IGNOU BANS 183 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU BANS 183 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

BANS 183 Tourism Anthropology is a course offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) as part of its Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Anthropology program.

IGNOU BANS 183 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

Course Structure:

  • Block-1 Understanding Tourism
  • Block-2 Emerging Trends in Anthropology and Tourism

Q.1 Define anthropology. Discuss the role of anthropology in the study of tourism anthropology.

Anthropology, as a scientific discipline, encompasses the comprehensive study of human societies, cultures, and behaviors across time and space. Its diverse sub-disciplines, including cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, archaeology, and linguistic anthropology, collectively aim to unravel the complexities of human existence through systematic observation, comparison, and interpretation.

IGNOU BANS 183 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Cultural anthropology, a prominent branch within the field, focuses specifically on contemporary human cultures and societies, delving into their beliefs, practices, rituals, customs, and social structures. Within the realm of tourism anthropology, cultural anthropology plays a pivotal role by examining the intricate cultural dimensions of tourism phenomena. This involves scrutinizing the motivations driving tourist behaviors, assessing the impacts of tourism on host communities, and investigating the commercialization of culture for tourist consumption.

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    Anthropologists, particularly those specializing in cultural anthropology, devote themselves to understanding the cultural dynamics that underpin tourist behavior and experiences. Employing ethnographic methods such as participant observation and interviews, they delve deep into how tourists engage with and interpret cultural symbols, rituals, and traditions in destination areas. Through this lens, anthropologists unravel the multifaceted meanings and values that tourists attach to their encounters with foreign cultures.

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    IGNOU BANS 183 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Moreover, anthropology sheds light on the socio-economic and political ramifications of tourism development and its effects on local communities. Anthropological inquiry extends to examining how tourism impacts local economies, social structures, and cultural practices. This includes exploring topics such as the economic implications of tourism-driven development, the commodification of culture, and the power dynamics between tourists and locals. Ethnographic research in this domain documents the diverse ways in which tourism shapes local livelihoods, identities, and social relationships.

    IGNOU BANS 183 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Anthropologists also adopt a critical perspective on tourism as a mode of cultural exchange and representation. They interrogate the inherent power dynamics within tourism encounters, including issues of cultural imperialism, stereotyping, and cultural appropriation. This critical examination extends to analyzing how tourist representations of exotic cultures often oversimplify and commodify local identities, perpetuating unequal power relations between tourists and locals. Additionally, anthropologists explore how tourism practices contribute to the construction of global hierarchies based on culture, race, and ethnicity, further entrenching inequalities within societies.

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    Furthermore, anthropology provides insights into the role of tourism in driving cultural change and adaptation. Anthropologists study how tourism influences cultural innovation, hybridization, and revitalization in destination areas. They investigate how local communities reinterpret and perform their cultural traditions in response to tourist demand, generating new forms of cultural expression and identity. Additionally, anthropologists examine how tourism can contribute to the preservation and revitalization of endangered cultural practices, as communities seek to leverage their cultural heritage for economic gain.

    IGNOU BANS 183 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-In advocating for sustainable tourism practices, anthropology promotes cross-cultural understanding and dialogue. Anthropologists advocate for approaches to tourism development that prioritize cultural authenticity, equitable benefit-sharing, and environmental conservation. Collaborating with policymakers, tourism practitioners, and community stakeholders, anthropologists work towards designing tourism initiatives that respect and empower local communities while fostering environmental stewardship. By integrating insights from anthropology, sustainable tourism initiatives can be developed that enhance the well-being of both tourists and host communities while preserving cultural and natural heritage for future generations.

    Q.2 Explain Cultural drift with the help of suitable examples.

    Q.3 Discuss commodification of culture with the help of suitable examples from India.

    Q.4 What is political economy of tourism ? State the major focus in the study of political economy of tourism.

    Q.5 Discuss revival and preservation of heritage sites

    with the help of suitable examples from India.

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    Q.6 Discuss the concept of migration and its relation to tourism.

    Q.7 Explain political economy of tourism. Discuss its major focus areas

    Q.8 Explain how the revival and preservation of heritage sites is being done, with suitable examples from India.

    Q.9 Define ecotourism and discuss two cases from North-East India as examples

    Q.10 Discuss commodification of culture with the help of suitable examples

    Q.11 What is political economy of tourism ? State the premises for its study.

    Q.12 Discuss some of the issues related to the impacts of tourism on heritage sites.

    Q.13 Discuss tourism and sustainable development with suitable examples.

    Q.14 Define tourism. Discuss the role of anthropology in the study of tourism anthropology.

    Q.15 Discuss authenticity in tourism with suitable examples



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