My Childhood Summary and Important Questions for class 9th

My Childhood Summary and Important Questions for class 9th

My Childhood is an excerpt from Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam's book, Wings of Fire. This chapter examines his early years and a number of the events that occurred during them. He was born on the island town of Rameswaram into a Muslim family of Tamil middle class. His parents, three brothers, and one sister made up his family. Kind and industrious, his parents were always willing to lend a helping hand to others. He grew up in their family's ancestral home with his brothers.

My Childhood Summary and Important Questions

My Childhood Summary

APJ Abdul Kalam was born into a middle-class Muslim household. Moreover, he was the brother of three. In addition, Kalam had a single sister. Besides, his mother and father were both very friendly. In addition, Kalam's childhood home was inherited.

My Childhood Summary and Important Questions-One may conclude that APJ Abdul Kalam's father had a very humble life. Nevertheless, his father provided his kids with whatever they needed.  In addition, his parents were impoverished and lacked formal schooling. Plus, a lot of strangers joined the family for daily meals. Kalam's parents also instilled in him the values of honesty and self-control.

Kalam’s family was secular in nature. His family gave an equal amount of respect to all the religions. Furthermore, there was participation from his family in Hindu festivals. Moreover, Kalam heard stories of the Prophet and Ramayana from his grandmother and mother. All of this clearly shows the secularism present in his family.

Friendship had a significant role in Kalam's early life. Besides, he was buddies with three others. Moreover, they came from varied religious backgrounds. Furthermore, there was no indication of any discriminatory sentiments among those friends.  Every one of these buddies, even Kalam, pursued a different career.

My Childhood Summary and Important Questions

My Childhood Summary and Important Questions-A new teacher started working with Kalam's class in the fifth standard. Kalam had on a cap in class. Kalam has a distinctly Muslim identity thanks to its headgear. Furthermore, Kalam sat next to the Hindu priest son Ramanandha at all times. This was something that the new instructor could not stand. Kalam had to take a seat on the backbench as a result. Both of the buddies told their parents how upset they were following the occurrence.

Furthermore, Ramanandha’s father met with the teacher to inform him not to spread the social inequality and communal hatred.  He made a demand that the apology must come. Furthermore, in case of refusal, the teacher must quit. Consequently, there was reformation the nature of the teacher and an apology came from him.

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My Childhood Summary and Important Questions-Abdul was once invited for supper at the home of his science teacher. But since she thought that religion and race should be kept apart, the science teacher's wife refused to serve Kalam. As a result, the science instructor decided to give Kalam some food.  In addition, the instructor took a seat next to Kalam to have a meal. Behind the door, the science teacher's wife was seeing all of this. The second invitation to a lunch the following weekend went to Kalam from the science teacher. The wife came into the kitchen this time and served with her own hands.

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Kalam’s upbringing came to an end when he received permission to go Ramanathapuram for further studies after the end of Second World War. His father and mother certainly loved. However, this love didn’t mean they forced their decisions on Kalam.

Character In My Childhood 

1.  Kalam’s parents

Jainulabdeen and Ashiarruna, Kalam's parents, were both attractive and tall. Despite their limited means, they were both exceedingly giving and fed many strangers in addition to their own relatives. Adhering to the principles of integrity and self-control, they lived a modest lifestyle devoid of unnecessary conveniences or extravagances.

But Kalam's father saw to it that everyone's fundamental needs were met. Being a liberal, he didn't think it was appropriate to force his beliefs on his kids. He participated completely in the celebration of Hindu holidays such as the Kalyanam ceremony of Shri Sita Rama, while having a secular outlook. For her husband, Kalam's mother was the perfect support. She was a highly kind woman who believed in goodness.

2. APJ Abdul Kalam

Despite having an unremarkable appearance, Abdul Kalam possessed numerous admirable traits when he was young. He held his parents in the highest regard and devotion. His mother instilled in him a strong belief in goodness and profound generosity, while his father instilled in him the qualities of self-control and honesty. Kalam was a bright, industrious youngster. When tamarind seeds were in demand, he gathered them and sold them to make a modest but substantial profit.

Extremely self-assured, he gave any task given to him his whole attention. During the Second World War, when the train halt at Rameswaram was suspended, he assisted his cousin in catching bundles from the moving trains. He was a perceptive youngster who gained important life lessons from his experiences. He was taught early in life that caste-based discrimination is poison and should not be tolerated. Being progressive as well, Kalam decided to leave his village to pursue his studies at the appropriate moment.

My Childhood  Important Questions and Answers

1. How did Sivasubramania react to his wife’s behaviour when she refused to serve Kalam (a Muslim boy) in her kitchen?

Sivasubramania was mentally prepared for such behaviour from his conservative wife. So, without getting angry or perturbed, he served Kalam with his own hands and sat beside him to eat his meal.

2. Why did Sivasubramania invite Kalam for dinner again the next weekend?

Kalam was visibly upset by Sivasubramania Iyer’s wife’s refusal to serve him food in her kitchen. This must have pained Iyer. So, in order to make amends and to ensure that Kalam overcame his disappointment and hurt, Sivasubramania Iyer invited Kalam to another dinner the following weekend. During the intervening time, Iyer must have wanted to speak with his wife on the issue. lyer wanted Kalam to brace up for such obstacles if he wanted to change the system.

3. While talking of segregation of the different social groups which social group does Kalam talk about? Were these groups easily identifiable?                                                                                        

Kalam talks about Muslims when mentioning the segregation of different social groups. These groups were easily identifiable by the distinct cap that they wore just as the Brahmins wore the sacred thread. This cap marked the group as a Muslim.

4. What thoughts crossed Kalam’s mind when he was having food at Sivasubramania’s house for the first time?

Kalam noticed that Sivasubramania’s conservative wife was watching him from behind the kitchen door while he was having food. At this time he wondered whether she observed any difference in the way a Muslim ate rice, drank water or cleaned the floor after the meal.

5. What did the Indians feel when the nation’s Independence was in full sight?

Indians were filled with unprecedented optimism when India’s independence was in full sight at the end of the Second World War. Gandhiji’s declaration that Indians would build their own India made everyone hopeful.


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