June 2019
Question Paper
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : Attempt both Part A and Part
B. Part—A
1. Write
short notes on any two of the following :
(a) EPRG
orientation in international marketing
Essentials of effective international market segmentation
International product life cycle
(d) Methods
of collecting primary data
Distinguish between any two of the following :
Multinational marketing and global marketing
(b) High
touch positioning and high tech positioning
(c) Pioduct
standardisation and product adaptation
International marketing vs. Domestic marketing
Note : Attempt any four of the
following questions.
3. (a) What
do you understand by international marketing environment ?
(b) Do you
think that Indian companies have adequately responded to changes in domestic
and external marketing environments, and have carried out the necessary
modifications in their international marketing strategies Explain in detail.
4. Briefly
discuss the critical factors you keep in mind while selectng the target markets
in international marketing.
5. Describe
the process of developing new product for the international markets.
6. Explain
the different approaches to budgeting for international advertising.
"International marketing research is full of complexities." Comment.
8. (a)
"At times, publicity received for a company or its product can have
negative impact on sales." Comment.
(b) Describe
the alternative methods applied in transfer pricing.
9. Discuss
how advances in information technology has impacted the international
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