IGNOU MMPC 001 Important Questions with Answers Free , If You Are on This Page, You Want to Download IGNOU MMPC-001 Important Question & Exam Notes in English Medium. MMPC-001 Mean Management Functions and Organisational Processes Download in PDF. MBF MMPC-001 Exam Important Questions.
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IGNOU MMPC 001 Important Questions with Answers Free
Discuss the role of a
manager in an organization?
List out the skills
needed for a manager?
What do you think are
the characteristics of a manager?
What are the levels of
management? Are the functions at each level applied in the same measure in an
Do you think that the
role of a manager is changing in the modern organizational context? Elaborate
with examples.
Explain the functions
of staffing.
What do you understand
by staffing? Explain its characteristics.
What are the advantages
of staffing?
Define elements of
Differentiate between
off-the job and on-the-job training
What do you understand
by directing? Explain various aspects of directing.
Explain the
characteristics of directing.
What are the elements
of direction? Define in detail.
What are the principles
of directing?
Differentiate between
staffing and directing.
Which types of
managerial decisions correspond to "Programmed" decision?
To what extent various
theories of leadership are likely to influence your leadership styles.
Is there any difference
between a successful and an effective leader? Discuss.
Why motivation is a
critical issue of interest to managers in organizations?
Discuss the salient
features of Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygience Theory and show its relevance to the
Indian situation.
“Most people can be motivated with money.”
Discuss your views on this statement.
What is controlling as
a function? What are the features of control?
“Planning becomes worthless without control”.
Comment on the importance of control in the light of this statement.
Highlight the
characteristics of a good control system?
Describe the basic
elements of the control process with examples?
What is PERT and CPM?
Under what circumstances would you use the techniques as the best method?
Why is effective
communication important to the manager?
Explain the elements of
the communication process.
What is `noise' in
communication? What factors in the organisational environment cause noise?
What purposes are
served through vertical communication?
What problems are
encountered in vertical communication?
Why is informal channel
of communication called, a grapevine? Should managers use the grapevine or rely
on formal channels?
Explain the
significance of body messages in communication effectiveness.
Explain the statement,
"Words are symbols and meaning exists in the mind".
Think of a situation at
home or at work, and identify communication problems you observed or
What is meant by CSR?
Interpret CSR from different ethical viewpoints.
Examine the evolution
of CSR legislation in India with its benefits and drivers.
Write the National
Voluntary Guidelines on social, environmental and economic responsibilities of
Discuss the salient
features of The Companies Act 2013 and CSR guidelines.
What do you understand
by the terms single bottom line and triple bottom line approaches of companies
related to CSR?
Write any one
definition of CSR.
Name the components of
CSR that have evolved over the years.
Write the purpose of
Clause 135 of the Companies Act 2013.
Write any five drivers
motivating the corporations to engage in CSR.
What is meant by
Why understanding
ethics is important in dealing with business?
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