IGNOU MANE 004 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU MANE 004 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU MANE 004 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-MANE 004 Gender and Society delves into the complex and ever-evolving relationship between gender and societal structures. This course likely explores how social norms, cultural values, and power dynamics shape our understanding and experience of gender, both individually and collectively.

IGNOU MANE 004 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

Course Structure:

  • Block-1 Approaches To The Study Of Gender
  • Block-2 Theorising Gender
  • Block-3 Social Construction Of Gender
  • Block-4 Gender Relations In Social Institutions
  • Block-5 Gender And Work
  • Block-6 Social Stratification And Gender
  • Block-7 Cross Cultural Perspectives
  • Block-8 Women In India And Some Insights

Q.1 What do you understand by patriarchy? Discuss the Marxist perspective on the origin of patriarchy.

Patriarchy embodies a societal structure where power and authority predominantly favor men, resulting in the marginalization and oppression of women across various spheres of life. This system manifests in unequal access to resources, restrictive gender roles, and institutionalized discrimination against women. Understanding the origins of patriarchy from a Marxist perspective provides insights into how class-based societies and the evolution of private property contributed to its establishment and perpetuation.

Also Read-

IGNOU MANE 004 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-According to Marxist theory, patriarchy stems from the emergence of private property and the transition from communal to class-based societies. Pre-capitalist societies, characterized by communal ownership and relatively fluid gender roles, saw women actively participating in economic production and decision-making. However, as societies shifted towards private ownership of resources, wealth accumulation, and class divisions, patriarchy emerged as a means to uphold and consolidate hierarchical structures.

The transition to agriculture and sedentary societies marked a pivotal shift, as private property ownership became central. This shift allowed some individuals, primarily men, to amass wealth and power, leading to the establishment of patrilineal inheritance systems and patriarchal family structures. These structures ensured the transmission of property and privilege along male lines, reinforcing the dominance of male elites within society.

IGNOU MANE 004 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Furthermore, the division of labor within emerging class-based societies reinforced patriarchal norms. Men primarily engaged in tasks related to land cultivation and resource management, while women were confined to domestic responsibilities and reproductive labor. This division justified the subordination of women and further entrenched gender-based hierarchies.

With the advent of capitalism, patriarchy evolved to serve the interests of capitalist elites. Capitalism intensified the exploitation of women's labor, both within the household and the capitalist economy. Women's unpaid domestic labor became indispensable for reproducing the labor force, yet remained undervalued within the capitalist system.

IGNOU MANE 004 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-The nuclear family, promoted by capitalist societies, emerged as a cornerstone institution for reproducing capitalist relations of production. This institution, characterized by gendered division of labor and hierarchical dynamics, perpetuated patriarchal power structures across generations. Additionally, capitalist ideology, emphasizing individualism and competition, reinforced patriarchal values and justified gender inequalities.

Marxist feminists emphasize the role of ideology in sustaining patriarchy. Dominant capitalist ideologies propagate values that legitimize gender-based inequalities and uphold male superiority. Through media, education, and cultural institutions, patriarchal ideologies are disseminated, further entrenching gender disparities in society.

Q.2 Critically discuss the American feminist psychological thoughts in the study of gender.

Q.3 Discuss socialization and examine the role of schools and peers in the gendered socialization of a child.

Q.4 How was gender as a concept introduced into anthropological theory? Discuss some of its main contributions.

Q.5 What are the different life stages that a woman goes through? Discuss two life course events highlighting how they affect a woman's identity and position in society.

Q.6 What is sexuality? Discuss Indian sexuality from a Fowcaultian perspective.

Q.7 Can there be gender equity in the process of globalisation? Discuss from the perspective of women work and globalisation.

Q.8 What is gender socialisation ? Discuss in detail the role of family and kinship in the socialisation of a child.

Q.9 Discuss in detail the psychoanalytical theories originating in either America or France.

Q.10 Define femininity and masculinity. Discuss them from the perspective of sexuality, religion and culture.

Q.11 Discuss the major contributions made by anthropologists to the study of gender.

Q.12 Elucidate the contribution of different feminist perspective in comprehending the clan and gender relation.

Q.13 Discuss various theoretical approaches to the process of socialisation. What are the roles of agents of socialisation ?

Q.14 Assess how public policies have contributed to women's empowerment.

Q.15 How negative effects of globalisation can be minimized by mainstreaming gender in our social and economic policies ?


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