IGNOU BSOC 113 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU BSOC 113 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU BSOC 113 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-BSOC 113 Sociological Thinkers-II is a course offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) that explores the works of major sociological thinkers. 

IGNOU BSOC 113 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

Course Structure:

  • Block 1: Function, System and Structure
  • Block 2: Self and Social Reality
  • Block 3: Critical Thinkers of Mass Culture
  • Block 4: Power, Discourse and Reproduction     

Q.1 What is ‘Culture Industry’ ? How does it influence the consumers ?

The "culture industry" concept, originating from critical theorists like Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer of the Frankfurt School, refers to the mass production and commercialization of cultural goods, ranging from music and film to literature and advertising. It represents a system where artistic expression and creative endeavors are subordinated to profit-driven motives within capitalist societies. This industry shapes and influences consumers in various ways, perpetuating dominant ideologies, encouraging passive consumption, manufacturing desires, standardizing cultural expression, and reinforcing social inequalities.

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    IGNOU BSOC 113 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-At its core, the culture industry serves as a conduit for disseminating prevailing ideologies and narratives that uphold existing power structures and societal norms. Through mass media platforms like television, film, and advertising, cultural products often promote specific worldviews and values that align with the interests of dominant groups, such as corporations and governments. For instance, advertising campaigns frequently promote consumerism and individualism while marginalizing dissenting viewpoints, thereby reinforcing capitalist ideals of accumulation and competition.

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    Moreover, the culture industry functions as a means of providing mass entertainment and spectacle, diverting attention away from critical thought and political engagement. Through the proliferation of easily consumable content like blockbuster films and reality TV shows, consumers are often lured into a cycle of passive consumption, where escapism and entertainment take precedence over deeper reflection or societal critique. This phenomenon fosters a culture of apathy and conformity, discouraging active participation in civic affairs or collective movements for change.

    In addition to shaping consumer attitudes and behaviors, the culture industry actively manufactures desires and creates artificial needs through advertising and marketing strategies. By leveraging persuasive techniques such as emotional appeals and celebrity endorsements, advertisers seek to establish connections between products and desirable attributes or lifestyles. Through meticulous consumer profiling and targeted messaging, they can influence consumer preferences and encourage spending on products that may not be essential, driven by social pressures and aspirational ideals.

    IGNOU BSOC 113 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Furthermore, the culture industry contributes to the homogenization of cultural expression by prioritizing standardized and mass-produced content that appeals to mainstream tastes. As a result, artistic creativity and diversity are often sidelined in favor of formulaic narratives and commercially viable themes. This trend not only limits the range of cultural experiences available to consumers but also perpetuates cultural monotony and reinforces hegemonic norms and values.

    Finally, the culture industry perpetuates hegemonic representations and stereotypes through its portrayal of marginalized social groups. By depicting women, racial minorities, and LGBTQ+ individuals in stereotypical or tokenistic roles, cultural products often reinforce existing power dynamics and societal inequalities. These representations not only marginalize underrepresented voices but also contribute to the normalization of discrimination and prejudice in mainstream media.

    Q.2 How do you understand by the idea of panopticon through modern surveillance systems ? Explain

    Q.3 According to Berger and Luckmann what are typifications and how are they used in everyday life?

    Q.4 How do Berger and Luckmann define institution?

    Q.5 How does Levi-Strauss define human culture?

    Q.6 What is Levi-Strauss’s idea of binary opposites?

    Q.7 Who influenced Levi-Strauss’s ideas on structuralism?

    Q.8 What is a model, according to Levi -Strauss?

    Q.9 What is the difference between conscious and unconscious models?

    Q.10 According to Louis Dumont, Kinship terminology is an expression of alliance rather than descent. Explain

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    Q.11 Being out the major influences on Radcliffe Brown’s thought

    Q.12 Explain the different models given by Levi Strauss.

    Q.13 Differentiate between the concept of ‘I’ and ‘Me’ as part of the self.

    Q.14 Distinguish between ‘front stage’ and ‘back stage’

    Q.15 Discuss the relevance of Marcuse’s book ‘OneDimensional Man’ to contemporary times




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