Evaluate the role of UN to the concept of self -determination and its application
The role of UN to the concept of self -determination and its
application The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization aiming
to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among
nations, achieve international cooperation, and be a centre for harmonizing the
actions of nations. It is the world's largest, most familiar, most
representative, and most powerful international organization. The UN is
headquartered on international territory in New York City and has other main offices
in Geneva, Nairobi, Vienna, and The Hague.
The organization's mission to preserve world peace was
complicated in its early decades by the Cold War between the United States and
Soviet Union and their respective allies. Its missions have consisted primarily
of unarmed military observers and lightly armed troops with primarily
monitoring, reporting and confidence-building roles. UN membership grew
significantly following widespread decolonization beginning in the 1960s. Since
then, 80 former colonies have gained independence, including 11 trust territories
that had been monitored by the Trusteeship Council. The role of UN to the
concept of self -determination and its application By the 1970s, the UN's
budget for economic and social development programmes far outstripped its
spending on peacekeeping. After the end of the Cold War, the UN shifted and
expanded its field operations, undertaking a wide variety of complex tasks
The role of UN to the concept of self -determination and its
application - The Security Council, the
United Nations’ principal crisis-management body, is empowered to impose
binding obligations on the 193 UN member states to take care of peace. The
council’s five permanent and ten elected members meet regularly to assess
threats to international security, including civil wars, natural disasters,
arms proliferation, and terrorism.
Structurally, the council remains largely unchanged since its
founding in 1946, stirring debate among members about the necessity for
reforms. In recent years, members’ competing interests have often stymied the
council’s ability to reply to major conflicts and crises, like Syria’s war ,
Russia’s annexation of Crimea, and therefore the coronavirus pandemic.
The Security Council has five permanent members—China,
France, Russia, the uk , and therefore the United States—collectively referred
to as the P5. anybody of them can veto a resolution. The council’s ten elected
members, which serve two-year, nonconsecutive terms, aren't afforded veto
The members of the P5 have exercised the veto power to
varying degrees. Counting the years when the Soviet Union held its seat, Russia
has been the foremost frequent user of the veto, blocking quite 100 resolutions
since the council’s founding. The role of UN to the concept of self
-determination and its application , The us is second, last using the veto in
2020 to reject a resolution that involved the prosecution, rehabilitation, and
reintegration of these engaged in terrorism-related activities. The country
objected to the resolution’s not calling for the repatriation of fighters from
the self-proclaimed Islamic State and their relations .
A secondary consideration, “equitable geographical
distribution,” gave rise to the regional groups used since 1965 in elections:
the African Group has three seats; the Asia-Pacific Group, two; the Eastern
European Group, one; the Latin American and Caribbean Group, two; and therefore
the Western European et al. Groups (WEOG), two. The role of UN to the concept
of self -determination and its application Each has its own electoral norms. An
Arab seat alternates between the African and Asian blocs by informal agreement.
The role of UN to the concept of self -determination and its
application Under the UN charter, members can only use force in self-defense or
when they have obtained authorization from the council. However, members and
coalitions of countries have often used military force outside of these
NATO’s seventy-eight-day air war in Kosovo is the most-cited
case in arguing for the legitimacy of humanitarian interventions that lack
Security Council authorization. After Russia indicated it would block
authorization in the council, NATO forces undertook a bombing campaign to
protect Kosovar Albanians from ethnic cleansing by Serbs in rump Yugoslavia. An
independent commission of scholars later deemed the intervention “illegal but
The emergence of the responsibility to protect (R2P) in the
early 2000s appeared to justify the use of force outside Security Council
authorization by qualifying the principle of noninterference in sovereign
affairs. The doctrine, as adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2005,
stipulates that states have a responsibility to protect their populations from
crimes against humanity; the international community has a responsibility to
use peaceful means to protect threatened populations; and when a state
“manifestly fails” to uphold its responsibilities, coercive measures should be
collectively taken.
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