IGNOU MWG 001 Important Questions With Answers English Medium
MWG 001 Theories of Women and Gender Studies is a course
offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) that explores the
theoretical underpinnings of women's and gender studies.
Course Structure:
- Block 1: Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies
- Block 2: History of Women's Movements
- Block 3: Queer Liberation
- Block 4: Feminist Critiques of Knowledge
- Block 5: Feminist Theories
- Block 6: Queer Theory
Discuss the shift from the 19th to the end of the 20th century in terms of the
women's movement in India showing how the women's question is a social
The transition from the 19th to the late 20th century in India witnessed a significant shift in the landscape of women's rights, marking the evolution of the women's movement. This transformative period saw a departure from the restrictive gender norms prevalent in the 19th century to a more progressive and inclusive approach towards women's roles and equality by the close of the 20th century.
IGNOU MWG 001 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-The women's question, encapsulating issues
related to women's rights and societal standing, emerged as a central social
concern demanding attention, activism, and reform.
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During the 19th century, India was deeply entrenched in
traditional patriarchal structures that relegated women to subordinate roles
within both the family and society. Practices such as child marriage, the dowry
system, and purdah perpetuated the subjugation of women. The early 20th century
witnessed initial movements for change, with social reformers like Raja Ram
Mohan Roy and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar advocating for women's education and
challenging practices like sati. However, these efforts faced resistance from
conservative elements within society and were limited in scope.
The early 20th century also saw the emergence of women-led
movements, such as the suffragette movement, advocating for women's voting
rights. The 20th-century women's movement in India gained momentum with
pioneers like Sarojini Naidu, Kamala Nehru, and Annie Besant focusing on basic
rights, education, and social reforms. The women's question began to be
acknowledged as a legitimate social issue, expanding the discourse surrounding it.
IGNOU MWG 001 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-As India moved towards independence in 1947, the
post-independence era became a turning point for the women's movement. The
framing of the Indian Constitution laid the foundation for gender equality,
emphasizing principles of justice, liberty, and equality. Activists like Rani
Lakshmibai, Savitribai Phule, and Pandita Ramabai challenged societal norms,
paving the way for future generations. The Constitution guaranteed equal rights
for all citizens, irrespective of gender, providing a legal framework to address
the women's question.
The 1950s and 1960s witnessed the formation of women's
organizations and the growth of women's studies. The focus shifted beyond legal
rights to address social and economic inequalities. Gender became central to
understanding the impact of societal structures on men and women. The women's
movement evolved into a broader social movement, recognizing the
interconnectedness of the women's question with larger issues of social
justice, economic empowerment, and political participation.
The late 20th century saw diversification and intensification
of the women's movement. Issues like workplace discrimination, reproductive
rights, domestic violence, and sexual harassment took center stage. Grassroots
movements and activism gained momentum, with women from various socio-economic
backgrounds joining forces to challenge systemic inequalities. The slogan
"The personal is political" encapsulated the understanding that
individual experiences of oppression and discrimination reflected broader
societal structures.
IGNOU MWG 001 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-The 1980s and 1990s witnessed landmark legal reforms,
including the Dowry Prohibition Act and the Maternity Benefit Act, addressing
specific concerns related to women. The establishment of the National
Commission for Women in 1992 marked a formal recognition of the women's
question as a social issue requiring systematic interventions.
Simultaneously, the women's movement engaged in critical
dialogues with other social movements, recognizing the intersectionality of
oppression. Issues of caste, class, and religion became intertwined with
gender, and feminists started addressing these complexities. The women's
question was now seen as inseparable from broader questions of social justice
and human rights.
Explain how the notion of 'sexual norms' can be challenged through an
understanding of the social construction of sexuality.
Discuss the various aspects of Marxist feminism and feminist critiques to
Marxist theory.
What are some of the challenges represented by post-colonial feminism to
•mainstream western feminism ? To what extent is a critique of postcolonial
feminist theory possible ? Elaborate on both issues.
How is the language of sexuality rights tied to the idea of the democratic
contract ? Discuss with the help of suitable examples.
“Socialist feminist ideas help us understand the nature of women’s exploitation
under global capitalism in third world countries.” Do you agree or disagree ?
Discuss varying perspectives on the nature- culture binary within the framework
of ecofeminism. Q.8 “Given the extreme sexual violence that women in India
continue to be subjected to, it is more important to focus on issues of sexual
violations and women’s security than on sexual pleasure and women’s freedom.”
Agree or disagree with this statement and justify your position.
Discuss the major feminist interventions in either the discipline of
anthropology or the discipline of philosophy.
Discuss the feminist critique of Freudian psychoanalytic theories, with
reference to the work of specific feminist scholars.
What has been the role of the public/private dichotomy in the evolution of the
women's movement in the west, as well as in the backlash towards this movement
? Discuss.
What do you understand by the dalit feminist critique of dalit patriarchy ?
Discuss with the help of examples.
Explain the term 'Sexual hierarchy' in the context of patriarchy. Elaborate
with the help of examples from day to day life situations, explaining how we
can hope to move away from such structures.
What are the pitfalls of cultural essentialism in the context of queer
liberation ? Using Ratna Kapur's argument, discuss how these limitations can be
What do you understand by the phrase "feminist reclamations of certain
forms of knowledge" ? Discuss with the support of works by feminist
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