IGNOU MSWE 002 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

IGNOU MSWE 002 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

MSWE 002 Women and Child Development is a course offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) as part of their Master of Social Work (MSW) program. It is a core course that aims to provide students with an understanding of the key issues related to women and child development in India.

IGNOU MSWE 002 Important Questions With Answers English Medium

Course Structure:

  • Block-1 Status of Women in India
  • Block-2 Women and Development Initiatives
  • Block-3 Status of Children in India
  • Block-4 Care and Safeguards of Children

Q.1 Discuss the status of women in pre-independent India.

The status of women in pre-independent India was profoundly influenced by entrenched patriarchal norms, which dictated societal roles and expectations. Across various regions and communities, women faced significant constraints on their autonomy and opportunities. Predominantly, women were relegated to subordinate positions within both familial and communal contexts, where obedience to male authority figures was paramount.

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IGNOU MSWE 002 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Child marriage was a prevalent practice, resulting in young girls being wedded off before reaching puberty. This not only curtailed their childhood but also subjected them to early childbirth, endangering their health. Furthermore, child marriage limited educational access and personal development opportunities for girls, perpetuating cycles of poverty and dependence.

The purdah system, widely practiced in many communities, further restricted women's freedom and autonomy. By segregating women from public view and limiting interactions with men outside their immediate family, purdah enforced traditional gender roles and confined women to domestic spheres, thereby hindering their participation in public life.

Educational and economic opportunities for women were severely restricted, with educational institutions primarily catering to boys. Consequently, women's literacy rates remained significantly lower, reinforcing economic dependence and gender disparities. Moreover, employment opportunities outside the home were scarce, with societal expectations dictating traditional roles as homemakers and caregivers.

IGNOU MSWE 002 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-In addition to systemic challenges, women faced discrimination and violence based on gender. Practices such as dowry, sati, and female infanticide were prevalent, reflecting societal attitudes of misogyny and devaluation of female lives. Despite the outlawing of sati by the British in the early 19th century, isolated instances persisted, illustrating extreme manifestations of gender-based oppression.

Nevertheless, women in pre-independent India demonstrated resilience and agency in challenging existing norms. Women's organizations and reform movements emerged, advocating for issues such as education, property rights, and legal reform. Figures such as Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar played pivotal roles in championing women's rights and social reform efforts.

Q.2 Explain the programmes for women's development.

Q.3 Analyse the difficulties faced by children of rag pickers.

Q.4 What is parenting ? Describe the various challenges posed to the couple during the various stages of child development.

Q.5 Highlight in brief, the history of origin of the informal sector.

Q.6 What do you understand by the 'millennium Development Goals' ? Discuss the progress made so far in achieving these goals.

Q.7 Discuss the health and nutritional status of Indian children.

Q.8 Explain the concept of 'family life cycle' and the various challenges posed to each life stage.

Q.9 What do you understand by Millennium Development Goals ? Discuss the progress made so far in achieving these goals.

Q.10 Discuss in brief the constitutional safeguards and the legislative measures for Women's development.

Q.11 Describe the major programmes for the welfare and development of the girl child in India.

Q.12 Explain the concept of "family life cycle" and the various challenges posed to each life stage.      

Q.13 Outline the historical overview of the concept of Women and Development.

Q.14 Examine the approach followed by Five - Year plans for women's development.

Q.15 Highlight the role of Social Worker in juvenile homes.


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