China’s growing influence in South Asia is a cause of concern for India’s relations with the neighbours
China’s growing influence in South Asia is a cause of concern
for India’s relations with the neighbours Geographically speaking, China is an
Asia Pacific country. it's 22 neighbours. In its multi-dimensional foreign and
security policy, Asia, in its broadest sense, figures during a big way. China
is expanding relationship with all regions of Asia and Asia Pacific namely
South East Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, South Asia, South-East Asia and
Eurasia. On the maritime front, China is extending its influence across the
Indo-Pacific region. Thus China’s policy have both continental also as maritime
dimensions. actually they're interlinked. The Belt and Road Iniiative (BRI) is
an ambitious project of Xi Jinping aimed toward expanding China’s influence
altogether region of Asia and beyond.
Security implications of BRI are considerable, as as an
example within the case of CPEC which has brought the Chinese presence on the
brink of Indian border, whether within the Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK) or
within the Sir Creek area. a replacement private security force has been
constituted in Pakistan ostensibly to guard the BRI assets. Border management will
become that far more difficult. China’s growing influence in South Asia is a
cause of concern for India’s relations with the neighbours , The implications
of a Chinese naval base in Gwadar are self-evident. Within the past few years
the Chinese submarines have appeared within the Bay of Bengal and Sri Lanka .
The Chinese naval base in Djibouti, within the Indian Ocean , is additionally a
matter of security concern for India. Chinese also are expanding their presence
in Duqum in Oman.
Chinese occupation of disputed islands within the South China
Sea and therefore the construction of military facilities there, in disregard
of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) judgment, is a sign of assertive
Chinese behavior. the continued Code of Conduct negotiation between China and
ASEAN is probably going to supply a one-sided result because the established
order in South China Sea is tilted in favour of China. Indian economic
interests and India’s relations with ASEAN countries are heavily impacted by
the heavy present of China in ASEAN.
India’s decision to stay faraway from the RCEP, though
justified within the context of the shortage of competitiveness of the Indian
industry, is nevertheless fraught with long-term implication for India’s Act
East Policy. It opens the sector further for China to further deepen its
influence in ASEAN. China’s growing influence in South Asia is a cause of
concern for India’s relations with the neighbours the type of balance which
India could provide within the East Asian region will receive a group back as
India has decided to stay faraway from the RCEP.
India has joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO),
despite China’s reluctance and hesitation. SCO is heavily dominated by China.
the shortage of connectivity between India and Central Asia also limits India’s
potential within the SCO. India’s involvement within the SCO is probably going
to stay confined to cooperation on counter-terrorism issues. The presence of
Pakistan within the SCO and China’s support thereto will make sure that the
type of pressure which must be placed on Pakistan won't be possible.
West Asia is a crucial region for India and China as both
source their oil supplies to a substantial degree. China, through investment,
trade and public diplomacy has succeeded in making an area for itself within
the Middle East . China’s growing influence in South Asia is a cause of concern
for India’s relations with the neighbours , Arabs have fully supported its BRI
projects. China is taken into account a reliable partner within the region. In
contrast, there are many doubts within the region about the US’ credibility.
China-US trade war can potentially be beneficial for India.
Many US and other companies are trying to find alternative markets and
destinations for investments. For this to happen, India has got to act fast and
make itself as a beautiful destination. The slowing down of the Indian economy
may be a setback therein direction.
The rising asymmetry between India and China make it
difficult for India to convince China to settle the boundary question.
China’s growing influence in South Asia at India’s expense.
Security implication of CPEC, Chinese base in Gawadar,
Djibouti etc.
China’s activities to create and take hold of ports in
several countries within the Indian Ocean .
China’s increasing military presence within the Indian Ocean
China’s technology edge, particularly within the telecommunication
area (5G) which provides its company like Huawei it holds into the countries of
the region during which India even have strong interest.
China has used its space capabilities to draw in India’s
neighbour into cooperative folds.
India’s neighbour follow policies of extracting maximum
benefits from India and China rivalry and competition.
China’s growing capabilities in education is attracting
sizable amount of Indian and South Asian student thereto universities.
China’s dominance in South East Asia will have an impression
on India’s Act East Policy.
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