Keeping Quiet Summary by Pablo Neruda for Class 12th

Keeping Quiet Summary by Pablo Neruda for Class 12th

Keeping Quiet is a contemplative and visionary poem by Pablo Neruda, the Nobel laureate and acclaimed poet from Chile. Written in the midst of international upheaval, the poem offers a profound reflection on how serenity and quiet can promote understanding in a chaotic and divisive world , Keeping Quiet Summary by Pablo Neruda for Class 12th

Neruda asks readers to picture a day when everyone puts aside their differences, conflicts end, and a collective introspection results in a closer bond with the planet and each other via poetic language and striking imagery. The poem, which urges people to pause, think, and come together in a peaceful stillness that cuts over linguistic and political divides, is a monument to Neruda's literary skill and his faith in the transformational power of contemplation.

Keeping Quiet Summary by Pablo Neruda

Keeping Quiet Summary

Keeping Quiet is a thought-provoking poem by the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. The poem examines the idea of having a moment of quiet as a means of bringing about world peace and understanding. In Neruda's universe, people give up on their daily pursuits, put an end to hostilities, and settle into a state of silent reflection. People can connect with the Earth and one other during this stillness, overcoming obstacles like political differences and linguistic hurdles.

Keeping Quiet Summary by Pablo Neruda

Keeping Quiet Summary by Pablo Neruda-The poet makes the case that taking this deliberate break from our busy lives can help us better comprehend one another as human beings. We may dismantle the barriers dividing us and recognize the ties that bind the world community together by staying motionless and silent. In the end, the poem offers a message of hope, supporting the ability of quiet and reflection to effect good change in the world.

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Keeping Quiet Summary by Pablo Neruda for Class 12th -Neruda's use of language and imagery in the poem is rich and evocative, drawing the reader into a contemplative space. The call for stillness becomes a metaphorical act of resistance against the chaos and conflicts that often define human existence. 

Through "Keeping Quiet," Neruda encourages us to reflect on our actions, consider the consequences of our choices, and strive for a world where silence becomes a powerful tool for peace and understanding.

Characters in Keeping Quiet

The Speaker:

The poem is spoken by a collective voice, representing humanity as a whole. While the speaker does not have a specific identity, it serves as a medium through which the poet communicates the central ideas of the poem. The speaker addresses the readers, urging them to engage in a moment of quiet reflection.


The poem speaks to humanity at large, urging people to pause, cease their usual activities, and engage in a moment of silence together. The collective "we" in the poem encompasses individuals from various backgrounds, cultures, and nations.

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The poem alludes to the idea of nations and countries, emphasizing the shared responsibility of people worldwide to come together in stillness. The concept of lines on a map ("maps with mountains, rivers, and seas") suggests the artificial divisions that separate humanity.

War and Peace:

The poem addresses the theme of war and peace, emphasizing the need for a collective effort to break the cycle of violence and conflict. The call for "not one drop more of blood" reflects a shared desire for peace and a commitment to avoiding further suffering.

Children and Future Generations:

The mention of children in the poem represents future generations. The poem suggests that by keeping quiet and contemplating, people can create a different world for the children. It speaks to the hope for a more peaceful and harmonious future.

Keeping Quiet Important Questions and Answers

Q.1 Who is the poet of "Keeping Quiet"?

Pablo Neruda, a renowned Chilean poet and Nobel laureate, is the author of "Keeping Quiet." Known for his rich and evocative poetry, Neruda often explored themes of love, nature, and the human experience.

Q.2 What are the different kinds of wars mentioned in the poem? 

Green wars – cutting the trees, war with environment; war with gas—chemical or nuclear; war with fire, and war with ammunition. Every type of war is useless and must be given up. Whenever there is victory after a war, there are no survivors. War is only destructive.

Q.3 How will ‘keeping quiet’ protect our environment?

Keeping quiet will stop man’s indiscriminate exploitation of nature for his vested interests. In this moment of inactivity, fishermen will not harm the whales.

Q.4 What are green wars? Who wage them and with what result?

Green wars mean war against environment or environmental degradation. It is waged by the people who exploit the nature for commercial use and the soldiers. It results in damage to the environment and ultimately harming humans.

Q.5 Write the central idea of the poem.

In this poem, the poet tells us about the value of quiet introspection. He wants us to keep quiet for twelve seconds and stop every movement of the body. He implores the fishermen not to harm the whales. He also wants the man gathering salt to stop his activities for a few minutes, since he has hurt his hands. The poet says that wars are useless. These wars leave no survivors. However the poet doesn’t advocate total inactivity. He says that something that appears to be dead now later proves to be alive. Total inactivity is death, the poet just wants us to suspend our activities for a few seconds.

Q.6 What is Neruda’s attitude towards these wars?

The poet says that there are green wars. He means t to say that the people who destroy forests also wage a war against their own coming generations. There are wars with fire, chemical weapons and poisonous gases. The wars bring so much destruction that no side could be called victorious. The poet wants that all these wars should be stopped. These wars bring nothing but destruction.

Q.7 How is the poet’s appeal for keeping quiet different from absolute sluggishness ?

The poet, in his appeal for keeping quiet, emphasizes the importance of self-introspection in a man’s life. He urges us to seek a moment to understand ourselves and analyse our actions as we experience the sadness of death. The poet’s appeal for a moment of silence or stillness should not be mistaken as a plea, as a moment of inactivity or absolute sluggishness.

He seeks a silence where people are not obsessed with work and give a personal moment of time to think about their actions. This moment of silence will help them to overcome their woes and defects. The poet even feels that the Earth will enlighten men in this process, as silence is only a moment captured where there is activity under apparent stillness.



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