IGNOU MPA 013 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU MPA 013 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU MPA 013 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-MPA 013 Public Systems Management based on my understanding, MPA-013 Public Systems Management seems to be a course offered as part of the Master of Public Administration (MPA) program at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), but it might also be available in other institutions.


IGNOU MPA 013 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

Course Structure:

  • Unit 1: Public Systems Management: Concept, Nature, Scope and Characteristics
  • Unit 2: Distinctiveness of Public Systems Management
  • Unit 3: Public Systems Management: Constitutional Context
  • Unit 4: Public Systems Management: Political Context
  • Unit 5: Public Systems Management: Socio-economic Context
  • Unit 6: New Technologies and Public Systems Management
  • Unit 7: Concept of Governance: An Introduction
  • Unit 8: Governance: Role of Bureaucracy and Political Executive
  • Unit 9: Governance: Role of the Legislature and the Judiciary
  • Unit 10: Inter-governmental Relations in the Process of Governance
  • Unit 11: Financial Management
  • Unit 12: Materials/Logistics Management
  • Unit 13: Strategic Management
  • Unit 14: Key Management Tools
  • Unit 15: Management Information System
  • Unit 16: Work Measurement
  • Unit 17: Selective Market Techniques
  • Unit 18: Future Designing Techniques
  • Unit 19: Accountability
  • Unit 20: Responsiveness in Public System Management

Q.1 Examine the changing nature of public service.

The transformation of public service is a complex and dynamic process influenced by various factors, including societal changes, technological advancements, and evolving citizen expectations. This evolution encompasses shifts in the role, structure, and delivery mechanisms of public service, presenting both opportunities and challenges in the contemporary landscape.

IGNOU MPA 013 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Historically, public service was primarily associated with government bureaucracy, focusing on core functions like law enforcement, education, and healthcare. However, as societies have become more intricate and interconnected, the scope of public service has expanded. 

Also Read-

Governments are now increasingly involved in addressing diverse issues such as environmental sustainability, social justice, and economic development, reflecting a broader and more comprehensive approach to governance.

IGNOU MPA 013 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-This broadened role is a response to changing citizen expectations, with people seeking a more responsive and inclusive form of governance. Participatory democracy and the rise of social media have empowered citizens to engage directly with government entities, leading to a shift towards a more citizen-centric approach. Transparency, accountability, and responsiveness to the needs and aspirations of the public have become central tenets of modern public service.

In addition to changes in its role, the structure of public service has undergone significant transformations. The traditional hierarchical bureaucratic model is giving way to more agile and collaborative structures. This shift is driven by the imperative for faster decision-making in an increasingly fast-paced world. Governments are adopting flatter organizational structures, integrating digital technologies, and fostering a culture of innovation to enhance their effectiveness.

IGNOU MPA 013 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Technological advancements play a pivotal role in reshaping public service. The digital revolution has not only transformed internal government operations but has also revolutionized service delivery mechanisms. E-governance initiatives, online service portals, and digital communication channels have streamlined processes and improved the accessibility of public services. However, this digital transformation also introduces challenges, including concerns about data security, privacy, and the potential exclusion of segments of the population due to the digital divide.

The evolving nature of public service is also evident in the changing methods of service delivery. Traditional government offices are increasingly complemented, and in some cases replaced, by online platforms and mobile applications. This shift towards digital service delivery enhances convenience for citizens, allowing them to access government services at their convenience. Nevertheless, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility for all citizens, including those with limited digital literacy, remains a significant challenge.

Collaboration and partnership have become defining features of contemporary public service. Governments are recognizing the importance of engaging with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the private sector, and community-based organizations to address complex challenges. Public-private partnerships (PPPs) have gained prominence as a means to leverage the strengths of both sectors and enhance the efficiency of service delivery.

Despite these positive changes, the evolving nature of public service presents challenges. Governments must adapt to the rapid pace of technological advancements, a task often hindered by the inertia of traditional bureaucratic structures. Additionally, ensuring the cybersecurity of digital systems and protecting sensitive citizen data poses an ongoing challenge in the digital era.

Meeting the growing expectations of citizens within constrained budgets is another critical challenge. The demand for high-quality public services is rising, but fiscal limitations necessitate innovative approaches to resource allocation, focusing on outcomes rather than inputs.

The changing nature of public service is also intertwined with the global landscape. Global challenges such as climate change, pandemics, and migration require international cooperation and coordination. Public servants now need to navigate complex global issues and collaborate with counterparts from different countries and regions, demanding a shift in mindset and the development of diplomatic and intercultural competencies.

Moreover, the emphasis on diversity and inclusion has become central to the evolving public service landscape. Governments increasingly recognize the value of a diverse workforce that mirrors the demographic composition of the society it serves. This recognition extends beyond symbolism, as diverse teams are proven to be more innovative and better equipped to understand and address the diverse needs of the population.

Q.2 Analyse the major maladies of Public Systems Management.

Q.3 Explain the constitutional environment in which public systems operate in India

Q.4 Discuss the role of new technologies in Public Systems Management.

Q.5 Describe the various forms of governance.

Q.6 Discuss the various types of information systems.

Q.7 Elaborate the important ways through which the efficiency and productivity of public systems can be increased.

Q.8 Describe the important mechanisms for responsiveness in Public Systems Management.

Q.9 Explain the concept and scope of public systems management.

Q.10 ‘Economic factors affect the nature, organisation and functioning of public systems.' Discuss.

Q.11 Highlight the contextual uses of governance.

Q.12 Analyse the role of legislature in governance.

Q.13 Analyse the social factors that affect the organisation and working of Public Systems Management in India.

Q.14 Explain the concept of governance and briefly examine its various forms.

Q.15 Discuss the concept and objectives of work measurement.


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