IGNOU MAN 002 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU MAN 002 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU MAN 002 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-MAN 002 Archaeological Anthropology is a course that deals with the investigation and interpretation of archaeological records pertaining to early hunting-gathering and agropastoral communities that occupied different parts of the world. It aims to bridge the gap between the ethnographic present and the archaeological past by studying the material remains left behind by these communities.

IGNOU MAN 002 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

Course Structure:

  • Block-1 Definition And Scope
  • Block-2 Archaeological Units
  • Block-3 Geological Frame Work
  • Block-4 Dating Methods
  • Block-5 Palaeolithic Cultures
  • Block-6 Mesolithic Cultures
  • Block-7 Neolithic And Chalcolithic Cultures
  • Block-8 Interpretation And Explanation Of Archaeological Record

Q.1 What is Archaeological Anthropology ? Discuss the different methods to study Archaeological Anthropology.

Archaeology stands as a multifaceted discipline, encompassing the meticulous study of human history and prehistory through the excavation, analysis, and interpretation of material remnants, artifacts, structures, and landscapes. As a cornerstone of anthropology, archaeology provides unparalleled insights into the evolution of human societies, cultures, technologies, and environments across various regions and epochs.

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IGNOU MAN 002 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-At its core, archaeology relies on principles such as stratigraphy, where the analysis of sediment layers at archaeological sites unveils the chronological sequence of events and human occupations. Through systematic excavation and documentation, archaeologists piece together the relative dating of artifacts and features, constructing timelines to contextualize past human activities. Scientific techniques like radiocarbon dating and dendrochronology further refine chronologies by providing absolute dates.

Diverse subfields and specializations within archaeology cater to different historical periods and areas of focus. Classical archaeology, for instance, centers on ancient Mediterranean civilizations like Greece and Rome, whereas historical archaeology delves into more recent epochs, often integrating written records and oral histories. Underwater archaeology explores maritime heritage, uncovering submerged artifacts and settlements, while bioarchaeology examines human remains to glean insights into ancient demographics, health, and social structures.

IGNOU MAN 002 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Beyond excavation and artifact analysis, archaeology embraces theoretical frameworks and methodologies to interpret and contextualize findings. Processual archaeology, prominent in the mid-20th century, emphasized scientific rigor and hypothesis testing to understand cultural change. However, critiques emerged regarding its positivist bias and neglect of social context, leading to the rise of post-processual archaeology. This approach emphasizes interpretive depth, acknowledging the subjective nature of archaeological knowledge and considering the role of ideology, symbolism, and power in shaping past societies.

Archaeology's interdisciplinary nature is increasingly evident through collaborations with fields such as environmental science, genetics, and digital technology. Environmental archaeology investigates human-nature interactions in the past, while advances in DNA analysis illuminate ancient populations and migration patterns. Digital technologies like GIS and 3D modeling revolutionize data recording and visualization, enhancing archaeological practice and facilitating knowledge dissemination.

IGNOU MAN 002 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Despite its advancements, archaeology grapples with ethical challenges, particularly concerning cultural heritage preservation and indigenous rights. Issues like artifact looting and repatriation prompt discussions about ownership and stewardship, while efforts to decolonize the discipline emphasize the inclusion of indigenous perspectives and knowledge systems.

Q.2 What are different dating methods ? Discuss Carbon dating (C14).

Q.3 Discuss briefly the basic stone tool making techniques in the prehistoric period.

Q.4 What is Mesolithic Culture ? Briefly discuss some of the Mesolithic sites of India.

Q.5 What is Palaeolithic Art ? Discuss 'Home Art' and Cave art with suitable examples.

Q.6 What is Indus-Valley Civilization ? Discuss the characteristic features of Indus-Valley Civilization.

Q.8 Discuss the importance of Indian Archaeology  with reference to cultural Resource Management. Q.9 What is Megalithic Culture ? Discuss the different types of Megalithic monuments found in India.

Q.10 Define tool types and techniques of upper Paleolithic culture.

Q.11 What is Megalithic Culture ? Discuss the megalithic cultures of India with special reference to South India.

Q.12 Why is Neolithic culture called revolution and not evolution ? Discuss your answer with suitable Indian examples.

Q.13 What is public archaeology ? Discuss the role of public archaeology in heritage management.

Q.14 Briefly comment on the various characteristic features of Indus Valley civilization.

Q.15 What is cultural resource management ? Discuss the importance of cultural resource management in Indian archaeology.


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