IGNOU MSW 003 Important Questions With Answers English Medium
MSW 003 Basic Social Science Concepts is a course offered by
the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for students pursuing the
Master of Social Work (MSW) degree. It aims to equip students with a
foundational understanding of the key concepts and theories that underpin the
various social sciences disciplines relevant to social work practice.
Course Structure:
- Block 1: Basic Concepts of Society
- Block 2: Basics of Psychology for Social Workers
- Block 3: Family - The Basic Unit of Society
- Block 4: Indian Families in Transition
Q.1 Define personality. Discuss Allport's trait theory and
Freud's theory of personality development.
Personality is a complex and multi-dimensional concept that encompasses the unique patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that distinguish one individual from another. It reflects the enduring characteristics and distinctive qualities that shape an individual's responses to various situations and influences their interactions with the world.
IGNOU MSW 003 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Understanding and explaining personality has been a central focus in
psychology, leading to the development of various theories. Two prominent
theories in the realm of personality are Gordon Allport's trait theory and
Sigmund Freud's theory of personality development.
Gordon Allport's trait theory is a seminal contribution to
the understanding of personality, emphasizing the role of individual traits in
shaping behavior. Allport defined traits as "neuropsychic structures"
that organize an individual's consistent and characteristic patterns of
behavior. He distinguished between common traits, which are shared by many
individuals and define a culture, and personal or unique traits, which are
specific to an individual. Allport's approach focused on the identification and
measurement of specific traits to comprehend the complexity of human
Central to Allport's theory is the idea that an individual's
behavior can be understood through a finite set of underlying traits. He
identified three types of traits: cardinal traits, which dominate an
individual's entire personality; central traits, which are general
characteristics that form the foundation of personality; and secondary traits,
which are situational and less influential. Allport proposed that understanding
an individual's unique combination of traits could provide insights into their
behavior and predict their responses across various situations.
IGNOU MSW 003 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-Allport's trait theory contributed to the development of
trait-based personality assessments, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
(MBTI) and the Big Five personality traits. The Big Five, also known as the
Five-Factor Model, includes openness, conscientiousness, extraversion,
agreeableness, and neuroticism. These traits are considered to represent the
fundamental dimensions of personality, providing a comprehensive framework for
studying individual differences.
In contrast, Sigmund Freud's theory of personality
development, often referred to as psychoanalytic theory, delves into the
unconscious mind and the role of early childhood experiences in shaping
personality. Freud proposed a three-part structure of the mind: the conscious
mind, representing thoughts and perceptions; the preconscious mind, holding
memories and thoughts that can be readily brought to consciousness; and the
unconscious mind, containing repressed memories, desires, and thoughts that are
not easily accessible.
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Freud's theory posits that personality is composed of three
interacting components: the id, ego, and superego. The id is the primitive and
instinctual part of the psyche, seeking immediate gratification of desires. The
ego acts as the conscious, rational mediator, balancing the demands of the id
and the constraints of reality. The superego represents the internalized moral
standards and societal norms, serving as a conscience.
IGNOU MSW 003 Important Questions With Answers English Medium-According to Freud, personality development occurs in
distinct psychosexual stages: oral, anal, phallic, latent, and genital. Each
stage is associated with specific conflicts and challenges related to the
satisfaction of instinctual drives. Successful resolution of these conflicts
leads to the development of a healthy personality. The phallic stage, for
example, is marked by the Oedipus or Electra complex, where children experience
unconscious sexual desires for the opposite-sex parent and rivalry with the
same-sex parent. Failure to navigate these stages successfully can result in
unresolved conflicts and personality issues.
Freud's emphasis on the unconscious mind, sexual and
aggressive instincts, and the importance of early childhood experiences in
shaping personality has had a lasting impact on the field of psychology.
However, his theories have also been criticized for their lack of empirical
support and the emphasis on sexuality as a primary motivator.
Q.2 What is prejudice and explain the theories of prejudice
formation ?.
Q.3 Describe the institution of marriage in a family, its
importance, functions and critical issues.
Q.4 Discuss marital distress and the theoretical framework to
understand the incongruent marital relationships.
Q.5 Discuss the factors influencing caste system in modern
Q.6 Discuss the salient characteristics of culture.
Q.7 Discuss contemporary theories of social learning.
Q.8 Explain Erikson’s model of psychosocial development.
Q.9 Explain the concept and functions of social institution.
Q.10 Define social control. Briefly discuss the means of social
Q.11 Discuss Carl Roger’s self theory in personality
Q.12 Define groups and state the features of groups.
Q.13 Define Adolescence. Discuss their prominent psychosocial
Q.14 Discuss the emerging forms, changing functions and
dynamics of family.
Q.15 Explain the major factors of social change, giving illustrations.
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