50 MCQs On Bharti Mukherjee With Answers For UGC NET

50 MCQs On Bharti Mukherjee With Answers For UGC NET

1. In which country was Bharti Mukherjee born?

   a. India

   b. Canada

   c. United States

   d. England


50 MCQs On Bharti Mukherjee With Answers For UGC NET

2. What is the full name of Bharti Mukherjee?

   a. Bharti Usha Mukherjee

   b. Bharti Choudhury Mukherjee

   c. Bharti Shivaji Mukherjee

   d. Bharti Kiran Mukherjee


3. Which novel by Bharti Mukherjee won the National Book Critics Circle Award for Fiction?

   a. "Jasmine"

   b. "The Middleman and Other Stories"

   c. "Desirable Daughters"

   d. "Wife"


4. "The Tiger's Daughter" by Bharti Mukherjee explores the immigrant experience in which country?

   a. Canada

   b. United States

   c. India

   d. Australia


5. Which literary genre is Bharti Mukherjee primarily associated with?

   a. Science fiction

   b. Historical fiction

   c. Mystery

   d. Magical realism


6. Bharti Mukherjee's novel "Jasmine" follows the journey of the protagonist from:

   a. India to the United States

   b. Canada to India

   c. England to Australia

   d. United States to Canada


7. "Desirable Daughters" by Bharti Mukherjee is set against the backdrop of:

   a. Indian independence movement

   b. Vietnam War

   c. Cold War era

   d. Partition of India


8. In "Jasmine," the protagonist's original name is:

   a. Jyoti

   b. Priya

   c. Meera

   d. Kali


9. What is the central theme of Bharti Mukherjee's novel "Wife"?

   a. Feminism and gender roles

   b. Political intrigue

   c. Environmental conservation

   d. Technological advancements


10. Bharti Mukherjee's writing often explores the intersection of:

    a. Religion and politics

    b. Science and spirituality

    c. War and peace

    d. Fantasy and reality


11. Which of the following novels is not written by Bharti Mukherjee?

    a. "Jasmine"

    b. "Interpreter of Maladies"

    c. "Leave It to Me"

    d. "The Holder of the World"


12. Bharti Mukherjee's short story collection "The Middleman and Other Stories" features narratives that span across:

    a. Various continents and cultures

    b. Different time periods

    c. Different social classes

    d. All of the above

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13. "Leave It to Me" by Bharti Mukherjee explores the theme of:

    a. Identity and belonging

    b. Political corruption

    c. Family secrets

    d. Technological advancements


14. Which of Bharti Mukherjee's novels is a reimagining of Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter"?

    a. "Jasmine"

    b. "Desirable Daughters"

    c. "The Holder of the World"

    d. "Wife"


15. Bharti Mukherjee became a naturalized citizen of which country?

    a. India

    b. Canada

    c. United States

    d. United Kingdom


16. In "Desirable Daughters," the protagonist, Tara, is confronted with her past during a visit to:

    a. Canada

    b. India

    c. Australia

    d. England


17. Which of Bharti Mukherjee's novels features a protagonist who becomes a successful businesswoman in the United States?

    a. "Jasmine"

    b. "Desirable Daughters"

    c. "Wife"

    d. "The Tiger's Daughter"


18. Bharti Mukherjee was married to which prominent Canadian writer?

    a. Michael Ondaatje

    b. Salman Rushdie

    c. Rohinton Mistry

    d. Mordecai Richler


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19. "The Holder of the World" by Bharti Mukherjee is inspired by the life of:

    a. Queen Elizabeth I

    b. Pocahontas

    c. Vasco da Gama

    d. Cleopatra


20. What is the profession of the protagonist in "Wife"?

    a. Surgeon

    b. Journalist

    c. Biotechnologist

    d. Lawyer


21. Bharti Mukherjee's writing is often characterized by:

    a. Stream of consciousness

    b. Magical realism

    c. Satirical humor

    d. Epic poetry


22. "Jasmine" explores the theme of:

    a. Cultural assimilation

    b. Time travel

    c. Military strategy

    d. Environmental conservation


23. Which of Bharti Mukherjee's novels reflects her interest in the complexities of cultural identity and immigration?

    a. "Wife"

    b. "The Holder of the World"

    c. "Leave It to Me"

    d. "Desirable Daughters"


24. In "The Tiger's Daughter," the protagonist, Dimple Dasgupta, faces challenges related to her:

    a. Academic career

    b. Romantic relationships

    c. Political aspirations

    d. Cultural heritage


25. "Desirable Daughters" is primarily set in the cities of:

    a. Delhi and Mumbai

    b. New York and San Francisco

    c. Kolkata and San Francisco

    d. London and Toronto


26. Which of the following statements about Bharti Mukherjee's migration to the United States is true?

    a. She moved to the U.S. to pursue a career in filmmaking.

    b. She immigrated to the U.S. for higher education.

    c. She was born and raised in the U.S.

    d. She initially moved to the U.S. for diplomatic service.


27. The novel "Wife" raises ethical questions related to:

    a. Cloning and genetic engineering

    b. Political espionage

    c. Historical revisionism

    d. Technological singularity


28. What is the narrative style of "Leave It to Me"?

    a. First-person

    b. Second-person

    c. Third-person limited

    d. Stream of consciousness


29. In "Desirable Daughters," what significant event prompts the protagonist Tara to reevaluate her life?

    a. A terrorist attack

    b. A family reunion

    c. A natural disaster

    d. A political revolution


30. Bharti Mukherjee's novel "The Holder of the World" is structured around:

    a. Epistolary form

    b. Flashbacks

    c. Stream of consciousness

    d. Multiple perspectives


31. The title "The Middleman and Other Stories" suggests:

    a. A focus on middle-class life

    b. A mediator between cultures

    c. A critique of the political middle

    d. Stories set in the middle of the 20th century


32. In "Jasmine," the protagonist's  life takes a turn when she becomes involved in:

    a. Politics

    b. Business

    c. Religion

    d. Literature


33. "The Tiger's Daughter" is a novel that explores:

    a. Environmental conservation

    b. Political intrigue

    c. Multigenerational family dynamics

    d. The impact of war on individuals


34. Bharti Mukherjee's works often incorporate elements of:

    a. Realism

    b. Absurdist fiction

    c. Science fiction

    d. Historical fantasy


35. Which of Bharti Mukherjee's novels features a protagonist named Tilo who has special powers?

    a. "Wife"

    b. "The Tiger's Daughter"

    c. "The Holder of the World"

    d. "Jasmine"


36. In "Wife," the protagonist's ethical dilemma arises from her involvement in:

    a. Cloning research

    b. Political activism

    c. Espionage

    d. Environmental conservation


37. What is the primary setting of "The Holder of the World"?

    a. Colonial America

    b. Victorian England

    c. Ancient India

    d. Futuristic society


38. Bharti Mukherjee's exploration of the immigrant experience often includes themes of:

    a. Cultural assimilation

    b. Cultural isolation

    c. Cultural supremacy

    d. All of the above


39. "Leave It to Me" draws inspiration from:

    a. Greek mythology

    b. Shakespearean tragedies

    c. Hindu epics

    d. Norse legends


40. The novel "Wife" examines the impact of biotechnology on:

    a. Medicine

    b. Agriculture

    c. Human relationships

    d. Environmental sustainability


41. In "Jasmine," what profession does Prakash, the love interest, pursue?

    a. Medical doctor

    b. Engineering

    c. Political activism

    d. Business


42. "The Middleman and Other Stories" reflects Bharti Mukherjee's interest in:

    a. Short fiction

    b. Experimental literature

    c. Social justice

    d. Folklore


43. Which of Bharti Mukherjee's novels explores the challenges faced by an Indian-American woman in her quest for identity?

    a. "Desirable Daughters"

    b. "Wife"

    c. "The Tiger's Daughter"

    d. "Leave It to Me"


44. The character of "Jasmine" undergoes a significant transformation when she:

    a. Moves to the United States

    b. Discovers her royal lineage

    c. Experiences a traumatic event

    d. Learns a new language


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45. What is the role of the "tiger's daughter" in Bharti Mukherjee's novel of the same name?

    a. Symbol of courage and strength

    b. Mythical creature with supernatural powers

    c. Political figurehead

    d. Companion to the protagonist


46. In "Leave It to Me," the protagonist, Debby, embarks on a journey to:

    a. Discover her roots

    b. Solve a mystery

    c. Pursue a career in the arts

    d. Escape from societal norms


47. "Desirable Daughters" is notable for its exploration of:

    a. Interfaith relationships

    b. Cultural displacement

    c. Political intrigue

    d. Historical events


48. Bharti Mukherjee's writing often critiques:

    a. Western colonialism

    b. Indian traditionalism

    c. Globalization

    d. All of the above


49. "Wife" challenges conventional notions of:

    a. Gender roles

    b. Romantic love

    c. Social hierarchy

    d. All of the above


50. The character of Manju in "Jasmine" represents:

    a. The oppressive patriarchal society

    b. The protagonist's inner demons

    c. The cultural clash between East and West

    d. The embodiment of spiritual enlightenment


1. a. India

2. a. Bharti Usha Mukherjee

3. a. "Jasmine"

4. b. United States

5. b. Historical fiction

6. a. India to the United States

7. c. Cold War era

8. c. Meera

9. a. Feminism and gender roles

10. b. Science and spirituality

11. b. "Interpreter of Maladies"

12. d. All of the above

13. a. Identity and belonging

14. c. "The Holder of the World"

15. c. United States

16. b. India

17. c. "Wife"

18. c. Rohinton Mistry

19. b. Pocahontas

20. c. Biotechnologist

21. c. Satirical humor

22. a. Cultural assimilation

23. d. "Desirable Daughters"

24. b. Romantic relationships

25. c. Kolkata and San Francisco

26. b. She immigrated to the U.S. for higher education.

27. a. Cloning and genetic engineering

28. c. Third-person limited

29. a. A terrorist attack

30. b. Flashbacks

31. b. A mediator between cultures

32. a. Politics

33. c. Multigenerational family dynamics

34. c. Science fiction

35. d. "Jasmine"

36. a. Cloning research

37. c. Ancient India

38. d. All of the above

39. a. Greek mythology

40. c. Human relationships

41. d. Business

42. a. Short fiction

43. a. "Desirable Daughters"

44. c. Experiences a traumatic event

45. a. Symbol of courage and strength

46. b. Solve a mystery

47. b. Cultural displacement

48. d. All of the above

49. d. All of the above

50. c. The cultural clash between East and West



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