IGNOU BPAC 101 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU BPAC 101 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU BPAC 101 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-BPAC 101 Perspectives on Public Administration is a foundation course for students pursuing a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Public Administration (BAPAH) degree.

IGNOU BPAC 101 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

Course Structure:

  • Block-1 Conceptual and Classical Perspectives
  • Block-2 Behavioural, Systems and Socio-Psychological Perspectives
  • Block-3 Public Policy Perspective
  • Block-4 Political and Social Perspectives
  • Block-5 Contemporary Perspectives

Q.1 Discuss the nature and scope of Public Administration

Public administration serves as the bedrock of contemporary governance structures, orchestrating governmental functions to fulfill societal needs and aspirations efficiently. Its essence and breadth are intricate, evolving in tandem with societal, political, and economic dynamics. 

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IGNOU BPAC 101 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-The Nature of Public Administration: Public administration epitomizes the orchestration and execution of governmental policies and programs to achieve public objectives methodically. Its nature is multifaceted, marked by several defining characteristics:

Political Embodiment: Public administration operates within a political milieu, where decisions are shaped by elected officials, public sentiments, and democratic norms. Administrators must navigate these political waters while upholding principles of transparency and accountability.

Service-Centricity: Fundamentally, public administration is service-oriented, striving to address societal needs and provide essential services to citizens. It spans a multitude of sectors—from healthcare to education to transportation—aiming to ameliorate the quality of life for all members of society.

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IGNOU BPAC 101 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Bureaucratic Framework: Often situated within bureaucratic structures, public administration is characterized by hierarchical organization, division of labor, and adherence to procedural norms. While bureaucracy can enhance efficiency and consistency, it may also engender rigidity and red tape.

Legal Anchoring: Public administrators operate within a legal scaffold, bound by statutes, regulations, and laws that govern their actions. Adherence to legal imperatives is crucial to ensure the legitimacy and legality of governmental actions.

Public Answerability: Accountability forms the bedrock of public administration, ensuring that administrators are answerable for their decisions and actions. Administrators are beholden to elected representatives, the public, and other stakeholders, fostering openness and trust in governance.

The Scope of Public Administration: The purview of public administration is expansive, encompassing diverse functions, operations, and areas of responsibility. It spans various tiers of government—local, regional, national, and international. Key constituents of the public administration's scope comprise:

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Policy Conception and Execution: Public administrators play a pivotal role in devising and implementing governmental policies and programs. This entails conducting research, analyzing data, engaging stakeholders, and devising strategies to tackle public issues effectively.

Financial Oversight: Prudent management of public finances constitutes a cornerstone of public administration, involving budgeting, revenue generation, expenditure management, and financial reporting. Administrators must allocate resources judiciously to meet public imperatives while ensuring fiscal prudence.

Human Capital Management: Public administration entails the stewardship of human resources within governmental entities, encompassing recruitment, training, performance assessment, and labor relations. 

IGNOU BPAC 101 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Effective human resource management is imperative for nurturing a skilled and motivated workforce.

Service Provision: Public administrators are tasked with delivering essential services to citizens, ranging from healthcare and education to infrastructure and public safety. They must ensure that services are accessible, affordable, and of high quality, catering to the diverse needs of the populace.

Regulatory Vigilance: Public administration encompasses regulatory oversight aimed at safeguarding public interests and ensuring compliance with laws and regulations. This may entail licensing, inspections, enforcement actions, and regulatory reforms to bolster public welfare and safety.

Interjurisdictional Collaboration: Public administrators often engage in intergovernmental collaboration, liaising with other governmental levels, non-governmental organizations, and international bodies to address complex policy issues. This necessitates coordination, negotiation, and diplomacy to achieve shared objectives.

Challenges and Dynamics in Contemporary Public Administration: Contemporary public administration grapples with myriad challenges and dynamics precipitated by globalization, technological advancements, demographic shifts, and evolving societal expectations. Principal challenges encompass:

Technological Integration: Rapid technological progress has revolutionized public administration, offering avenues for innovation and efficiency. However, integrating new technologies mandates substantial investment, capacity enhancement, and addressing concerns regarding data privacy and cybersecurity.

Governance Complexity: The governance landscape has grown increasingly intricate with globalization, as governments contend with interconnected challenges like climate change, migration, and global health crises. Addressing these multifaceted issues necessitates collaborative approaches, multilateral cooperation, and adaptive governance frameworks.

Citizen Engagement: There is a burgeoning call for heightened citizen engagement and participation in governance processes, propelled by advances in communication technologies and a quest for transparent and accountable governance. Public administrators must embrace participatory mechanisms, such as citizen consultations, open data initiatives, and e-governance platforms, to fortify democratic legitimacy and responsiveness.

Fiscal Sustainability: Many governments confront fiscal constraints, including mounting debt, budget deficits, and competing expenditure demands. Public administrators must espouse prudent fiscal management practices, prioritize essential services, explore innovative financing mechanisms, and foster economic growth to ensure fiscal viability.

Diversity and Inclusion: Fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce is imperative for driving innovation, creativity, and organizational efficacy in public administration. 

IGNOU BPAC 101 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Administrators must champion diversity and equity initiatives, promote inclusive hiring practices, and cultivate a culture of respect and inclusivity within governmental entities.

Ethical Leadership and Integrity: Upholding ethical standards and integrity is indispensable for preserving public trust and confidence in governmental institutions. Public administrators must exemplify ethical leadership, abide by codes of conduct, and espouse principles of transparency, accountability, and integrity in decision-making processes.

Q.2 Critically examine the nature and scope of Scientific Management

Q.3 Explain M.P. Follet’s contribution to Administrative Management.

Q.4 ‘‘Marx questioned the status of bureaucracy as being receptive to the problems of the masses.’’ Discuss in the light of the nature of bureaucracy.

Q.5 Write a note on Post-Weberian bureaucratic narratives.

Q.6 Define Ecology and discuss the features of Agrarian and Industrial models.

Q.7 ‘‘The discipline of Public Administration gained impetus gradually.’’ Elucidate

Q.8 Examine Public Choice Approach and discuss its methodological base.

Q.9 Examine the concept, significance and scope of public administration

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Q.10 The Administrative Management School has become a subject of appraisal by modern management thinkers.’ Comment.

Q.11 Discuss the views of Hegel and Marx on Bureaucracy.

Q.12 Define Public administration and discuss its relationship with Private administration.

Q.13 Explain Henri Fayol’s contribution to the Classical theory.

Q.14 Describe the features of prismatic societies as in the Riggsian Model.

Q.15 Discuss the features of New Public Administration


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