IGNOU BSOC 114 Important Questions With Answers English Medium
IGNOU BSOC 114 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-BSOC 114 Research Methods-II, like BSOC-113, is also a course
offered by IGNOU. It builds upon the foundation of research methods established
in BSOC-103 and delves deeper into various aspects of conducting sociological
Course Structure:
- Block-1 Doing Social Research
- Block-2 Methods of Data Collection
- Block-3 Statistical Methods
- Block-4 Developing a Research Project
Discuss the main ethical considerations in Social Research.
Ethical considerations are foundational to the conduct of
social research, guiding researchers in navigating complex dilemmas and
upholding the rights and well-being of participants. Across various stages of
the research process, from design to dissemination, ethical principles such as
informed consent, confidentiality, risk assessment, power dynamics, cultural
sensitivity, and responsible dissemination of findings play a crucial role in
ensuring the integrity and ethical conduct of research endeavors.
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IGNOU BSOC 114 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Informed consent stands as a cornerstone of ethical practice,
requiring researchers to obtain voluntary and informed consent from
participants before their involvement in a study. This entails providing clear
and comprehensive information about the research purpose, procedures, risks,
and benefits, allowing individuals to make autonomous decisions regarding their
participation. For those unable to provide consent, such as minors or
individuals with cognitive impairments, researchers must secure consent from authorized
representatives while prioritizing the protection of participants' rights and
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Confidentiality and privacy are essential safeguards that
protect participants' identities and sensitive information shared during the
research process. Researchers must implement rigorous measures to maintain
confidentiality, such as anonymizing data, using coded identifiers, and
securing data storage and access. Respecting participants' privacy involves
conducting research in environments conducive to confidentiality and obtaining
explicit consent before recording or sharing any sensitive information.
Risk assessment is another critical ethical consideration,
requiring researchers to anticipate and mitigate potential risks and harms
associated with participation in the research. This includes identifying
physical, psychological, social, or legal risks and implementing safeguards to
minimize adverse effects. Researchers must prioritize the well-being and safety
of participants, ensuring that the benefits of the research outweigh any
potential risks.
IGNOU BSOC 114 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Power dynamics inherent in social research can influence the
interactions between researchers and participants, as well as the outcomes of
the research. Researchers must be mindful of their own privilege and
positionality, particularly when working with vulnerable or marginalized
populations. Building equitable and collaborative relationships with
participants involves recognizing and addressing power differentials,
respecting participants' autonomy and perspectives, and empowering them to
actively contribute to the research process.
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IGNOU BSOC 114 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Cultural sensitivity is essential in conducting research that
respects and acknowledges the diversity of cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and
values among participants and communities. Researchers must approach their work
with humility and openness, acknowledging their own biases and assumptions and
engaging respectfully with diverse perspectives. This may involve adapting
research methodologies, protocols, and communication strategies to be
culturally appropriate and inclusive, as well as involving community members in
the research process to ensure relevance and authenticity.
Finally, the responsible dissemination of findings is crucial for upholding the ethical integrity of research outcomes. Researchers have a duty to transparently and accurately communicate their findings to relevant stakeholders, including participants, communities, policymakers, and the public.
This involves representing findings truthfully, contextualizing
interpretations, and acknowledging any limitations or uncertainties associated
with the research. Moreover, researchers must consider the potential
implications of their findings and ensure that they are disseminated in a
manner that respects the dignity and rights of participants, avoids harm or
stigmatization, and contributes to the promotion of social justice and
What is stratified random sampling ? Explain the advantages and disadvantages
of Stratified Sampling.
What is survey method ? How is it different from census ?
Q.4 Explain the nature and scope of life history method in social science
Examine the use of ethnographic method in fieldwork.
What do you understand by ‘Research Problem’ ? How do researchers identify it ?
What do you understand by ‘ethnography as method’ and ‘ethnography as product’?
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Outline three distinguishing features of ethnographic research
List the main sources of data collection used in for digital ethnography
Describe any two ethical issues that may emerge during sociological research.
Do you think modern Information and Communication Technology raises ethical
concerns? Explain.
Explain the role of the Research Supervisor in identifying the research
What are some of the general features of the cover page in a research proposal?
Distinguish between primary data and secondary data
List three techniques of data collection used in fieldwork
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