50 MCQs on Mulk Raj Anand with Answers for UGC NET

50 MCQs on Mulk Raj Anand  with Answers for UGC NET

1. Mulk Raj Anand was born in which year?

   a) 1900

   b) 1905

   c) 1910

   d) 1915


50 MCQs on Mulk Raj Anand  with Answers for UGC NET

2. Which Indian state was Mulk Raj Anand born in?

   a) Punjab

   b) Uttar Pradesh

   c) Rajasthan

   d) Maharashtra


3. Mulk Raj Anand is often considered one of the pioneers of which literary movement in India?

   a) Romanticism

   b) Realism

   c) Surrealism

   d) Modernism


4. Which of the following novels is not written by Mulk Raj Anand?

   a) Untouchable

   b) Coolie

   c) Train to Pakistan

   d) The Private Life of an Indian Prince


5. Untouchable, one of Anand's most famous works, deals with the life of a character named:

   a) Bakha

   b) Hari

   c) Ramu

   d) Raju


6. Mulk Raj Anand's novel "Coolie" portrays the struggles of:

   a) A peasant

   b) A laborer

   c) A soldier

   d) A teacher


7. In which year was Mulk Raj Anand awarded the Padma Bhushan?

   a) 1950

   b) 1960

   c) 1970

   d) 1980


8. Mulk Raj Anand's writing often focuses on themes related to:

   a) Caste discrimination

   b) Political intrigue

   c) Urbanization

   d) Space exploration


9. Which of the following is not a recurring theme in Mulk Raj Anand's works?

   a) Poverty

   b) Social injustice

   c) Romantic love

   d) Oppression


10. The novel "Two Leaves and a Bud" by Mulk Raj Anand deals with the struggles of:

    a) Industrial workers

    b) Tea plantation workers

    c) Farmers

    d) Tribal people


11. Which of the following literary magazines did Mulk Raj Anand co-found?

    a) The Indian P.E.N.

    b) Granta

    c) The New Yorker

    d) The Atlantic


12. Anand's novel "The Big Heart" portrays the life of:

    a) A political leader

    b) A social activist

    c) A doctor

    d) A freedom fighter


13. Mulk Raj Anand was associated with which social reform movement?

    a) Women's suffrage

    b) Anti-apartheid

    c) Anti-untouchability

    d) LGBTQ rights


14. Which of the following statements is true about Mulk Raj Anand's writing style?

    a) He predominantly used archaic language.

    b) He employed complex metaphors in his works.

    c) He wrote in a simple and direct manner.

    d) He heavily relied on surrealistic imagery.

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15. In which year did Mulk Raj Anand pass away?

    a) 1980

    b) 1990

    c) 2000

    d) 2010


16. The novel "Across the Black Waters" by Mulk Raj Anand is set during which war?

    a) World War I

    b) World War II

    c) The Vietnam War

    d) The Gulf War


17. Mulk Raj Anand's work is often compared to which other Indian author?

    a) Salman Rushdie

    b) Arundhati Roy

    c) R.K. Narayan

    d) Amitav Ghosh


18. In Anand's novel "The Road," the protagonist is a:

    a) Peasant

    b) Teacher

    c) Soldier

    d) Merchant


19. "Seven Summers" is an autobiographical work by Mulk Raj Anand focusing on his:

    a) Childhood

    b) Adolescence

    c) Adult life

    d) Old age


20. Mulk Raj Anand's short story "The Barber's Trade Union" deals with issues related to:

    a) Religious conflicts

    b) Labor rights

    c) Environmental conservation

    d) Educational reform


21. Which of the following is not a central theme in Mulk Raj Anand's works?

    a) Love conquers all

    b) Social inequality

    c) Human dignity

    d) The struggle for survival


22. The novel "The Village" by Mulk Raj Anand portrays the life of people in a:

    a) Rural village

    b) Urban slum

    c) Metropolitan city

    d) Desert town


23. Anand's novel "The Sword and the Sickle" deals with the struggles of:

    a) Farmers

    b) Soldiers

    c) Businessmen

    d) Intellectuals

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24. Mulk Raj Anand was influenced by which Western literary movement?

    a) Romanticism

    b) Existentialism

    c) Surrealism

    d) Realism


25. The short story "The Lost Child" by Mulk Raj Anand focuses on the experience of a child at a:

    a) Fair

    b) Circus

    c) Temple

    d) Market


26. Mulk Raj Anand's novel "The Bubble" critiques the:

    a) Caste system

    b) Education system

    c) Political system

    d) Judicial system


27. Which of the following statements best describes Mulk Raj Anand's view on art and literature?

    a) Art should only serve as entertainment.

    b) Literature should always be escapist.

    c) Art and literature should reflect social realities.

    d) Art and literature should avoid controversial topics.


28. "The Indian Theatre" is a book written by Mulk Raj Anand on:

    a) Classical Indian dance

    b) Indian cinema

    c) Traditional Indian music

    d) Indian drama and theater


29. Which of the following characters is not from Mulk Raj Anand's works?

    a) Bakha

    b) Aziz

    c) Hari

    d) Gopal


30. "The Untouchable" by Mulk Raj Anand was published in which year?

    a) 1930

    b) 1940

    c) 1950

    d) 1960


31. Mulk Raj Anand's novel "Private Life of an Indian Prince" explores the:

    a) Social life of Indian royalty

    b) Political intrigues in princely states

    c) Emotional turmoil of a prince

    d) Economic struggles of a prince


32. Which of the following literary awards was not received by Mulk Raj Anand during his lifetime?

    a) Sahitya Akademi Award

    b) Padma Bhushan

    c) Booker Prize

    d) Padma Vibhushan


33. In "The Coolie," Anand highlights the plight of:

    a) Factory workers

    b) Construction laborers

    c) Porters and servants

    d) Agricultural workers


34. Mulk Raj Anand's work is often associated with which movement in Indian literature?

    a) Progressive Writers' Movement

    b) Romantic Movement

    c) Absurdist Movement

    d) Postcolonial Movement


35. The short story "The Lament" by Mulk Raj Anand portrays the struggles of:

    a) An elderly couple

    b) Orphaned children

    c) Migrant workers

    d) Widows


36. Mulk Raj Anand's novel "The Old Woman and the Cow" reflects upon:

    a) The bond between humans and animals

    b) Economic disparities in rural India

    c) The inevitability of death

    d) Traditional Indian folklore


37. In "The Road," the protagonist encounters various challenges while:

    a) Searching for his lost love

    b) Escaping from a war zone

    c) Traveling to a distant city

    d) Reflecting on his past experiences


38. Which of the following literary forms did Mulk Raj Anand not explore in his works?

    a) Novel

    b) Short story

    c) Drama

    d) Poetry


39. "The Sword and the Sickle" by Mulk Raj Anand reflects upon the struggles faced by:

    a) Industrial workers

    b) Farmers and peasants

    c) Urban professionals

    d) Tribal communities


40. Mulk Raj Anand's short story "The Lost Child" explores themes of:

    a) Parental neglect

    b) Childhood innocence

    c) Cultural identity

    d) Social rebellion

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41. In "Across the Black Waters," the protagonist faces challenges related to:

    a) Racial discrimination

    b) Cultural assimilation

    c) Military service

    d) Economic exploitation


42. Anand's novel "The Village" provides a vivid portrayal of:

    a) Traditional Indian customs

    b) Rapid urbanization

    c) Technological advancements

    d) Environmental degradation


43. Which of the following characters is not from Mulk Raj Anand's "Untouchable"?

    a) Sohini

    b) Ramu

    c) Bakha

    d) Ganga


44. Mulk Raj Anand's work is often characterized by its:

    a) Optimism

    b) Pessimism

    c) Realism

    d) Surrealism


45. "Two Leaves and a Bud" by Mulk Raj Anand critiques the exploitation of:

    a) Tea plantation workers

    b) Factory workers

    c) Coal miners

    d) Construction laborers


46. In "The Road," the protagonist's journey is a metaphor for:

    a) Spiritual enlightenment

    b) Economic prosperity

    c) Social mobility

    d) Personal growth


47. Anand's novel "The Private Life of an Indian Prince" challenges stereotypes about:

    a) Indian royalty

    b) British colonialism

    c) Indian spirituality

    d) Urban poverty


48. The short story "The Barber's Trade Union" by Mulk Raj Anand reflects upon issues of:

    a) Caste discrimination

    b) Gender inequality

    c) Labor rights

    d) Environmental degradation


49. Mulk Raj Anand's writing is often characterized by its deep empathy for:

    a) The upper class

    b) The ruling elite

    c) The downtrodden

    d) The privileged


50. Mulk Raj Anand's literary contributions have been instrumental in highlighting:

    a) The glory of the Indian past

    b) The complexities of modern Indian society

    c) The decline of traditional Indian values

    d) The superiority of Western culture


1. b) 1905

2. a) Punjab

3. d) Modernism

4. c) Train to Pakistan

5. a) Bakha

6. b) A laborer

7. d) 1980

8. a) Caste discrimination

9. c) Romantic love

10. b) Tea plantation workers

11. a) The Indian P.E.N.

12. c) A doctor

13. c) Anti-untouchability

14. c) He wrote in a simple and direct manner.

15. d) 2010

16. a) World War I

17. c) R.K. Narayan

18. c) Soldier

19. b) Adolescence

20. b) Labor rights

21. a) Love conquers all

22. a) Rural village

23. a) Farmers

24. d) Realism

25. c) Temple

26. b) Education system

27. c) Art and literature should reflect social realities.

28. d) Indian drama and theater

29. d) Gopal

30. a) 1930

31. a) Social life of Indian royalty

32. c) Booker Prize

33. c) Porters and servants

34. a) Progressive Writers' Movement

35. d) Widows

36. a) The bond between humans and animals

37. c) Traveling to a distant city

38. d) Poetry

39. b) Farmers and peasants

40. a) Parental neglect

41. c) Military service

42. a) Traditional Indian customs

43. d) Ganga

44. c) Realism

45. a) Tea plantation workers

46. d) Personal growth

47. a) Indian royalty

48. c) Labor rights

49. c) The downtrodden

50. b) The complexities of modern Indian society



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