IGNOU BPSE 212 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU BPSE 212  Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU BPSE 212  Important Questions With Answers English Medium-BPSE 212 Government and Politics in India is a course offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) that covers various aspects of the Indian political system.

IGNOU BPSE 212  Important Questions With Answers English Medium

Course Structure:

  • Block-1 Historical Background
  • Block-2 Philosophy of Indian Constitution
  • Block-3 Institutional Framework
  • Block-4 Federalism in India
  • Block-5 Party Systems and Elections in India
  • Block-6 Social and Political Movement in India      
  • Block-7 Context of Indian State

Q.1 Why did the British shift the emphasis of exploitation to "export of raw material and import of finished goods?"

The British colonial shift towards emphasizing the export of raw materials and the import of finished goods was driven by a multifaceted interplay of economic, political, and strategic factors during the period of British colonial expansion and industrialization from the 18th to the 19th centuries. This evolution in colonial policy reflected the changing dynamics of global trade, the consolidation of British imperial dominance, and the imperatives of industrial capitalism.

IGNOU BPSE 212  Important Questions With Answers English Medium-A primary driver of this shift was the advent of the Industrial Revolution in Britain during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The Industrial Revolution transformed Britain into the world's leading industrial power, marked by significant technological advancements, mechanization, and the rapid expansion of manufacturing industries. This economic transformation created an escalating demand for raw materials, such as cotton, wool, minerals, and agricultural products, to sustain industrial production. Consequently, the British sought to secure access to abundant sources of raw materials in their colonies and dependencies to fuel their industrial base and maintain their competitive edge in global markets.

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Simultaneously, the Industrial Revolution facilitated the development of more efficient manufacturing techniques and processes, enabling Britain to produce a diverse array of finished goods at lower costs and higher volumes than previously possible. This technological prowess empowered British manufacturers to outperform artisanal producers in other nations and dominate global markets with their mass-produced goods. As a result, there arose a growing impetus to export British manufactured goods to overseas markets, including the colonies, where demand for such products was often robust due to limited local manufacturing capabilities.

IGNOU BPSE 212  Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Furthermore, the British colonial system was heavily influenced by mercantilist economic policies, which aimed to maximize the economic benefits accruing to Britain at the expense of its colonies. Within this framework, colonies were primarily regarded as sources of raw materials and markets for finished goods, with the overarching objective of maintaining a favorable balance of trade for the colonial power. Consequently, the British prioritized the extraction of raw materials from their colonies while discouraging or even prohibiting local manufacturing endeavors that could potentially compete with British industries.

IGNOU BPSE 212  Important Questions With Answers English Medium-To enforce this economic arrangement, the British colonial administration implemented various measures such as tariffs, trade regulations, and monopolies, all of which favored the export of raw materials from the colonies and the import of finished goods from Britain.

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Tariffs and trade barriers were frequently imposed on manufactured goods imported into the colonies, rendering them more expensive and less competitive compared to British products. Conversely, raw materials extracted from the colonies often encountered minimal or no tariffs when exported to Britain, thus ensuring a consistent and economical supply for British industries.

Additionally, the British colonial apparatus relied heavily on political and military control to exploit colonial resources and markets for British interests. With the formidable power of the Royal Navy and British armed forces at their disposal, colonial administrators exercised control over colonial territories, quelling local resistance and enforcing colonial economic policies. This coercive dominance facilitated the extraction of raw materials from colonies through various means, including forced labor, land confiscation, and exploitative trade agreements.

IGNOU BPSE 212  Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Moreover, British trading companies, notably the British East India Company, played pivotal roles in facilitating the extraction of raw materials from colonies and the export of British manufactured goods. Operating as monopolies, these entities controlled trade routes, markets, and resources in colonial territories, thereby ensuring that colonial economies remained oriented towards exporting raw materials and importing finished goods from Britain.

Q.2 How did de-industrialisation effect the agrarian economy?

Q.3 What were the main social forces which emerged in India?

Q.4 What was the result of Gandhi's participation in the peasant movement in Champaran?

Q.5 What mode of protest was used in the non-cooperation and Khilafat movement?

Q.6 What was the principle that formed the constitution making exercise in India

Q.7  Which was the state admitted into the Indian Union in J975?

Q.8 How has the constitution sought to balance individual and community rights?

Q.9 What was the impact of Congress split on the party politics of India?

Q.10 What was the major change brought out by the 1977 parliamentary elections?

Q.11 What impact have the elections in India had on the weaker sections of the society?

Q.12 What was the role of Purani Agyavati in the nationalist struggle?

Q.13 How did women define "Swaraj"and "Swadhinata" during freedom struggle?

Q.14 What the main issues raised by the dalit movement?

Q. 15 Identify the main trends of the tribal movements in India during 1920-1947




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