50 MCQs on Nirad C. Chaudhuri with Answers for UGC NET

50 MCQs on Nirad C. Chaudhuri with Answers for UGC NET

1. Nirad C. Chaudhuri was a renowned figure in which field?

   A) Literature

   B) Science

   C) Politics

   D) Sports


50 MCQs on Nirad C. Chaudhuri with Answers for UGC NET

2. In which year was Nirad C. Chaudhuri born?

   A) 1897

   B) 1905

   C) 1914

   D) 1921


3. What was the name of Nirad C. Chaudhuri's most famous work, an autobiographical account?

   A) "A Passage to India"

   B) "My Experiments with Truth"

   C) "The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian"

   D) "Midnight's Children"


4. Nirad C. Chaudhuri was born in which country?

   A) India

   B) Bangladesh

   C) Nepal

   D) Pakistan


5. Which prestigious literary award did Nirad C. Chaudhuri receive for his work "The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian"?

   A) Pulitzer Prize

   B) Man Booker Prize

   C) Sahitya Akademi Award

   D) Nobel Prize in Literature


6. What was Nirad C. Chaudhuri's profession?

   A) Writer

   B) Scientist

   C) Politician

   D) Economist


7. Which university did Nirad C. Chaudhuri attend in England?

   A) University of Oxford

   B) University of Cambridge

   C) University of London

   D) University of Edinburgh


8. What was the pen name adopted by Nirad C. Chaudhuri for his literary works?

   A) Nirad Kumar

   B) Nirad C. Chatterjee

   C) Nirad Kumar Chatterjee

   D) Nirad C. Chaudhuri


9. Which of the following is NOT a book authored by Nirad C. Chaudhuri?

   A) "The Continent of Circe"

   B) "Thy Hand, Great Anarch!"

   C) "The Argumentative Indian"

   D) "The Intellectual in India"


10. Nirad C. Chaudhuri's writing style is often characterized as:

    A) Flowery and ornate

    B) Simple and straightforward

    C) Satirical and witty

    D) Philosophical and abstract


11. What was the subject of Nirad C. Chaudhuri's doctoral thesis?

    A) Indian History

    B) English Literature

    C) Political Science

    D) Economics


12. Which of the following is NOT a theme commonly found in Nirad C. Chaudhuri's works?

    A) Colonialism

    B) Nationalism

    C) Globalization

    D) Caste system


13. Nirad C. Chaudhuri's work "The Continent of Circe" explores his observations and experiences in which continent?

    A) Europe

    B) Asia

    C) Africa

    D) North America

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14. In which year did Nirad C. Chaudhuri pass away?

    A) 1995

    B) 1999

    C) 2003

    D) 2007


15. Nirad C. Chaudhuri's autobiography "The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian" covers his life experiences primarily in which period?

    A) British colonial rule

    B) Post-independence India

    C) Mughal era

    D) Vedic period


16. Which of the following statements about Nirad C. Chaudhuri's literary career is NOT true?

    A) He primarily wrote in Bengali.

    B) He was known for his controversial views.

    C) He received critical acclaim for his writing.

    D) He published works across various genres.


17. Nirad C. Chaudhuri was deeply critical of the Indian Nationalist movement and Mahatma Gandhi. True or False?


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18. Which of the following literary figures was a contemporary of Nirad C. Chaudhuri?

    A) Rabindranath Tagore

    B) Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay

    C) R.K. Narayan

    D) Mulk Raj Anand


19. In "The Continent of Circe," Nirad C. Chaudhuri provides his reflections on:

    A) Indian society and culture

    B) European politics and history

    C) African wildlife and ecosystems

    D) Asian economic development


20. Nirad C. Chaudhuri was awarded the Sahitya Akademi Award in which year?

    A) 1965

    B) 1971

    C) 1983

    D) 1990


21. "Thy Hand, Great Anarch!" by Nirad C. Chaudhuri explores:

    A) Indian philosophy

    B) British colonialism in India

    C) Indian mythology

    D) Indian economic policies


22. Which of the following is a work of fiction by Nirad C. Chaudhuri?

    A) "The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian"

    B) "The Continent of Circe"

    C) "A Passage to England"

    D) "The Intellectual in India"


23. Nirad C. Chaudhuri's works often reflect his deep knowledge and appreciation of:

    A) Mathematics

    B) Science

    C) Indian classical music

    D) Philosophy


24. "A Passage to England" by Nirad C. Chaudhuri is a:

    A) Travelogue

    B) Autobiography

    C) Novel

    D) Historical account


25. Nirad C. Chaudhuri's views on Indian society and culture were often controversial and divisive. True or False?


26. In "The Intellectual in India," Nirad C. Chaudhuri examines the role and status of intellectuals in Indian society. True or False?


27. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Nirad C. Chaudhuri's writing style?

    A) Detailed descriptions

    B) Philosophical musings

    C) Stream-of-consciousness narration

    D) Satirical commentary


28. Nirad C. Chaudhuri's writings are primarily in which language?

    A) English

    B) Bengali

    C) Hindi

    D) Urdu


29. "Thy Hand, Great Anarch!" is a critical analysis of:

    A) Indian politics

    B) European history

    C) Indian mythology

    D) Buddhist philosophy


30. Which of the following works by Nirad C. Chaudhuri discusses the impact of British colonial rule on Indian society and culture?

    A) "The Continent of Circe"

    B) "The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian"

    C) "Thy Hand, Great Anarch!"

    D) "The Intellectual in India"


31. Nirad C. Chaudhuri's autobiography provides insights into his early life and upbringing in:

    A) Kolkata

    B) Delhi

    C) Mumbai

    D) Chennai


32. What was Nirad C. Chaudhuri's profession before he became a full-time writer?

    A) Teacher

    B) Journalist

    C) Civil Servant

    D) Lawyer


33. Which of the following statements about Nirad C. Chaudhuri's views on Indian culture is true?

    A) He was a staunch advocate of traditional Indian values.

    B) He believed that Indian culture was stagnant and regressive.

    C) He celebrated the diversity and richness of Indian culture.

    D) He considered Indian culture inferior to Western culture.


34. "The Continent of Circe" is primarily set in which European country?

    A) Greece

    B) Italy

    C) France

    D) Spain


35. Nirad C. Chaudhuri's writing often reflects his admiration for:

    A) Ancient Indian texts

    B) Western literature and philosophy

    C) Contemporary Indian politics

    D) Eastern spirituality


36. Which of the following statements about Nirad C. Chaudhuri's literary career is true?

    A) He wrote prolifically in Bengali but gained international recognition for his English works.

    B) He focused exclusively on fiction and did not delve into non-fiction or essays.

    C) His works were largely ignored during his lifetime and gained recognition posthumously.

    D) He primarily wrote poetry and did not venture into prose.


37. Nirad C. Chaudhuri's views on Indian culture and society were often criticized for being elitist and outdated. True or False?


38. In "Thy Hand, Great Anarch!" Nirad C. Chaudhuri offers his commentary on:

    A) Indian literature

    B) Indian politics and society

    C) Indian classical music

    D) Indian cuisine


39. Which of the following works by Nirad C. Chaudhuri is a collection of essays?

    A) "The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian"

    B) "A Passage to England"

    C) "The Continent of Circe"

    D) "The Intellectual in India"


40. Nirad C. Chaudhuri's autobiography provides a vivid portrayal of life in British India and the transition to independent India. True or False?


41. In "A Passage to England," Nirad C. Chaudhuri reflects on his experiences:

    A) Traveling across India

    B) Studying in England

    C) Serving in the Indian Civil Services

    D) Participating in India's independence movement


42. Which of the following is a common theme explored in Nirad C. Chaudhuri's works?

    A) Technological advancement

    B) Globalization and multiculturalism

    C) Environmental conservation

    D) Colonialism and nationalism


43. Nirad C. Chaudhuri's writings often reflect his nostalgia for:

    A) British colonial rule

    B) Ancient Indian civilization

    C) Mughal architecture

    D) The freedom struggle


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44. "The Continent of Circe" provides insights into Nirad C. Chaudhuri's observations during his travels across:

    A) Asia

    B) Europe

    C) Africa

    D) Australia


45. Which of the following statements about Nirad C. Chaudhuri's views on British rule in India is true?

    A) He was a staunch supporter of British imperialism.

    B) He believed that British rule had a positive impact on India.

    C) He was critical of certain aspects of British rule but acknowledged its benefits.

    D) He advocated for complete rejection of British influence in India.


46. Nirad C. Chaudhuri's autobiography offers a firsthand account of his experiences during which significant historical period?

    A) The Mughal Empire

    B) The Indian Independence Movement

    C) The British Raj

    D) The Gupta Dynasty


47. "The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian" by Nirad C. Chaudhuri provides insights into his upbringing and education in:

    A) Kolkata

    B) Delhi

    C) Mumbai

    D) Chennai


48. Which of the following works by Nirad C. Chaudhuri is a critique of Indian intellectuals and their role in society?

    A) "The Continent of Circe"

    B) "The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian"

    C) "Thy Hand, Great Anarch!"

    D) "A Passage to England"


49. Nirad C. Chaudhuri's views on Indian culture and society were heavily influenced by his experiences during:

    A) The British Raj

    B) The Indian Independence Movement

    C) The Partition of India

    D) The Emergency era


50. Nirad C. Chaudhuri's works continue to generate debate and discussion due to their:

    A) Contemporary relevance

    B) Outdated perspectives

    C) Obscure language

    D) Lack of literary merit



1. A) Literature

2. B) 1905

3. C) "The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian"

4. A) India

5. C) Sahitya Akademi Award

6. C) Politician

7. B) University of Cambridge

8. B) Nirad C. Chatterjee

9. D) "The Intellectual in India"

10. A) Flowery and ornate

11. A) Indian History

12. D) Caste system

13. A) Europe

14. C) 2003

15. A) British colonial rule

16. A) He primarily wrote in Bengali.

17. True

18. A) Rabindranath Tagore

19. A) Indian society and culture

20. B) 1971

21. B) British colonialism in India

22. D) "The Intellectual in India"

23. C) Indian classical music

24. A) Travelogue

25. True

26. True

27. C) Stream-of-consciousness narration

28. A) English

29. A) Indian politics

30. B) "The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian"

31. A) Kolkata

32. C) Civil Servant

33. D) He considered Indian culture inferior to Western culture.

34. A) Greece

35. B) Western literature and philosophy

36. False

37. True

38. B) Indian politics and society

39. D) "The Intellectual in India"

40. True

41. B) Studying in England

42. D) Colonialism and nationalism

43. B) Ancient Indian civilization

44. B) Europe

45. C) He was critical of certain aspects of British rule but acknowledged its benefits.

46. C) The British Raj

47. A) Kolkata

48. C) "Thy Hand, Great Anarch!"

49. A) The British Raj

50. A) Contemporary relevance


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