IGNOU BPSC 102 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU BPSC 102 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

BPSC 102 Constitutional Government and Democracy in India is a course offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) that introduces students to the fundamentals of the Indian Constitution and its role in shaping the country's democratic system.

IGNOU BPSC 102 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

Course Structure:

  • Block-1 Constituent Assembly and Constitution
  • Block-2 Organs of the Government
  • Block-3 Federalism and Decentralization

Q.1 Discuss the formation of the Constituent Assembly of India

The genesis of the Constituent Assembly of India stands as a pivotal moment in the nation's history, signifying the commencement of a transformative journey towards the establishment of a democratic and sovereign republic. This monumental assembly was entrusted with the formidable task of crafting and adopting a lasting constitution, serving as the foundational blueprint for independent India's governance. The process leading to the formation of the Constituent Assembly was shaped by a convergence of historical, political, and social factors, encapsulating the aspirations of a diverse and pluralistic society emerging from centuries of colonial rule.

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IGNOU BPSC 102 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-The call for the formation of a Constituent Assembly found its roots during India's struggle for independence from British colonial rule. The Indian National Congress initially articulated the demand for such an assembly in 1935, following the enactment of the Government of India Act, which failed to address the broader aspirations for self-governance and constitutional autonomy. Subsequently, the momentum for a constituent assembly gained traction through a series of resolutions and negotiations, culminating in the historic Lahore Resolution of 1940, which advocated for the creation of independent states in India and the establishment of a constituent assembly to draft a constitution.

The drive towards establishing the Constituent Assembly received a significant impetus with the conclusion of World War II and the impending end of British colonial rule in India. The Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946 proposed the formation of a constituent assembly comprising members elected by the provincial legislative assemblies, alongside additional representation from princely states and other minority communities. This proposal garnered acceptance from both the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League, paving the way for the Constituent Assembly's formation.

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IGNOU BPSC 102 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Convened on December 9, 1946, the Constituent Assembly of India saw Dr. Rajendra Prasad elected as its president and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar appointed as the chairman of the drafting committee. Comprising 299 members, including representatives from the Indian National Congress, the Muslim League, the Sikh community, the princely states, and other minority groups, the assembly reflected the diverse and heterogeneous nature of Indian society. Its primary mandate was to draft a constitution that could accommodate the aspirations of a nation characterized by linguistic, religious, cultural, and regional diversity.

The proceedings of the Constituent Assembly were marked by intense debates, deliberations, and negotiations as members grappled with complex issues relating to governance, citizenship, fundamental rights, and the division of powers between the center and the states. Embracing a deliberative and inclusive approach, the assembly sought to accommodate diverse viewpoints and interests while upholding the principles of democracy, equality, and social justice. The debates within the Constituent Assembly mirrored the ideological diversity and political plurality of its members, covering topics ranging from economic planning to minority rights and federalism.

A hallmark of the Constituent Assembly was its commitment to ensuring broad-based participation and representation, particularly among marginalized and underprivileged sections of society. Various committees and subcommittees were appointed to examine specific aspects of the constitution, including fundamental rights, minority rights, and the directive principles of state policy. These committees provided platforms for stakeholders from diverse backgrounds to voice their concerns, propose amendments, and contribute to the drafting process, thereby enriching the democratic character and legitimacy of the constitution.

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IGNOU BPSC 102 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-The drafting of the constitution was an intricate and laborious endeavor, necessitating meticulous attention to detail, legal expertise, and political acumen. Under the stewardship of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the drafting committee played a pivotal role in synthesizing the myriad inputs and perspectives into a coherent and comprehensive constitutional framework. Drawing inspiration from a multitude of sources, including the constitutions of other democracies, legal precedents, and principles of natural justice and human rights, the committee crafted a constitution that encapsulated the aspirations and values of the Indian Republic.

The adoption of the constitution on January 26, 1950, marked the culmination of a protracted and arduous journey towards self-determination and constitutional governance. It symbolized the triumph of democracy over despotism, of unity over division, and of optimism over pessimism. Enshrining the values of liberty, equality, and fraternity as the guiding principles of the Indian Republic, the constitution laid the groundwork for a just, inclusive, and progressive society. It provided a framework for safeguarding fundamental rights, promoting social justice, and empowering marginalized communities, embodying the aspirations of the Indian people for a brighter future.

Q.2 Discuss the significance and main features of Fundamental Duties.

Q.3 Discuss the composition of the Union Legislature.

Q.4 Analyse the features of the Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution

Q.5 Discuss the main features of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act

Q.6 Explain the ideological and philosophical background of the Indian Constitution

Q.7 Discuss the provisions of the Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution

Q.8 Describe the features of the Preamble of the Indian Constitution

Q.9 . Discuss the types of Emergency prescribed in the Constitution of India.

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Q.10 Explain the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.

Q.11 Elaborate upon the Fundamental Duties

Q.12 Analyse the features of Directive Principles of State Policy.

Q.13 Discuss the powers of the President of India.

Q.14 Elaborate upon the relationship between the Cabinet and the Parliament

Q.15 Analyse the features of the Panchayati Raj Institutions.


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