IGNOU BSOC 109 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU BSOC 109 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU BSOC 109 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-BSOC 109 Sociology of Kinship, offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for its Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Sociology .

IGNOU BSOC 109 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

Course Structure:

  • Block-1 Introduction
  • Block-2 Approaches
  • Block-3 Family, Household and Marriage
  • Block-4 Re-casting Kinship

Q.1 What do you understand by the social institution of family ? What are its major types ?

The social institution of family is a cornerstone of society, comprising a group of individuals linked by blood, marriage, or adoption, who cohabit and share resources, responsibilities, and emotional bonds. It serves as the primary context for socialization, shaping individuals' values, norms, and roles. Families are dynamic entities, evolving across cultures, historical eras, and social landscapes, reflecting diverse arrangements and customs.

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    IGNOU BSOC 109 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Among the principal types of families is the nuclear family, consisting typically of parents and their biological or adopted children residing together in a single household. This model gained prominence in Western societies during the industrial revolution, emphasizing close emotional ties and principles of privacy and independence. Conversely, the extended family includes relatives beyond the nuclear unit, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, who may reside together or nearby, sharing resources and responsibilities. This model, prevalent in many cultures globally, fosters social support and intergenerational connections.

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    In contemporary societies, non-traditional family structures have become increasingly common. Single-parent families, headed by one adult due to various circumstances like divorce or choice, face distinct challenges yet exhibit resilience in providing nurturing environments. Similarly, blended families emerge when single parents remarry, integrating separate family units, which necessitates negotiation and adaptation. Chosen families or intentional communities, comprising individuals united by shared values or identities rather than biological ties, challenge traditional notions of family, emphasizing solidarity and belonging.

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    IGNOU BSOC 109 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Cultural, religious, and ethnic traditions also influence family structures. Collectivist cultures prioritize extended kinship networks and community ties, emphasizing duty and respect, whereas individualistic cultures prioritize autonomy and personal fulfillment within the nuclear family unit. Socioeconomic status further shapes family dynamics, with disparities in access to resources and opportunities contributing to inequalities in health and well-being.

    Q.2 Write a note on Morgan’s study of kinship.

    Q.3 Explain some of the main features of patrilineal

    descent system with reference to North Indian kinship.

    Q.4 Explain the preferred marriage alliances among the South Indians.

    Q.5 Discuss Levi-Strauss’s contribution to Alliance theory in understanding kinship.

    Q.6 How is the ceremonial gift exchange among kins different in North and South India ? Discuss.

    Q.7 Discuss the New Reproductive Technologies and their significance.

    Q.8 Explain the concept of marriage and discuss its functions in society.

    Q.9 How do the various kinship terms used in the North Indian context help us to understand the kinship system ?

    Q.10 According to Louis Dumont, Kinship terminology is an expression of alliance rather than descent. Explain

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    Q.11 Critically analyse Norman’s perspective on how kinship plays a role in everyday experience.

    Q.12 Explain the matrilineal kinship system among the Nairs of Kerala

    Q.13 What is the relationship between caste and kinship ? Explain with examples

    Q.14 How are live-in-relationships challenging the traditional notions of family and marriage ?

    Q.15 Discuss the feminist critique of kinship studies.




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