MEG 08 Solved Assignment 2021-22
MEG 08 Solved Assignment 2021-22: MEG 08 NEW LITERATURES IN
ENGLISH Solved Assignment 2021-22 MEG 08 Assignment 2021-22 All IGNOU Assignment
available at our website. IGNOU University always being in picture due to its
IGNOU Assignment Date Extended. In this post Student will Get MEG 08 Solved
Assignment 2021-22
MEG 08 Solved Assignment 2021-22
MEG - 08
ASSIGNMENT 2021 - 2022
(Based on Blocks (1 – 8)
Max. Marks: 100
all the ten questions and answer each question in approximately 500 words.
The colonial educational system was inadequate for the creation of a national
consciousness, with regard to the Caribbean identity. Do you agree? Give
reasons for your answer.
Following World War I and the destruction of the Ottoman
Empire, new states emerged, which—with the exception of Turkey and Iran—fell
under French or British control. Although the new countries inherited
educational institutions of various size, each needed to build a new
educational system, either from scratch or by expanding a small existing
system. Each country sought to use education to provide the skilled manpower
required for national development and to socialize its diverse population into
feeling loyal to the new state. Educational expansion was pursued everywhere,
but the particular pattern of change was profoundly affected by the nature of
the political regime, particularly by colonial status. In Lebanon, Syria,
Tunisia, Morocco, and Algeria, educational policy reflected French interests.
In Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, and Iraq, British policy prevailed.
Both colonial powers shared similar goals: to preserve the
status quo, train a limited number of mid-level bureaucrats, limit the growth
of nationalism, and, especially in the case of France, impose its culture and
language. Accordingly, they limited educational expansion, particularly at the
higher levels, even though the demand continued to grow. Private, foreign, and
missionary schools were favoured everywhere as alternatives for the upper
classes to the inadequate public schools. The public systems were centrally
administered. Their curricula were usually copied from the British or the
French and thus were of limited relevance to local needs; the numbers and
quality of teachers were seldom adequate; and dropout rates were high. Few
modern schools were to be found in the Arabian Peninsula. Only in Lebanon and
in the Jewish community in Palestine (which developed its own educational
system) were significant numbers of students enrolled in modern schools.
Elsewhere only a small percentage of the populace (including a few women)
received a modern education.
Upon achieving independence, the Middle Eastern countries
nationalized the private schools, which were regarded as promoting alien
religions and cultures, and greatly expanded educational opportunities, especially
at the upper levels. Egypt, for example, in 1925 nationalized a small, poor
private institution (founded in Cairo in 1908) and made it into a national
university and subsequently opened state universities in Alexandria (1942) and
ʿAin Shams (1950). The newly independent countries also sought to equalize
educational opportunities. Iraq provided free tuition and scholarships to
lower-class students. Syria, in 1946, made primary education free and
compulsory. Jordan enacted a series of laws calling for free and compulsory
education and placed strict controls on foreign schools, especially the
missionary ones. Despite their importance, these reforms did not transform
education. The schools in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, and Jordan, for example,
continued to be characterized by rigidity, formalism, high dropout rates, and
limited relevance to national needs. Moreover, rapid population increases often
offset the educational gains, especially in Egypt. Egypt also could not
overcome the existing fragmentation of its educational system. Its modern
system was divided into schools for the masses and schools that provided access
to the higher levels for the elite. Both types coexisted uneasily with the
traditional Islamic schools, which ran the gamut from rudimentary primary
schools to the venerable al-Azhar University.
What are the geographical and socio-political contexts that have shaped the
literature of Australia?
There is a definite relationship between history and literature. Keeping this
in mind analyse A Grain of Wheat as a complex portrayal of history.
Analyse A Dance of the Forests vis-à-vis the Nigerian independence; the
relation of tradition to history; and the relation of the artist to politics.
Analyse Ice-Candy Man as a novel of Partition.
What is the significance of the title A House for Mr. Biswas? Give a detailed
Attempt a critical analysis of the poem ‘Names’ by Derek Walcott.
Critically analyse the poem ‘Angel/Engine’ by Edward Brathwaite.
The Solid Mandala is a play of dualities. Do you agree? Give reasons for your
Attempt a character sketch of Hagar Shipley in the novel The Stone Angel.
MEG 08 NEW LITERATURES IN ENGLISH SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2021-22: MEG 08 SOLVED Assignment 2021-22, MEG 08 Assignment
2021-22, MEG 08 Assignment, IGNOU Assignments 2021-22- Gandhi
National Open University had recently uploaded the assignments of the present
session for Programme for the year 2021-22. Students are recommended to
download their Assignments from this webpage itself. They don’t got to go
anywhere else when everything regarding the Assignments are available during
this article only.
MEG 08 Solved Assignment
2021-22: FREE IGNOU Assignment You
can Get All students of university who needs to submit assignments should
download old assignments of the respective course of 2021 available above and
submit at the concerned study center. The last dates will be 30th April and 30th
October of every year until their registration is valid. New assignments will
not be available any more for students as course was revised.
How can we submit Ignou assignment?
IGNOU MEG 08 Solved Assignment 2021-22: Now students have
to submit their assignments online to Madhyam before the
scheduled date. You can submit your
annual assignment through the online link. Through the
online submission links issued by the university, you
can submit your assignment from home.
How can I submit Ignou assignment online 2021?
The email must carry the following details of the sender:
· 1. Name of the learner:
· 2. Enrollment number:
· 3. Regional Centre Code:
· 4. Study Centre Code:
· 5. Programme Code:
· 6. Course Code(s) of
attached assignments:
· 7. Mobile number:
· 8. Email ID:
How can I get first page of Ignou assignment?
The first page must include the following information.
· 1. Name.
· 2. Roll number.
· 3. Address.
· 4. Assignment number.
· 5. Name of the course.
· 6. Study Centre.
· 7. Programme.
Let’s see all these subjects-
MEG 01 BRITISH POETRY Solved Assignment 2021-22
MEG 02 British Drama Solved Assignment 2021-2022
MEG 03 British Novel Solved Assignment 2021-2022
MEG 04 Aspects of Language Solved Assignment 2021-2022
MEG 05 Literary Criticism and Theory SolvedAssignment 2021-2022
MEG 06 AmericanLiterature Solved Assignment 2021-2022
MEG 07 INDIAN ENGLISH LITERATURE Solved Assignment 2021-2022
MEG 08 NEW LITERATURES IN ENGLISH Solved Assignment 2021-2022
MEG 09 AUSTRALIAN LITERATURE Solved Assignment 2021-2022
MEG 10 ENGLISH STUDIES IN INDIA Solved Assignment 2021-2022
MEG 11 AMERICAN NOVEL Solved Assignment 2021-2022
MEG 13 WRITINGS FROM THE MARGINS Solved Assignment 2021-2022
Date of submission.
You also directly download IGNOU Assignment Question Paper from
– Follow the advice and Guidelines by IGNOU University , For
checking Guidelines you can see your question paper clearly, after seeing the
question paper candidate still have any query related with IGNOU Solved
Assignment , they can ask to their teacher if Students want any information
they also can contact us. MEG 08 Solved Assignment 2021-22 We will
provide all IGNOU Help – 8130208920 (From 10:00AM to 7:00PM)
IGNOU Assignment Status 2021-22
MEG 08 NEW LITERATURES IN ENGLISH Solved Assignment 2021-22 : Those students who had successfully submitted their
Assignments to their allocated study centres can now check their Assignment
Status. Alongside assignment status, they will also checkout their assignment
marks & result. MEG 08 Solved Assignment 2021-22 All this is often
available in a web mode. After submitting the assignment, you'll check you
IGNOU Assignment Status only after 3-4 weeks. it'd take 40 days to declare.
Those students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to
their allocated study centres can now check their Assignment Status. Along with
assignment status, they can also checkout their assignment marks & result.
All this is available in an online mode. After submitting the assignment, you
can check you IGNOU Assignment Status only after 3-4 weeks. It might take 40
days to declare.
Here the students can check their IGNOU Assignment Status,
marks, result or both the sessions i.e; June & December. MEG 08
Solved Assignment 2021-22 Once the TEE assignments have been submitted to
the Centres, it is send to the evaluation department. After which the
evaluation of IGNOU Assignment Solutions takes place.
MEG 08 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Once the TEE assignments are submitted to the Centres, it's
send to the evaluation department. After which the evaluation of IGNOU
Assignment Solutions takes place.
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