IGNOU MANE 003 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU MANE 003 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU MANE 003 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-MANE 003 Comparative Ethnography sounds like a fascinating course delving into the unique approach of conducting research by comparing and contrasting ethnographic studies across different cultural contexts.

IGNOU MANE 003 Important Questions With Answers English Medium
Course Structure:

  • Block-1 Introduction to Ethnography
  • Block-2 Approaches to Ethnography
  • Block-3 Kinship, Family And Marriage
  • Block-4 Social Stratification
  • Block-5 Religion And Rituals
  • Block-6 Economic And Political Organisation
  • Block-7 Gender And Sexualities
  • Block-8 Development And Change

Q.1 Discuss the history of anthropological study in the context of ethics. Deliberate on its relevance in research methodology.

Throughout the 20th century, the trajectory of anthropological study has been deeply intertwined with ethical considerations, reflecting the discipline's evolving awareness of the ethical implications of research practices and the need for responsible engagement with research subjects. 

IGNOU MANE 003 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Originating as a discipline in the late 19th century, anthropology initially navigated a landscape largely devoid of ethical frameworks, with researchers often operating under colonial paradigms that prioritized the acquisition of knowledge over ethical concerns. This era was characterized by instances of exploitation, cultural insensitivity, and the imposition of Western values onto non-Western societies.

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However, as anthropology matured and scholars grappled with the ethical dimensions of their work, there emerged a growing recognition of the importance of ethical guidelines and standards of conduct. Professional associations such as the American Anthropological Association (AAA) began to establish ethical codes and principles, emphasizing concepts such as respect for cultural diversity, informed consent, confidentiality, and minimizing harm to research participants. These ethical codes served as guiding principles for anthropologists, informing their research practices and interactions with research subjects.

One of the central ethical principles that emerged in the 20th century was cultural relativism, which emphasized the importance of understanding and respecting cultural differences without imposing external judgments or values. This principle challenged ethnocentric perspectives and underscored the need for cultural sensitivity and humility in anthropological research. Anthropologists were called upon to approach their work with an open mind, recognizing the validity of diverse cultural perspectives and respecting the autonomy and agency of research participants.

IGNOU MANE 003 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-The relevance of ethics in research methodology within anthropology is profound, as ethical considerations permeate every stage of the research process. Ethical research methodology in anthropology is characterized by several key principles:

Informed Consent: Anthropologists must obtain informed consent from research participants, ensuring that they understand the purpose of the study, the potential risks and benefits, and their rights as research subjects. Informed consent is particularly crucial when working with vulnerable populations or in cross-cultural contexts where communication barriers may exist.

Confidentiality: Anthropologists must respect the confidentiality of research participants and ensure the protection of their privacy. This may involve anonymizing data, using pseudonyms, or obtaining consent for the use of identifiable information. Confidentiality is essential for building trust with research subjects and maintaining the integrity of the research process.

Cultural Sensitivity: Anthropologists must approach their research with cultural sensitivity, recognizing and respecting the diversity of cultural practices, beliefs, and values. This may involve building rapport with community members, consulting with local experts, and adapting research methods to fit the cultural context. Cultural sensitivity is crucial for avoiding cultural misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and stereotypes.

Minimizing Harm: Anthropologists must take steps to minimize harm to research participants and communities, both during and after the research process. 

IGNOU MANE 003 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-This may involve identifying and mitigating potential risks, providing support services for participants, and ensuring that research findings are used ethically and responsibly. Minimizing harm requires careful consideration of power dynamics, historical contexts, and potential consequences of the research.

Accountability: Anthropologists must be accountable for their actions and decisions throughout the research process. This includes being transparent about research methods and findings, acknowledging limitations and biases, and addressing any ethical concerns or conflicts that arise. Accountability fosters trust and integrity in research practices, enhancing the credibility and impact of anthropological research.

Q.2 Provide an elaborate description on data collection, analysis and writing in ethnographic research.

Q.3 Discuss the functionalist perspective in doing ethnography.

Q.4 Examine cross cousin marriage in the context of a "romantic ideal" as described in the text Notes of Love in a Tamil Family by Margaret Trawick.

Q.5 Discuss how M.N. Srinivas' Religion and society among the Coorgs of South India displays the ritualistic and social life of the Coorgs.

Q.6 Delineate how Fisher's piece, Iran from Religious Dispute to Revolution depict the role of religious education in moulding the character of people ?

Q.7 Describe the changes with special emphasis on women's role that Weiner noted in her work The Trobianders of Papua New Guinea sixty years after Malinowski's study.

Q.8 Discuss Turmer's Seminal work Forest of Symbols : Aspects of Ndembu Rituals in the context of rites de passage.

Q.9 . Discuss the code of ethics in ethnographic research as described by the American Anthropological Association.

Q.10 Discuss one major feminist contribution to ethnographic studies.

Q.11 Discuss the social organisation of the Jaunsaris as described in D.N. Majumdar’s seminal work, Himalayan Polyandry.

Q.12 . What is Ethnography ? Discuss the different ethical concerns that should be kept in mind during an ethnographic study

Q.13 Discuss Jajmani and Hali systems as described in the work 'Patronage and Exploitation : Changing Agrarian Relations in South Gujarat, India'.

Q.14 Examine lineage, clan, agnatic and cognatic relations as portrayed in Meyer Fortes' The Web of Kinship Among the Jalensi'.

Q.15 Critically discuss the economic and political reasons that influenced the Iranian revolutionary movement of 1977-79 as described in Charles Fisher's 'Iran from Religious Dispute to Revolution'.


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