Derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with a rotating support

Derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with a rotating support

A simple pendulum is a classic mechanical system that consists of a mass attached to a string or rod that is fixed at a point. The motion of the pendulum can be described by the angle it makes with the vertical axis. 

In the case of a rotating support, the point of attachment of the pendulum is not fixed but rotates around a vertical axis. In this derivation, we will derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with a rotating support.

Derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with a rotating support

Derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with a rotating support-Let's consider a simple pendulum of length L with a mass m attached to a string or rod. The point of attachment is rotating around a vertical axis with an angular velocity ω. We will assume that the angle the pendulum makes with the vertical axis is θ.

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To derive the equations of motion, we will use Newton's second law for rotational motion. The torque acting on the pendulum mass is given by the product of the moment of inertia I and the angular acceleration α:

  • τ = Iα

The moment of inertia for a point mass rotating about an axis at a distance r is given by:

  • I = m r^2

In the case of a simple pendulum, the distance r is equal to the length of the pendulum, L. Therefore, the moment of inertia of the pendulum mass about the axis of rotation is:

  • I = m L^2

The torque acting on the pendulum mass can be written as:

  • τ = -m g L sin(θ)

where g is the acceleration due to gravity and the negative sign arises from the fact that the torque acts in the opposite direction to the displacement of the pendulum.

Using the relation between torque and angular acceleration, we can write:

  • m g L sin(θ) = m L^2 α

Dividing both sides by m L^2, we get:

  • g sin(θ) = L α

This is the first equation of motion for the pendulum.

Next, we need to relate the angular acceleration α to the angular displacement θ. To do this, we differentiate the equation with respect to time:

  • d/dt (- g sin(θ)) = d/dt (L α)

Using the chain rule and the fact that dθ/dt = ω (the angular velocity of the rotating support), we get:

  • g cos(θ) dθ/dt = L dα/dt

Differentiating α with respect to time gives us the angular acceleration:

  • dα/dt = d^2θ/dt^2

Substituting this into the equation, we have:

  • g cos(θ) dθ/dt = L d^2θ/dt^2

Dividing both sides by L and rearranging, we get:

  • d^2θ/dt^2 + (g/L) cos(θ) = 0

This is the second equation of motion for the pendulum.

The equation d^2θ/dt^2 + (g/L) cos(θ) = 0 is a nonlinear differential equation that describes the motion of a simple pendulum with a rotating support. It is challenging to solve analytically, except for small-angle approximations.

For small angles (θ << 1), we can make the approximation sin(θ) ≈ θ and cos(θ) ≈ 1. With these approximations, the equation simplifies to:

  • d^2θ/dt^2 + (g/L) θ ≈ 0

This is a linear differential equation that has a simple harmonic motion solution:

  • θ(t) = A cos(ωt + φ)
  • where A is the amplitude, ω is the angular frequency given by ω = √(g/L), and φ is the phase constant.

In summary, the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with a rotating support are given by:

  • d^2θ/dt^2 + (g/L) cos(θ) = 0
For small-angle approximations, the equation simplifies to:

  • d^2θ/dt^2 + (g/L) θ ≈ 0

Derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with a rotating support-These equations describe the behavior of the pendulum's angular displacement as a function of time and its interaction with gravity and the rotating support.


Derived the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with a rotating support. These equations describe the behavior of the pendulum's angular displacement as it interacts with gravity and the rotating support. 

Derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with a rotating support-The main equation of motion, d^2θ/dt^2 + (g/L) cos(θ) = 0, captures the nonlinear dynamics of the pendulum, while the small-angle approximation, d^2θ/dt^2 + (g/L) θ ≈ 0, provides a simplified linear equation for small angular displacements.

Understanding the equations of motion allows us to analyze and predict the behavior of the pendulum, including its amplitude, frequency, and stability. The rotating support introduces an additional factor, the angular velocity of the support, which influences the dynamics of the pendulum.

Derive the equations of motion for a simple pendulum with a rotating support-the derived equations assume an idealized system without factors like air resistance, damping, or friction. In practical scenarios, these factors may need to be considered for a more accurate representation of the pendulum's motion.

Overall, the equations of motion provide a foundation for studying and understanding the behavior of simple pendulums with rotating supports. They serve as a starting point for further analysis, numerical simulations, and experimental investigations of pendulum dynamics.


Q1: Can the equation of motion be solved analytically?

Ans: In general, the nonlinear equation of motion d^2θ/dt^2 + (g/L) cos(θ) = 0 is challenging to solve analytically. However, for small-angle approximations (θ << 1), it simplifies to a linear equation that has a simple harmonic motion solution.

Q2: What is the small-angle approximation, and when is it valid?

Ans: The small-angle approximation is based on assuming that the angular displacement θ of the pendulum is small, such that sin(θ) ≈ θ and cos(θ) ≈ 1. This approximation is valid when the pendulum swings with small amplitudes, typically within a few degrees.

Q3: What is the significance of the angular frequency ω in the simple harmonic motion solution?

Ans: The angular frequency ω represents the rate at which the pendulum oscillates back and forth. It depends on the acceleration due to gravity (g) and the length of the pendulum (L), given by ω = √(g/L). The higher the angular frequency, the faster the pendulum oscillates.

Q4: How does the rotating support affect the motion of the pendulum?

Ans: The rotating support introduces an additional factor in the equations of motion, namely the angular velocity ω of the support. It affects the dynamics of the pendulum, leading to more complex behavior compared to a pendulum with a fixed support. The rotating support can influence the amplitude, frequency, and stability of the pendulum's motion.


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