Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues Summary and Important Questions for class 11th

Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues Summary and Important Questions for class 11th

Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues written by A.R. Williams explains about an effort to rebuild Tut's mummy forensically. He shares his experiences with his colleagues using a CT scanner to image the mummy for medical purposes. The story details the expectations placed on archaeologists during this event, as well as their encounters with the cultural shame associated with old artifacts. The story enthralls us with the excitement of solving the puzzle behind Tut's demise. 

Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues Summary and Important Questions

The archaeologists are also concerned about incurring the pharaoh's wrath for removing his corpse from the tomb. The final member of a family that had ruled Egypt for many years was Tutankhamun, also referred to as Tut anywhere in the globe. Numerous theories concerning his sudden and enigmatic death have been put forth since his grave was discovered in 1922. In his teens, he passed away. 

Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues Summary

The final ruler of the illustrious Pharaoh Dynasty was Tutankhamun. When he went away, he was young. Some claim that his death was the result of murder. The archaeologist Howard Carter discovered his tomb in 1922. He was taken for a CT scan after eight decades in order to use forensic reconstruction to unravel the mysteries surrounding his life and demise.

Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues Summary and Important Questions-Amenhotep III, his father or grandfather, ruled the Pharaohs for forty years with great power. Furthermore, Amenhotep IV, his son, who succeeded him, marked the beginning of the most peculiar era in Egyptian history. Akhenaten, which translates to "servant of Athens," became his new name. Amarna replaced Thebes as the capital of the religion. Afterwards, he destroyed Amun's pictures and closed his temples after attacking the god. He was followed by another enigmatic king who passed away quickly. For nine years, Tutankhamun sat at the head of state.

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When Tut’s mummified body was found, he had lots of gold and wealth. Carter got him after so many years. After conducting the research on the treasures, he planned to examine his 3 nested boxes. Many parts of the treasure in the tomb were already misplaced.

Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues Summary and Important Questions-His tomb was found rock-cut, 26 feet under the ground, which also had some wall paintings. It reveals that he was suppressed in the months of March or April. One of the coffin put Carter into trouble. The gums used to paste Tut to the lowest of the solid gold. Coffin was toughening enough that made it impossible to displace. He put the box in the sun for numerous hours so that the resins lose up but that didn’t work.

Finally, he used the chisel and hammer to remove the adhesive. Carter felt that since robbers would have stolen the riches and treasures, he had no choice but to tear the mummy limb from limb. His guys dismembered the mummy, cutting out each and every part afterward. They positioned it on the sand layer once they had finished removing every body part. They stored the parts in the original location in a wooden box.

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Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues Summary and Important Questions-The body was later taken for a CT scan in January 2009, which creates a three-dimensional image by capturing hundreds of X-rays. Following the scan that evening, the laborers moved his remains out of the tomb and into a box. They navigated the stairs and ramp before raising the body onto a hydraulic trailer that housed the scanner. The CT scan halted abruptly, as did the scanner's operation. Finally, after using two extra fans, the scan was finished. They returned his body to his tomb, where it now rests in peace, after three hours.

Characters in Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues

Howard Carter was a British archaeologist who gained worldwide fame for his discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun, also known as King Tut, in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt in 1922. His remarkable find shed light on the ancient Egyptian civilization and its rich cultural heritage. Carter was a dedicated and passionate archaeologist who dedicated his life to unraveling the mysteries of ancient Egypt. He spent several years searching for Tutankhamun's tomb before finally discovering it. Despite facing financial difficulties and other setbacks, he remained determined to uncover the secrets hidden beneath the sands of the Valley of the Kings.

King Tut: King Tutankhamun, popularly called King Tut, was an Egyptian pharaoh who ruled in ancient Egypt during the 18th dynasty of the New Kingdom era. He took the throne at an early age, and although his reign was brief, it ended when he passed away at the age of eighteen or nineteen. He revived the worship of Amun, the god of Egypt. He revived the customs and had a fondness for the culture of ancient Egypt.

As the last member of the influential family that ruled Egypt, Tutankhamun was revered. Historians and science have disagreed about what caused him to die. While some ideas contend that complications from his fractured leg caused his death, others speculate that an infection or genetic abnormalities may have played a role. He is a mysterious figure because of his abrupt passing and the attempts made to obliterate his remembrance from history afterward.

Zahi Hawass: This Egyptologist and archaeologist rose to fame for his efforts to preserve and research ancient Egyptian artifacts and locations. In order to create an accurate forensic reconstruction, he scanned King Tut's mummy. In his capacity as Egypt's Minister of State for Antiquities Affairs, he made a substantial contribution to the advancement of Egyptian archaeology and the preservation of the nation's cultural legacy. He is often described as charismatic and enthusiastic, and his love for ancient Egypt shines through his work and public appearances. Hawass has dedicated his life to unraveling the mysteries of ancient Egypt and sharing its rich history with the world.

Amenhotep III : This Egyptian pharaoh ruled from roughly 1386 to 1353 BCE, during the 18th dynasty of the New Kingdom era. He was Thutmose IV's son and the ninth pharaoh of the dynasty. He was well-known for his noteworthy achievements throughout his stable, prosperous, and artistically vibrant rule. He took over a rather stable monarchy and proceeded to use diplomacy, not force, to increase Egypt's sphere of influence. He established friendly relationships with other powerful civilizations, such as the Hittites and Babylonians, fostering trade and cultural exchanges. As a ruler, Amenhotep III emphasized the grandeur and opulence of his reign.

Amenhotep IV: who thereafter adopted the name Akhenaten was a king of Egypt. He is renowned for his drastic political and theological reforms that had a profound effect on ancient Egyptian society. He is the son of Amenhotep III. He established a brand-new monotheistic faith in which the sun disk, Aten, was revered as the ultimate deity. His name was changed from Amenhotep IV to Akhenaten, which means Aten's servant, for this reason. He relocated the religious capital from Thebes, the ancient city, to Akhetaten, the modern city of Amarna. This was a break from the customary polytheistic veneration of numerous gods in ancient Egypt. Akhenaten's reign had a profound impact on Egyptian art. He introduced a new artistic style known as the Amarna style, characterized by a more naturalistic representation of human figures, with elongated limbs, exaggerated features, and a sense of movement.

Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues Important Questions and Answers

What do you think are the reasons for the extinction of languages ?

A particular language becomes extinct because either the people find it complex and complicated or it remains no more popular. The ability to use a particular language is not inherited. One learns a language from other people. So, when people stop using a language, it becomes extinct.

Do you think it is important to preserve language ?

Yes, it is very important to preserve languages. As Ben Jonson says, “Speech is the instrument of society.” Without it a society is unthinkable. Language is also the flesh and blood of our culture. So, to preserve a particular society or a culture it is very important that we preserve the language of that particular society.

What has the modem world speculated about King Tut ?

King Tut was laid to rest more than 3,300 years ago as a mummy. Not much is known about his life and death. So, the modem world has speculated about what had happened to him. It is feared that he might have been possibly murdered.


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