IGNOU MPA 018 Important Questions With Answers English Medium
IGNOU MPA 018 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-In IGNOU's MPA program, MPA-018 typically
represents Disaster Management. This course delves into various aspects of
disaster preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery, focusing on public
administration's role in these crucial stages.
- Disaster Management Cycle: Phases of disaster, risk assessment, vulnerability analysis, early warning systems.
- Recent Trends: Climate change and disasters, urban disasters, technological disasters.
- Disaster Preparedness in the Indian Context: National Disaster Management Framework, role of various agencies, community-based preparedness.
- Disaster Prevention: Structural and non-structural measures, mitigation strategies, land use planning.
- Resource Analysis and Mobilization: Human resources, financial resources, material resources, international cooperation.
- Disaster Mitigation: Integrated approach, flood mitigation, drought mitigation, earthquake mitigation, cyclone mitigation.
- Community Based Disaster Management: Role of communities, capacity building, local knowledge, traditional coping mechanisms.
- Disaster Response: Search and rescue operations, emergency medical care, evacuation, damage assessment.
- Disaster Recovery: Rehabilitation, reconstruction, psychosocial support, livelihood restoration.
Discuss the relationship between disaster and development with the help of examples from
developed and developing countries.
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), established by the United Nations in 2000, set ambitious targets to address a range of global challenges, including poverty, hunger, education, gender equality, and healthcare.
IGNOU MPA 018 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-While the original MDGs did not explicitly focus on disaster risk
reduction, the subsequent global development framework, the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), incorporated this critical aspect. Nevertheless, it
is essential to recognize the intrinsic link between disaster risk reduction and
various MDGs, as disasters often exacerbate existing vulnerabilities and hinder
progress towards sustainable development.
One of the key Millennium Development Goals related to disaster risk reduction was Goal 1: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger. Poverty and hunger are intertwined with vulnerability to disasters, as impoverished communities are often more susceptible to the devastating impacts of natural hazards.
IGNOU MPA 018 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Achieving this goal involves not only addressing immediate humanitarian needs in the aftermath of disasters but also implementing long-term strategies to build resilience and reduce the risk of future events. Efforts to eradicate poverty and hunger should consider the potential impact of disasters on vulnerable populations, ensuring that development interventions contribute to increased resilience and sustainable livelihoods.
Goal 2 of the MDGs aimed to achieve universal primary education. While this goal does not directly address disaster risk reduction, education plays a crucial role in building resilience and reducing vulnerability. Communities with better access to education are often more informed and prepared to respond to disasters. Integrating disaster risk reduction into educational curricula can enhance awareness, empower communities to develop early warning systems, and promote a culture of safety.
Also Read-
As part of
the broader development agenda, ensuring universal access to quality education
contributes to building a foundation for resilient societies capable of
withstanding and recovering from disasters.
Goal 3 focused on promoting gender equality and empowering
women. Gender disparities exacerbate the vulnerability of women and girls to
the impacts of disasters. Recognizing this, disaster risk reduction initiatives
should prioritize gender-sensitive approaches that address the specific needs
and challenges faced by women. Empowering women through education, economic
opportunities, and active participation in decision-making processes
strengthens community resilience. By mainstreaming gender considerations into
disaster risk reduction strategies, progress can be made towards achieving Goal
3 and creating more equitable and resilient societies.
The fourth MDG aimed to reduce child mortality. While the
direct link between child mortality and disaster risk reduction may not be
immediately apparent, disasters significantly impact children's health and
well-being. Access to healthcare, clean water, and sanitation becomes crucial
in the aftermath of disasters to prevent the spread of diseases and reduce
child mortality rates. Integrating disaster risk reduction into healthcare
systems and ensuring their resilience can contribute to achieving Goal 4 by
safeguarding the health of vulnerable populations, especially children, during
and after disasters.
Goal 5 emphasized improving maternal health. Similarly to
child mortality, the health of pregnant women and mothers is profoundly
affected by disasters. Ensuring access to maternal healthcare services and
promoting resilient health systems are critical components of disaster risk
reduction efforts. Addressing the unique needs of pregnant women and mothers
during emergencies contributes to achieving Goal 5 and ensures that maternal
health is not compromised during and after disasters. Goal 6 sought to combat
HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases.
IGNOU MPA 018 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-While this goal primarily focused on infectious diseases,
disasters can exacerbate health challenges, especially in vulnerable
communities. Disruptions to healthcare services, the displacement of
populations, and compromised infrastructure can contribute to the spread of
diseases in the aftermath of disasters. Therefore, integrating disaster risk
reduction into public health strategies is crucial to achieving Goal 6 and
preventing the resurgence of infectious diseases in disaster-affected areas.
Goal 7 aimed to ensure environmental sustainability. This
goal encompasses a broad range of issues, including access to clean water,
sanitation, and sustainable urban development. Disasters often strain
environmental resources, and inadequate infrastructure can contribute to
increased vulnerability. Sustainable development practices, including resilient
infrastructure and urban planning, are essential for reducing the risk of
disasters and ensuring the long-term well-being of communities. Therefore,
integrating disaster risk reduction into environmental sustainability efforts contributes
to achieving Goal
The eighth and final MDG focused on developing a global
partnership for development. This goal acknowledged the need for collaboration
among nations, international organizations, and other stakeholders to address
global challenges collectively. In the context of disaster risk reduction,
fostering international cooperation is crucial. Disasters often transcend
national boundaries, requiring coordinated efforts to share knowledge,
resources, and technology. The establishment of global partnerships for
disaster risk reduction enhances the capacity of nations to prepare for,
respond to, and recover from disasters, contributing to the overall success of
Goal 8.
Describe issues and responses to disaster Management in mountainous regions.
Define vulnerability and describe its relationship with capacity.
Examine the types and characteristics of corporate social responsibility with respect
to disaster management.
Discuss the principles of community based disaster management.
Describe the various management guidelines for temporary shelter provision
during disasters.
Explain the different types of damage reports
Identify the different types of rehabilitation.
Examine the role of sustainable development in disaster management.
10 Discuss the role of disaster management authorities in disaster management.
Discuss the international approach to disaster management.
Describe the guidelines for prevention of droughts.
Explain vulnerability analysis and its processers.
the local sources of resource mobilization.
Discuss briefly the Millennium Development Goals to be addressed for disaster
risk reduction.
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