IGNOU MPY 001 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

IGNOU MPY 001 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

IGNOU MPY 001 Important Questions with answers English Medium- MPY-001 refers to the course code for Indian Philosophy in the Master of Arts in Philosophy (MAPY) program offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). It is a first-year course for the MAPY program and delves into various aspects of Indian philosophical thought.

IGNOU MPY 001 Important Questions with Answers English Medium

Course Structure

  • Introduction to Indian Philosophy
  • Heterodox Systems
  • Orthodox Systems-I
  • Orthodox Systems-II
  • Indian Systematic Philosophy
  • Contemporary Indian Philosophy

Q.1 Critically analyse Carvaka's materialist philosophy

Carvaka, or Lokayata, emerges as a distinctive school of thought in ancient Indian philosophy due to its materialist and skeptical orientation. Originating around the 6th century BCE, Carvaka diverges from prevailing religious and philosophical ideologies by rejecting metaphysical concepts such as gods, the soul, and an afterlife. This analysis examines the core tenets of Carvaka's materialist philosophy, evaluating both its strengths and weaknesses.

IGNOU MPY 001 Important Questions with Answers English Medium-At the heart of Carvaka's philosophy lies its unequivocal dismissal of metaphysical entities, advocating for a strict materialistic worldview. In contrast to other Indian philosophical traditions that incorporate spiritual and metaphysical dimensions into their understanding of reality, Carvaka posits that only the tangible world perceived through the senses is authentic. This bold rejection of the supernatural represents a departure from prevalent beliefs rooted in the Vedas and other sacred texts.

Empirical evidence takes precedence in Carvaka's epistemology, with sensory perception and direct experience positioned as exclusive sources of knowledge. This commitment to empiricism shares similarities with the scientific method, emphasizing the importance of observable phenomena. However, critics contend that this approach, by confining knowledge to the realm of sensory perception, oversimplifies the intricate nature of human cognition and neglects the role of abstract reasoning and conceptual understanding.

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  • (IGNOU) MPY-001 Important Questions with Answers English

Carvaka's materialist philosophy is further characterized by its hedonistic ethics, championing the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain as life's guiding principles. This ethical framework, absent considerations of karma and moral consequences in the afterlife, has faced criticism for potentially fostering a hedonistic lifestyle lacking moral responsibility and long-term considerations. The absence of a moral foundation beyond the pursuit of immediate pleasure raises concerns about the sustainability of such an ethical system in promoting the well-being of individuals and society.

IGNOU MPY 001 Important Questions with Answers English Medium-Furthermore, Carvaka's rejection of an enduring self or soul has implications for its understanding of personal identity and accountability. The absence of belief in the continuity of the self beyond the present life prompts questions about the basis for ethical responsibility and the consequences of one's actions. Critics argue that this lack of a moral framework may undermine social cohesion and prioritize individual pursuits over communal well-being.

IGNOU MPY 001 Important Questions with Answers English Medium-Despite its limitations, Carvaka's philosophy played a vital role in challenging established religious and metaphysical doctrines in ancient India. Its emphasis on skepticism, critical inquiry, and the rejection of dogma contributed to the diversity of philosophical thought in the region. While not widely adopted, Carvaka's materialist perspective fostered a spirit of intellectual dissent, stimulating philosophical debates and encouraging alternative viewpoints.

Q.2 Evaluate Sankara's philosophical position of non- duality between Individual self and the Absolute

Q.3 Explain the theory of causation according to Samkhya.

Q.4 Bring out the salient features of the ethical 20 teachings in Buddhist philosophy

Q.5 Explain the Syad-vada of Jaina epistemology

Q.6 What do you understand by practical Vedanta ? Explain its relevance.

Q.7 Describe the theory of karma

Q.8 What are the ethical teachings on family life according to Tirukkural ?

Q.9 Enumerate the Vaiserika categories

Q.10 Give Carvaka's justification for rejection of sabda.

Q. 11Explain the understanding of Nishkama karma in Bhagavatgita

Q.12 Briefly discuss Aurobindo's Involution and Evolution.

Q.13 Explain Radhakrishnan's view an Ideal Religion.

Q.14 Describe Anekantavada of Jaina metaphysics.

Q.15 Give a detailed account of the Mimamsa theory of knowledge.

Q.16 Define Rasa. Make a critical analysis of the Rasa theory of Bharata. what were the alternate theories proposed ?

Q.17 Discuss "Brahma Satyam, Jagat Mithya". Write detailed notes on Avidya and Maya.

Q.18 Write an essay on the Jaina Logic and Epistemology.

Q.19 Give an account of the theory of evolution according to Samkhya.

Q.20 Explain the theory of Karma. Discuss the transmigration of soul in the light of Karma theory.


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