How is Sanskrit Drama different to the Greek plays

 How is Sanskrit Drama different to the Greek plays

Sanskrit drama and Greek plays have some similarities and some differences.


  • Both are forms of classical theater, with a long history and tradition.
  • Both have a strong emphasis on poetic language, with an intricate use of metaphors, similes, and other figures of speech.
  • Both use the chorus to comment on the action and provide background information.

Both use the same three unities of time, place and action.


  • The subject matter of the plays is different, Greek plays are more focused on gods and heroes, while Sanskrit plays are more focused on stories of Hindu gods and goddesses, epic stories, and historical events.
  • The role of religion is different. Greek plays were performed as part of religious festivals, whereas in Sanskrit drama religion is an integral part of the plays.
  • The use of music and dance is more prominent in Sanskrit drama than in Greek plays.

Greek plays were performed in an open-air theater, while the Sanskrit plays were performed in closed halls.

Greek plays were written in verse, while the Sanskrit plays were written in poetry.

In summary, both Greek plays and Sanskrit drama are forms of classical theatre with similarities in poetic language, the use of the chorus, and the three unities of time, place and action. But the subject matter, the role of religion, the use of music and dance, the place of performance, and the type of language used in the plays are different.

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How is Greek drama different from modern drama

Greek drama and modern drama have some similarities and some differences.


  • Both are forms of theater, with a long history and tradition.
  • Both use the same three unities of time, place and action.
  • Both have a strong emphasis on characters and their conflicts and motivations.


  • The subject matter of the plays is different. Greek plays often focused on myths and legends, while modern drama covers a wide range of topics, such as current events, social issues, and personal relationships.
  • The role of religion is different. Greek plays were performed as part of religious festivals, whereas in modern drama religion is often not a central theme.
  • The use of music and dance is less prominent in modern drama than in Greek plays.

Greek plays were performed in an open-air theater, while modern plays are performed in a variety of venues, such as theaters, arenas, and even television and film.

Greek plays were written in verse, while modern plays are written in prose, poetry or a combination of both.

Greek plays had a chorus which commented on the action and provided background information, modern plays do not use a chorus.

Greek plays were performed by a cast of male actors, while in modern drama, both male and female actors participate.

Greek plays had a specific form and structure, while modern drama is more flexible and diverse in terms of form and structure.

In summary, both Greek drama and modern drama are forms of theatre but the subject matter, the role of religion, the use of music and dance, the place of performance, the type of language used in the plays, the use of chorus, the cast of actors, and the form and structure are different.

What is the difference between the two main forms of Greek drama

The two main forms of Greek drama are tragedy and comedy.

Tragedy is a serious form of drama that deals with the darker aspects of human experience such as loss, suffering, and death. Tragedies often center around a protagonist, who is usually of noble birth, and their tragic flaw, which leads to their downfall. The plays often have a somber tone and use elevated language.

Comedy, on the other hand, is a lighter form of drama that deals with everyday life, and often uses humor and satire to comment on society and human behavior. The plays often center around common people and their everyday struggles. The tone is usually more lighthearted and the language is more colloquial.

In summary, the main difference between tragedy and comedy is the tone and subject matter. Tragedy deals with serious and darker aspects of human experience, while comedy deals with everyday life and uses humor to comment on society and human behavior.

What is Greek drama based on

Greek drama is based on a variety of sources and influences. Some of the main sources and influences include:

Mythology: Greek plays often drew on the rich tradition of Greek myths and legends, using stories of the gods and heroes as a basis for their plays.

Religion: Greek plays were performed as part of religious festivals, such as the Dionysia in Athens, and were often seen as a form of religious devotion.

Politics: Greek plays were also used as a way to comment on and critique the political and social issues of the day.

Oral tradition: Greek drama has its roots in the oral tradition, and the earliest plays were likely performed by traveling bards who passed down stories and legends through generations.

Human experience: Greek plays explore the human experience and emotions such as love, envy, fear, and courage.

Poetics: Greek plays use poetic language, meter, and imagery to create an emotional and aesthetic experience for the audience.

In summary, Greek drama is based on a combination of mythology, religion, politics, oral tradition, human experience and poetics which helped shape the form and content of Greek plays.


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