The Tale of Melon City Summary and Important Questions for class 11th

The Tale of Melon City Summary and Important Questions for class 11th

The Tale of Melon City is a poem by Vikram Seth in wherein he disparages all forms of government. These tails are too basic to be proud of their long-standing rituals and beliefs. Furthermore, the poet uses the melon city to symbolize any country whose policies are based on antiquated notions and superstitions. The poem's king is supposed to be a peacemaker, but we quickly see how phony and cynical that assertion is. In addition, the monarch wishes to bring about peace by getting rid of everybody who made even the slightest error. And we may simply obtain this by his directive to execute innocent individuals. by seeing how lawbreakers evade punishment and how citizens profit from national policies.

The Tale of Melon City Summary and Important Questions

The Tale of Melon City Summary

A just and kind monarch governed the country long ago. The king had openly stated that a win-win situation for spiritual observers should be created when an arch is built to cross a public highway.

The workers followed the king's instructions and proceeded there to build an arch. The audience was illuminated as the king rode along the highway. Under the arch, the king lost his crown because it was so low. The soft-spoken monarch's eyebrows furled. He called it a disgrace and said the builder was going to hang.

The Tale of Melon City Summary and Important Questions-A rope was put around the neck of the builders' master and he was thrown out. He cried, "My lord, it was the workers' fault," as he went by the king. The king gave the order to stop the proceedings and hang all of the laborers in its place. The king insisted that he was unaware that the bricks were the incorrect size, much to the amazement of the workers. The king gave the order to call in stonemasons. 

There, the cutters were delivered. Stonemasons held the architect responsible for the flawed design, and the king had him hanged. The architect informed the king that he had come a long way when he presented the blueprints to him. The king was furious at hearing this and was unable to intervene peacefully.

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Being a kind and compassionate monarch, he acknowledged that it was a challenging choice and went for counsel. He gave the order to bring the wisest man into the royal court. The wisest man was old enough to be blind or unable to walk. He had to be taken there as a result. The wise man spoke in a shaky voice, declaring that the arch deserved punishment since it had to be hung since it had removed the crown. The arch was then weighed using the scales. The advisor then showed them how to hang an object that had touched the king's head.

The Tale of Melon City Summary and Important Questions-The king deliberated for a long time. The crowd, on the other hand, was not at ease this time. The king was acutely aware of their emotions. He urged those gathered to postpone the discussion of good points as an example. The people want someone to be hanged, and they want it now.

The noose was set to a certain height. Each man tried to fit the noose. Only one man was tall enough to fit it. That man was the king. So he was suspended by the royal law. Ministers felt satisfied that they had found someone hanged. Otherwise, the unruly city might rebel against the king. They cried out: “Long live the king!”

Since the king was no longer alive, wise officials dispatched emissaries to proclaim, on behalf of his (former) emperor, that whoever passed through the City Gate next would choose their nation's new ruler. Their customs were respected, and their rites were observed. An idiot went by the city gate. He was asked to choose "Who will be the King?" by the guards. The idiot chose "melon" as his default response to every question as it was his go-to response.

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After the Melon was declared king, the city was dubbed "Melon City" for all time. The people replied that it was by customary decision when asked how their master had transformed into a melon. If the monarch was happy with himself for being a watermelon, then it was right for them. As long as he left them in freedom and peace, enabling them to carry on with their private companies unhindered by the government, they would not ask him to take any business. When someone asks the residents of this city what their city's name means, they tell them this tale.

Characters In The Tale of Melon City

1. The King

The King in Vikram Seth's The Tale of Melon City' possesses a distinct personality. Rather than reason and logic, his quirky temperament is what motivates him. He is mockingly introduced as "just" and "placid." He is unable to administer justice due to his own inadequacies. He doesn't develop good judgment and a firm intellect. Instead, he is readily persuaded and swayed. He requests that a monument be built in the form of an arch to symbolize his triumph and grandeur. Sadly, the arch is so low that it strikes his crown as he rides by the gate, causing the crown to come off.

He thinks it's a shame and gives the order to hang those responsible. Ultimately, he is hanged by his own command. When someone fits inside the noose, he gives the command to hang them. Everybody was measured one by one, and the King was the only one who fit in. Due to his weakness and tendency to suppress himself under duress, the monarch falls into his own trap.

The Tale of Melon City Important Questions and Answers

What is the poem The tale of melon city about?

The Tale of Melon City summary, a Vikram Seth poem, is a witty jab at powerful people. The poet has mocked the notion that it makes no difference to people who their ruler, king, or head of state is, as long as he allows them to live in peace, freedom, and, most importantly, in their minds.

What does the tale of melon city narrate?

The tale of melon city is a poem which tells the story of a just and placid king who proclaimed that an arch should be constructed to edify the the arch was constructed,the king rode down the thoroughfare where he lost his crown as the arch was built too low. the annoyed king wanted to hang the culprit.

What do you think makes the tale of melon city interesting and edifying?

As the title indicates the poem tells a story about Melon City—a city named after its ruler. It is quite interesting and edifying to learn how the country got a melon as its ruler. In short, it was on account of customary choice.


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