IGNOU BPAC 112 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU BPAC 112 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU BPAC 112 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-BPAC 112 Rural Local Governance delves into the structure, functions, and challenges of governing rural areas in India through the lens of the Panchayati Raj system.

IGNOU BPAC 112 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

Course Structure:

  • Block-1 Evolution of Local Governance and Rural Development
  • Block-2 Legislative Framework, Election and Planning
  • Block-3 Panchayati Raj Institutions: Functional Domain and Finances
  • Block-4 Rural Local Government
  • Block-5 Rural Local Governance: Innovative Practices, Challenges and Way Forward

Q.1 Discuss the significance of elections in rural local governance and highlight the mode of election for Sarpanch.

IGNOU BPAC 112 Important Questions With Answers English Medium--Elections hold paramount significance in rural local governance, serving as a cornerstone for democratic representation, community engagement, accountability, and empowerment. In the rural context, where a substantial portion of the population resides, local governance structures like Gram Panchayats, comprising elected representatives, wield considerable influence in addressing local needs and facilitating developmental endeavors. This discourse will delve into the importance of elections in rural local governance, with a particular focus on elucidating the mode of election for the Sarpanch the head of the Gram Panchayat in India.

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Democratic Representation: Elections in rural areas furnish a mechanism for democratic representation, enabling residents to elect representatives who articulate their concerns, aspirations, and interests. By actively participating in the electoral process, rural denizens exercise their democratic rights, thereby having a direct hand in selecting leaders who will govern their communities.

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Community Engagement: The electoral process fosters community involvement in decision-making and promotes active participation in local governance matters. Through electoral campaigns, public forums, and voter turnout, rural inhabitants engage in shaping the trajectory of their villages, contributing ideas, and advocating for policies aligned with their priorities.

Accountability: Elections serve as a pivotal tool for holding elected representatives accountable for their actions and decisions. Through periodic elections, rural communities assess the performance of their leaders, scrutinize their policies, and demand transparency and answerability in governance. The specter of electoral defeat incentivizes elected officials to perform diligently and fulfill their electoral mandates.

Empowerment: Elections empower rural communities by affording them the opportunity to elect leaders who comprehend their needs and can effectively represent their interests. Through the electoral process, marginalized groups—including women, Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), and other disadvantaged sections of society—assert their rights and actively participate in governance.

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Local Development: Elections in rural local governance serve as catalysts for driving local development initiatives and addressing grassroots-level issues. Elected representatives, accountable to their constituents, advocate for infrastructure development, social welfare programs, and economic opportunities that contribute to the overall advancement and welfare of rural communities.

Social Cohesion: Elections nurture social cohesion and solidarity within rural communities by providing a platform for collective decision-making and consensus-building. 

IGNOU BPAC 112 Important Questions With Answers English Medium--Through the electoral process, diverse groups within rural areas converge to elect leaders who espouse the interests of the entire community, irrespective of caste, creed, or ethnicity.

Now, let's pivot to the mode of election for the Sarpanch the pivotal figurehead of the Gram Panchayat in India:

In India, the election of the Sarpanch village head is conducted through a democratic process delineated within the framework of the Panchayati Raj system, established by the 73rd Amendment to the Indian Constitution. The mode of election for the Sarpanch encompasses a blend of direct and indirect electoral processes, with variations observed across different states.

Direct Election: Across most states, the Sarpanch is directly elected by the residents of the village through universal adult suffrage. Eligible voters, comprising registered denizens of the village, cast their ballots to elect the Sarpanch. This direct electoral mechanism ensures that the Sarpanch is chosen by the populace they will represent, thereby enhancing democratic legitimacy and accountability.

Indirect Election: Conversely, in certain states, the election of the Sarpanch may entail an indirect process wherein elected representatives—referred to as Ward Members or Panchayat Members participate in the election. Under this indirect modality, Ward Members, elected by villagers from specific electoral wards within the village, vote to elect the Sarpanch from among themselves.

Reservation of Seats: Additionally, as per constitutional stipulations, seats for the Sarpanch may be reserved for marginalized groups such as women, Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), or other backward classes. This reservation mechanism ensures equitable representation and empowerment of historically marginalized segments of society in rural governance.

Role of Political Parties: While Panchayat elections are intended to be apolitical and non-partisan, political parties often exert influence in these elections, particularly in states where Sarpanch elections are conducted through direct voting. Candidates may contest independently or as representatives of political parties, with party affiliations potentially swaying voter preferences.

Electoral Process: The electoral process for the Sarpanch typically encompasses nomination, campaigning, polling, and vote tallying. Candidates file nominations, campaign to garner support from voters, and engage in public discourse. 

IGNOU BPAC 112 Important Questions With Answers English Medium--On polling day, eligible voters cast their votes, with the candidate securing the majority of votes being declared the winner.

Tenure and Responsibilities: Upon election, the Sarpanch assumes a fixed tenure, typically spanning five years, and shoulders the responsibility of presiding over Gram Panchayat meetings, implementing Panchayat decisions, overseeing local administration, and supervising the execution of developmental projects and welfare schemes in the village.

Q.2 Explain the objectives and significant steps in the preparation of Gram Panchayat Development Plan.

Q.3 What are the salient features of the Panchayats Extension to the Scheduled Areas (PESA) Act, 1996 ?

Q.4 “Zila Parishad is the third-tier of the Panchayati Raj structure, which is significant in rural local governance.” Comment

Q.5 What are the major institutional arrangements for the provision of services in rural areas ?

Q.6 Describe the significance of e-Governance in welfare of citizens, service delivery and rural development

Q.7 Interface between state and local government in financial sphere

Q.8 Discuss the role of State Election Commission in conducting Panchayat elections.

Q.9 What are the mandatory and discretionary provisions of the Constitution (Seventy-Third Amendment) Act, 1992 ?

Q.10 Explain the role of Intermediate Panchayat, District Panchyat and District Planning Committee in preparation of development plans.

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Q.11 Evolution of Local government in preindependence period.

Q.12 Definition and approaches to rural development.

Q.13 Analyse the role of Panchayati Raj Institutions in service delivery

Q.14 Discuss the practice of e-Governance in service delivery on the basis of case studies of Antyodaya Saral and Digital Land

Q.15 Elaborate the State-Local Government interface from an administrative perspective.




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