IGNOU MRD 102 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU MRD 102 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

MRD 102, also known as Rural Development Programmes, is another course offered by IGNOU as part of their Master of Arts (Rural Development) programme. Following MRD 101's introductory focus, this second-year course delves deeper into specific programmes and initiatives aimed at rural development in India.

IGNOU MRD 102 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

Course Structure:       

  • Block 1: Poverty Alleviation Programmes - A Retrospect: This block examines past poverty alleviation programmes in India, analyzing their goals, achievements, and shortcomings.
  • Block 2: Programmes for Self & Wage Employment and Social Security - Current Strategy: This block focuses on contemporary programmes supporting self-employment, wage employment, and social security for rural populations.
  • Block 3: Other Development Programmes: This block explores various other programmes related to rural development, covering diverse areas like education, health, infrastructure, and environment.
  • Block 4: Rural Basic Services and Infrastructure: This block delves into essential services and infrastructure for rural communities, addressing areas like education, healthcare, housing, sanitation, electrification, and connectivity.
  • Block 5: Natural Resource Management and Environment: This block highlights the significance of sustainable natural resource management and environmental protection in rural development.

Q.1 Explain Regional Food Security. Suggest measures to stabilise food grain prices.

Regional food security refers to the ability of a specific geographic area, such as a country, state, or community, to ensure a reliable and sustainable access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food for its population. It involves not only the production and availability of food within a particular region but also factors such as distribution, accessibility, and affordability. Regional food security is a critical aspect of overall food security at the global level, as it contributes to the well-being and stability of communities, economies, and nations.

IGNOU MRD 102 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Several factors influence regional food security, including climate conditions, agricultural practices, infrastructure, economic stability, and government policies. The vulnerability of a region to food insecurity can stem from a combination of these factors, making it imperative to adopt comprehensive measures to enhance and stabilize the food supply. One key aspect of regional food security is the stability of food grain prices, as fluctuations can impact both producers and consumers, leading to economic and social challenges.

Stabilizing food grain prices involves addressing various factors in the agricultural and food supply chain. Here are some measures that can contribute to achieving price stability:

1. Diversification of Crops:

Encouraging farmers to diversify their crop production can help stabilize food grain prices. Over-reliance on a few staple crops can lead to vulnerabilities due to factors like climate change, pests, and diseases. Diversification ensures a more resilient agricultural system, reducing the impact of specific challenges on overall food production and prices

2. Improved Agricultural Practices:

IGNOU MRD 102 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Implementing and promoting modern and sustainable agricultural practices can enhance productivity and reduce the risk of crop failures. This includes the use of advanced technologies, precision farming, efficient irrigation methods, and sustainable soil management. These practices contribute to a consistent and reliable food supply, which can help stabilize prices.

Also Read-

3. Investment in Infrastructure:

Adequate infrastructure is crucial for the smooth functioning of the agricultural supply chain. Investment in transportation, storage facilities, and market infrastructure can reduce post-harvest losses, ensure timely delivery of produce to markets, and prevent price volatility. Efficient infrastructure helps in maintaining a steady supply of food grains, contributing to stable prices.

4. Market Interventions and Price Support Mechanisms:

IGNOU MRD 102 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Governments can implement market interventions and price support mechanisms to stabilize food grain prices. This may include minimum support prices (MSP), where the government ensures a minimum price for certain crops, and procurement mechanisms to buy excess produce during bumper harvests. These measures provide a safety net for farmers and contribute to price stability.

5. Risk Management and Crop Insurance:

Introducing and promoting crop insurance schemes helps farmers mitigate the financial risks associated with crop failures due to unforeseen events such as natural disasters or adverse weather conditions. Having a reliable insurance system in place can encourage farmers to invest in agriculture without the fear of complete financial loss, contributing to price stability.

6. Promotion of Sustainable Farming Practices:

Sustainable farming practices, such as organic farming and agroecology, not only contribute to environmental conservation but also enhance the resilience of crops. These practices can result in more stable yields, reducing the vulnerability of farmers to external shocks and contributing to price stability in the long run.

7. Research and Development in Agriculture:

Continuous research and development in agriculture lead to the introduction of improved crop varieties, pest-resistant strains, and innovative farming techniques. Investing in agricultural research ensures that farmers have access to the latest technologies, enhancing productivity and contributing to stable food grain prices.

8. Capacity Building and Training:

Providing farmers with training and capacity-building programs equips them with the knowledge and skills needed to adopt modern agricultural practices. This, in turn, enhances productivity, reduces wastage, and contributes to a stable food supply, helping stabilize prices.

9. Efficient Supply Chain Management:

Streamlining the supply chain from farm to consumer is essential for price stability. Efficient logistics, storage, and distribution systems help prevent wastage and ensure that the right quantity of food grains reaches consumers in a timely manner, preventing sudden price fluctuations.

10. Promotion of Agribusiness and Value Addition:

Encouraging agribusiness and value addition in the agricultural sector can create additional income streams for farmers. Processing and packaging agricultural products closer to the source can add value to the produce, contributing to stable prices and income for farmers.

Q.2 What do you understand by concept of elementary education ? Highlight the major thrusts of National Policy on Education (NPE),1986.

Q.3 What do you understand by Rural Employment Generation Programme ? Describe the main aspects of this programme.

Q.4 Describe the main objectives and promotional measures of Rashtriya Mahila Kosh.

Q.5 Describe basic features of National Health Care Programmes.

Q.6 What do you understand by Social Forestry ? Explain the main types of Social Forestry in rural areas.

Q.7 Discuss the significance and application of science and technology in the context of rural development.

Q.8 Describe the objectives, guiding principles and  important features of Integrated Wasteland Development Programme (IVVDP).

Q.9 What are objectives and functions of Rashtriya  Mahila Kosh (RMK) ? Discuss the important aspects of main loan schemes implemented under RMK.

Q.10 Discuss the implementation mechanism of  Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna (SGSY).

Q.11 Describe major initiatives undertaken by the  government in order to achieve Universalisation of Elementary Education (UEE)

Q.12 Briefly describe the salient features of Jawahar Rozgar Yojna.

Q.13 Discuss the mechanism of implementation of the National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) ?

Q.14 Explain the main aspects of National Health Policy.

Q.15 What are the objectives and functions of Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK) ? Discuss the important aspects of Main Loan Scheme implemented under RMK.


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