Discuss the Marxist view of state

The Marxist view of state , State Theory of Marx - Marxist theory of state the foremost protruding theory. Marxist theoretical views challenges the essential concepts of liberal state also as emphasises that it subjugates majority men of society to accomplish its objectives. it's to be abolished or smashed without which the emancipation of common men will never be possible. Though, a drag about academic analysis of Marxist theory of state is that nowhere Marx has systematically analysed the idea . Marx stated that each state may be a tyranny. it's said that each state is forced by extra-moral, extra-legal force.

The Marxist view of state

The Marxist view of state (1818- 1883) and his colleague Engels (1820-1895) have distinct explanations and statements which established state theory. within the Communist Manifesto , the state is that the “Political power, properly so called, is simply the organised power of 1 class for oppressing another”. within the same book we discover them saying, “The executive of the fashionable state is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the entire bourgeoisie”.

Hal Draper in his Karl Marx’s Theory of Upheaval explained that “The state is that the institution or complex of institutions which bases itself on the supply of forcible coercion by special agencies of society so as to take care of the dominance of a upper class , preserve the prevailing property relations from basic change and keep all other classes in subjection.”

Draper’s description of Marxist state isn't basically different from the definitions given by Marx and Engels within the Communist Manifesto . The state is essentially an instrument of sophistication domination. In other words, the state is employed by the bourgeoisie to take advantage of the folk and therein sense it's a mechanism for mistreatment. this concept has been expounded by Lenin.


Origin of State:

The Marxist view of state , Engels and their supporters (particularly Lenin) had no faith on the agreement theory because the origin of state. they need observed the origin from a materialistic’ viewpoint which emphasises that though the state is that the formation of man, behind this there's no emotion, idea but the influence of fabric conditions which they termed as economic conditions.


They have divided the event of society into old communist social organization , slave society, feudal society and industrial society. The Marxist view of state within the old communist society, there was no state because there was no existence of personal property. The system of personal property worked as a possible explanation for the increase of state. The owners of personal property felt insecurity on its protection and that they felt the need of an excellent power which could provide protection eventually.

As soon as there was personal property , two classes of men there appeared like one was the owner of property and therefore the other was without property.

The Marxist view of state- The conflict between them became prominent. Property owners wanted to subjugate the opposite class.

Property owners formed a force within the society and this force ultimately assumed the status of state.

Marx and Engels have established that the state for all practical purposes, was found out within the slave society. Because within the slave society, there have been mainly two classes, the owners of slaves and therefore the slaves themselves. The owners of the slaves required an organisation to regulate and dominate slaves.

Engels in his The Origin of Family, personal property and State has intricately analysed the origin and development of state. The state isn't something originated from the society. it's the merchandise of society. The Marxist view of state it's quoted that “The state is, by no means, an influence forced on society from without Rather it's a product of society at a particular stage of development”.

People living in society laid the inspiration of state for the realisation of their class interests. Engels during this book has firmly stated that the interests of the owners of property are at completely opposite to those that aren't the owners; due to this there have been rattles of interests between these two classes and therefore the interests were irreconcilable.

Simultaneously, The Marxist view of state there developed a hostility between these two classes and again this antagonism couldn't be settled. of these led to a situation which necessitated a state structure. The owners of the property came to be considered a separate class whose only aims were to regulate the persons who weren't the owners of property and to develop a mechanism to assist the property owners. The state during this way was created as a public power.

The man-made state had two main functions that include to supply security to the owners of wealth or owners of means of production and to gather taxes from the members of society. Engels has observed that though the state is that the product of society, gradually but steadily it became the owner of giant power and it stood above society.

But though the state stood above the society, it had been always responsive with the owners of property. The Marxist view of state it's to conclude that the state is that the outcome of human contrivance and was made with specific aims. According Marx and Engels, the origin of the state has nothing to try to with the agreement or the divine right theory. they need analysed the origin from materialistic standpoint.


State, Reform and Revolution :

The Marxist view of state  The present structure of the state is to be transformed through reforms. Whether Marx supported reforms is not clear from his huge literature. Again there is a controversy on this issue. Interpreters of Marx’s thought had opinion that Marx thought that without revolution, fundamental change of society is not possible. But the success of revolution depends upon some prerequisites. The workers must be mentally and materially prepared for an uprising. They must form a well-organised and organized class. They must be conscious of the extent of the exploitation. The workers will appreciatively welcome all sorts of troubles and will make sacrifice needed for the success of revolution. Some criticizers have argued that Marx in various ways supported reforms. The purpose of the reforms would be to help the working class in its preparation for revolution. Improvements should not constitute the goals but they are temporary means to accomplish major goals. The Marxist view of state “As far as Marx is concerned it can be said that in his standpoint, the worker’s movement should indeed seek improvements within the limits of capitalism but these reforms were to be stages on the way or means for achieving complete transformation”.


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