IGNOU MSW 006 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU MSW 006 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU MSW 006 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-MSW 006 Social Work Research is a course offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for its Master of Social Work (MSW) program. It is a core course that introduces students to the fundamentals of research in social work, including research methods, data collection, analysis, and writing.

IGNOU MSW 006 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

  • Course Structure:
  • Block 1: Basics of Research in Social Work
  • Block 2: Research Methods in Social Work
  • Block 3: Tools and Methods of Data Collection
  • Block 4: Data Processing and Analysis

Q.1 Describe the various stages in Research Process.

The research process is a methodical and structured endeavor that guides investigators through a series of stages, ensuring a systematic approach to uncovering new knowledge or addressing existing problems. These stages provide a comprehensive framework that directs researchers from the identification of a research problem to the dissemination of their findings, promoting methodological rigor and credibility. The various stages in the research process can be broadly categorized into the following:

Identification of the Research Problem: The initial stage involves the careful selection of a research topic or problem. This step requires a thoughtful examination of the researcher's interests, the significance of the issue, and the feasibility of conducting a study on the chosen topic. 

IGNOU MSW 006 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-A thorough review of existing literature is imperative to identify gaps in knowledge and ascertain that the selected problem has not been exhaustively studied.

Literature Review: A meticulous literature review is crucial for understanding the existing body of knowledge related to the research problem. Researchers must scrutinize relevant studies, theories, and methodologies to discern gaps, contradictions, and areas requiring further exploration. A well-conducted literature review serves as the basis for refining research questions, hypotheses, and establishing the theoretical framework for the study.

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Formulation of Hypotheses or Research Questions: Based on insights gained from the literature review, researchers develop hypotheses or research questions to guide the study. Hypotheses provide specific statements predicting variable relationships, while research questions present broader inquiries requiring exploration. The precision and clarity of these elements are essential for subsequent research design and execution.

Research Design: The research design outlines the overall plan for conducting the study. Researchers must decide on the research type (e.g., descriptive, exploratory, experimental), data collection methods (e.g., surveys, interviews, experiments), and the sampling strategy. A well-thought-out design ensures the validity and reliability of the results.

Data Collection: In this stage, researchers implement the chosen research design to collect data. This may involve conducting experiments, administering surveys, observing behaviors, or utilizing other data collection methods. 

IGNOU MSW 006 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Researchers must ensure that their chosen methods align with the research objectives and adhere to ethical principles, avoiding biases in their data collection.

Data Analysis: Once data is collected, researchers utilize statistical or qualitative methods for analysis. The choice of analysis depends on the research design and the nature of the data. Through analysis, researchers identify patterns, trends, and relationships, thereby answering research questions or testing hypotheses.

Interpretation of Results: Following data analysis, researchers interpret the results in the context of their research questions or hypotheses. They discuss the implications of their findings, relate them to existing literature, and explore the broader significance of their work. Clear interpretation is crucial for drawing meaningful conclusions and contributing to the body of knowledge in the field.

Conclusion and Recommendations: Researchers conclude their study by summarizing key findings and presenting recommendations for future research or practical applications. Conclusions should be supported by the study's results, contributing valuable insights to the resolution of the research problem.

Documentation and Reporting: The final stage involves documenting the entire research process and reporting findings. Researchers typically compose a research paper or thesis, adhering to academic standards and guidelines. Proper documentation ensures transparency, replicability, and the dissemination of knowledge to the academic community and beyond.

Peer Review and Publication: Before research gains widespread acceptance, it undergoes a rigorous peer-review process. Experts in the field critically evaluate the study's design, methodology, analysis, and conclusions. 

IGNOU MSW 006 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Once accepted, the research is published, adding to the scholarly literature and advancing knowledge in the respective field.

Q.2 Discuss the concept and levels of measurement in social research.

Q.3 What is case study method ? Explain the major steps involved in case study method.

Q.4 Define data. Describe the methods of data collection.

Q.5 Describe briefly the measures of Central tendency.

Q.6 Explain different research methodologies used in social work.

Q.7 Discuss different types of Evaluation Research Design.

Q.8 Define observation. Discuss its types and stages.

Q.9 Explain the meaning of hypothesis, its importance and various types of hypotheses.

Q.10 Describe the steps involved in experimental  research.

Q.11 Define a non-probability sample and describe the various types of non-probability sample.

Q.12 Define data. Describe the methods of data collection.

Q.13 Discuss the different research methodologies used in social work.

Q.14 Describe different types of evaluation research designs.

Q.15 Explain the issues of trustworthiness and objectivity in qualitative studies.


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