The very easy and short note on Round Table Conferences (1930-1932)

 Round Table Conferences (1930-1932)

The Round Table Conferences (1930-1932)-The Prime Minister presided over the Round Table Conference, which His Majesty George V formally opened on November 12, 1930, in the Royal Hall House of Lords in London. While his son, Malcolm MacDonald, served as a liaison to Lord Sankey's constitutional committee during this time, Ramsay MacDonald served as head of a subcommittee on minority representation. Sir Malcolm Hailey, an Indian civil servant with thirty years of expertise, was one of the most important advisors.

The Round Table Conferences were a series of meetings held between 1930 and 1932 in London, UK, aimed at discussing and resolving the constitutional issues facing British India. The conferences were attended by representatives of the British government, the Indian National Congress, and the Muslim League, among others.

The First Round Table Conference was held from November 1930 to January 1931. The Indian National Congress boycotted the conference, as Mahatma Gandhi was in jail at the time, and they believed that the conference was designed to divide the Indian National Movement. The Muslim League attended the conference, but their demands for separate electorates for Muslims were not accepted by the other participants.

The Second Round Table Conference was held from September to December 1931. This time, the Indian National Congress participated, but the Muslim League boycotted the conference. The discussions centered around the nature of the future Indian constitution, the role of the British monarchy in India, and the communal representation of Muslims and other minorities in the Indian legislature.

The Third Round Table Conference was held from November to December 1932. All the major political parties in India attended the conference, including the Indian National Congress, the Muslim League, and the Indian Liberal Party. The conference was unable to reach a consensus on key issues, including the representation of minorities, and the discussions ended without any concrete outcomes.

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Sixteen delegates represented the eight political groups in Great Britain. There were sixteen representatives from the princely states and fifty-eight political figures from British India. There were 74 Indian representatives in total who attended the Conference. The Indian National Congress and prominent business figures in India did not attend the meeting, though. As a result of their involvement in the civil disobedience movement, many of them were imprisoned.

The Round Table Conferences (1930-1932)-In a contentious statement, Lord Irwin said that India should ultimately be given Dominionship. Gandhi had declined to join the meetings in London following a discussion in Delhi in December 1929. Gandhi was imprisoned by the Viceroy after being detained in line with the law. The success of the meeting would depend on the Mahatma's attendance, though. The Gandhi-Irwin Agreement resolved events as they came to a head (1931). Gandhi was reprimanded and desired the peaceful end to civil disobedience that the Viceroy and his Council had requested.

Lord Irwin was victorious, but the Simon Commission had miscalculated how determined Indian opinion would be to achieve freedom in the end. The Socialist Party "managed and manipulated the entire meeting," claimed Sir Winston Churchill, "to accomplish the outcome they had set before themselves from the beginning, namely the conferring upon Indians of responsible government at the centre." The Conservatives were appalled.


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