Derive the equations of motion for a particle moving under a magnetic field

Derive the equations of motion for a particle moving under a magnetic field

To derive the equations of motion for a particle moving under a magnetic field, we need to consider the Lorentz force experienced by the particle. The Lorentz force is given by the equation:

  • F = q(v × B),

where F is the force experienced by the particle, q is its charge, v is its velocity, and B is the magnetic field vector. This force acts perpendicular to both the velocity vector v and the magnetic field vector B. By Newton's second law, we have F = ma, where m is the mass of the particle and a is its acceleration.

Derive the equations of motion for a particle moving under a magnetic field

Derive the equations of motion for a particle moving under a magnetic field-To proceed with the derivation, let's consider a particle of mass m and charge q moving in a magnetic field B. The velocity of the particle at any given time can be represented by a vector v = (vx, vy, vz), where vx, vy, and vz are the components of the velocity along the x, y, and z axes, respectively. Similarly, the magnetic field vector B can be written as B = (Bx, By, Bz).

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Using the cross product of the velocity and magnetic field vectors, we can write the Lorentz force equation as:

  • F = q(v × B) = q(vyBz - vzBy, vzBx - vxBz, vxBy - vyBx).

Now, since F = ma, we can equate the Lorentz force to the product of mass and acceleration:

  • ma = q(vyBz - vzBy, vzBx - vxBz, vxBy - vyBx).

Now, let's consider each component of the equation separately:

  • For the x-component: m(dvx/dt) = q(vyBz - vzBy).
  • For the y-component: m(dvy/dt) = q(vzBx - vxBz).
  • For the z-component: m(dvz/dt) = q(vxBy - vyBx).

These equations represent the equations of motion for a particle moving under a magnetic field. They describe how the velocity of the particle changes with time in response to the magnetic field.

Derive the equations of motion for a particle moving under a magnetic field-It's worth noting that these equations of motion are only valid for charged particles moving with non-relativistic speeds. For relativistic speeds, one needs to consider additional terms, such as the magnetic field's effect on the electric field and the relativistic correction to the mass of the particle.

In conclusion, the equations of motion for a particle moving under a magnetic field are:

  • m(dvx/dt) = q(vyBz - vzBy),
  • m(dvy/dt) = q(vzBx - vxBz),
  • m(dvz/dt) = q(vxBy - vyBx).

These equations can be solved to determine the particle's trajectory and motion under the influence of the magnetic field.


The equations of motion for a particle moving under a magnetic field. These equations, known as the Lorentz force equations, describe how the velocity of a charged particle changes in response to the magnetic field. 

Derive the equations of motion for a particle moving under a magnetic field-By considering the cross product of the velocity and magnetic field vectors, we obtained three differential equations representing the motion in the x, y, and z directions.

These equations provide a fundamental understanding of the interaction between charged particles and magnetic fields. They are widely used in various scientific and technological fields, such as particle physics, electromagnetism, and astrophysics. By solving these equations, we can predict the trajectory and behavior of charged particles in magnetic fields, enabling us to analyze and design systems that involve such interactions.

Derive the equations of motion for a particle moving under a magnetic field-These equations are valid for non-relativistic speeds and under the assumption of a uniform magnetic field. For relativistic speeds or more complex scenarios, additional considerations, such as relativistic corrections or non-uniform magnetic fields, need to be taken into account.

Derive the equations of motion for a particle moving under a magnetic field-The derived equations of motion serve as a foundation for further exploration and analysis of the behavior of charged particles in magnetic fields. They contribute to our understanding of the fundamental principles of electromagnetism and enable the development of various technologies that rely on the interaction between particles and magnetic fields.


Q: What is the Lorentz force?

A: The Lorentz force is the force experienced by a charged particle moving in an electromagnetic field. It is given by the equation F = q(v × B), where q is the charge of the particle, v is its velocity, and B is the magnetic field vector.

Q: How are the equations of motion derived?

A: The equations of motion are derived by equating the Lorentz force to the product of mass and acceleration (F = ma). By considering the components of the force and using Newton's second law, we obtain the equations of motion for each coordinate direction.

Q: What are the assumptions made in deriving these equations?

A: The derivation assumes that the particle has a non-relativistic speed and that the only force acting on it is the magnetic force. It also assumes that the magnetic field is uniform and not changing with time.

Q: How can these equations be used?

A: These equations can be used to study the motion of charged particles in magnetic fields. They allow us to predict the trajectory and behavior of particles under the influence of magnetic forces. They find applications in various fields such as particle physics, electromagnetism, and astrophysics.

Q: Are there any limitations to these equations?

A: These equations are valid only for non-relativistic speeds and do not take into account other forces or effects such as electric fields, relativistic corrections, or the changing magnetic field. For more complex scenarios, additional terms and considerations may be necessary.



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