The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement’s Role Summary and Important Questions for class 11th

The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement’s Role Summary and Important Questions for class 11th

The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement’s Role is written by Indian jurist Nani Palkhivala. On November 24, 1994, it was published in The Indian Express. He suggests sustainable development as a long-term strategy for growth in order to mitigate the negative impacts of quick industrialization and resource exploitation. He begins the piece by discussing the development of the Green movement and how it has been successful in making us more conscious of our environmental responsibilities. Additionally, he recommends a number of significant adjustments to be made to the administrative and social practices of our current society, such as voluntary family planning to slow down population increase and compliance with laws pertaining to the preservation of natural resources.

The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement’s Role Summary and Important Questions

The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement’s Role Summary

The author summarizes the shift in society's perspective from a materialistic to an ecological and holistic understanding of the universe. It claims that environmental concerns are now a concern for people. According to this perspective, the earth is a living being. People think of it as having the same metabolic processes as all other living things.

The author then goes on to discuss the 1987 Sustainable Growth concept. "Achieves what the current generation wants, without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet and fulfill their needs." Additionally, we need to use the natural resources in a way that both meets our needs and protects them for future generations. Individuals view themselves as partners rather than inhabitants of this world. Actually, millions of species on our planet consider us to be partners.

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The Global Economic Prospect, a book, points out that the planet’s major biological systems are 4 that are fisheries, forests, croplands, and grasslands. These virtually consists of all the raw materials of industries at present. A non-sustainable utilization of these resources is occurring. Then the writer is concerned about the lessening of the forest land. The dung which we should use as a natural fertilizer, we are generally using to produce fuel. On the other hand, the soil is not receiving natural fertilizer.

Then the writer refers to Article 48A of the Constitution of India. Article 48A it states that the state should guard and improve the forest and the wildlife as well. But they do not impose the law appropriately. Then the writer refers to a Parliamentary committee report that says the decline of a forest at the frequency of 3.7 million acres every single year. The United Nations cautions that the environment has deteriorated so severely that it is critical in many of the 88 countries examined.

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The rate of population growth is far faster. The two best ways to address people's problems are development and growth. It is challenging to carry out development with such a population. In order to reduce the overpopulation crisis, we require appropriate family planning. Controlling the world's population is imperative. At this point, the author reiterates how people's perceptions of ecology have improved. Better ecosystems are the duty of the industries as well.

Characters In The Ailing planet: The Green Movement’s Role

The Ailing planet : The planet itself is a character in the book, represented as a living being enduring the negative consequences of human activity. It symbolizes how pollution, deforestation, and excessive consumption are causing the Earth's condition to deteriorate. The planet's dire circumstances function as a continual reminder of the pressing need for sustainable practices and environmental conservation.The Ecologists:

The Ecologists : The ecologists in the book are devoted researchers and activists who spend their entire life protecting and enhancing the environment. They put out great effort to increase public knowledge of the effects of human activity because they are gravely concerned about the state of the planet. These figures represent the value of activism and scientific understanding in resolving environmental problems.

The Decision-Makers: The decision-makers are politicians, policymakers, and industrialists who hold the power to shape environmental policies. They are often depicted as being more focused on short-term economic gains rather than considering the long-term consequences of their actions. These characters represent the conflict between economic development and environmental preservation, highlighting the need for sustainable

The Common People:

The common people in the book represent the general population who have varying levels of awareness and concern for the environment. Some are depicted as indifferent or ignorant, while others show a genuine interest in adopting sustainable practices. These characters reflect the need for widespread education and consciousness regarding environmental issues.

The Future Generations:

The book also emphasizes the impact of environmental degradation on future generations. The children and young adults in the story symbolize the inheritors of an ailing planet. Their presence reminds us of the responsibility we have to protect the environment for the well- being of future generations.

The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement’s Role Important Questions and Answers

There is a shift in human perceptions, a growing consciousness. What is it about?

There is a growing worldwide awareness that the earth is a living organism, and we humans are its parts. The earth has its own needs which should be respected. We have a moral duty to save the world from destruction.

What is our ethical obligation to the earth?

We, truly speaking, are not the absolute owners of this earth. It is common property. It belongs as much to us as to the future generation. We must not tap all its natural resources for our own consumption. We are just the trustees of this planet: so we should keep it healthy.

How does the author define the concept of sustainable development?

Our natural resources are not unlimited, except for the sun and the ocean. When we use the forests and fisheries and other resources we ought not to forget the needs of future generations. The two inexhaustible sources of energy are the sun and the sea. The forests are sustainable, they grow again if we do not destroy them mindlessly. Our development plans should be tailored in such a way that we do not rob our progeny of their share.

Man is the world’s most dangerous animal. How?

The notice in a cage in Zambia zoo blames a man for all the nuisance, destruction and dangers to life on the earth. He is over-greedy and ill-natured. He is harming the air, water and the soil. He is doing more harm to the planet than all the wild animals.



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