ideologies served to legitimize the subjugation and exploitation of indigenous peoples.

4. Institutionalization of Colonialism saw the establishment of formal administrative structures and legal systems to govern colonial territories. These institutional frameworks consolidated colonial power and marginalized indigenous governance systems, consolidating colonial control.

5. Resistance and Nationalism burgeoned as indigenous populations and nationalist movements challenged colonial authority. 

IGNOU EPS 03 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Across colonial territories, movements for independence and self-determination gained momentum, leading to widespread unrest and eventual decolonization in the mid-20th century.

IGNOU EPS 03 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-These developments collectively defined the third stage of colonial rule, marked by heightened exploitation, technological advancements, ideological justifications, institutional consolidation, and mounting resistance against colonial oppression.

Q.2 Briefly discuss the impact of colonial intervention on agriculture.

Q.3 Briefly discuss Cornwallis' role vis-a-vis the Indian Civil Service. 

Q.4 Distinguish between revival and reform. In what way were the social reformers also revivalists?

Q.5 Explain the 19th century reformers' understanding of the interdependent nature of all (social, political and economic) reform.,

Q.6 Explain the two-fold strategy adopted by the reformers to fight caste.

Q.7 How did the Indian Liberals understand the concept of Freedom?

Q.8 What were the main features of lndian response to British Colonialism?

Q.9 Identify the influences that shaped Roy as a reformer.

Q.10 What were the grounds on which Roy objected to idolatory?

Q.11 Describe the three fronts on which Roy had to fight for abolition of the practice of Sati.

Q.12 What were the basic features of Nehru's thought?

Q.13 What was the main criticism of Ranadekgainst the popular practice of the Hindu religon?

Q.14 What were the main features of the political method advocated by Ranade 

Q.15 What do your understand by Militant Nationalism?

Q.16 Explain in brief the historical foundation of Subhash Bose's political philosophy.

Q.17 comment on the inter-relationship of Ahimsa and Satyagraha

Q.18 Discuss the various conditions for'the rise of the socialist movement in India.

Q.19 Compare Acharya Narendra Dev and Jaya Prakash Narayan's views of socialism.

Q.20 Why did Bose: reject Bolshevism and other Western ideologies?


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