Describe different export promotion schemes which are in operation in the country.
Describe different export promotion schemes which are in operation in the country.-As you are all aware, exports are
critical to a country's economic development. More exports imply more
remittances from abroad, more jobs and employment, a lower current account
deficit, and thus higher overall economic growth. As a result, in order to grow
quickly, India's export performance must improve. India is still in the process
of developing.
China's total exports are
approximately eight times that of India. Despite being one of the world's
largest countries, India ranks 18th on the list of top exporting countries in
2019. Singapore, a small country, has surpassed India in terms of GDP.
Describe different export promotion schemes which are in operation in the country.-The high cost of export products is
one of the major reasons for India's poor export performance. Indian exporters
are unable to sell goods at a lower and more competitive price, rendering them
uncompetitive in the global market, resulting in order losses.
The indian products
in high price because:-
Poor infrastructure:- This raises
the cost of doing business in India. Moving a container by ship from Malaysia
to Chennai, for example, is less expensive and faster than moving the same
container by road/rail from Chennai to Mumbai.
Associated Costs- Rail freight
rates for the export industry are among the highest in the world. In addition,
industrial electricity rates in India are extremely high. Another major factor
contributing to price increases is the high cost of land for industrial
Cost of credit- - Interest
rates in India have remained high for an extended period of time due to high
Describe different export promotion schemes which are in operation in the country.-All of the aforementioned factors
contribute to an increase in the cost of export goods when compared to other
countries. As a result, the Indian government attempts to compensate for the
disadvantages that Indian exporters face by instituting various Export
Promotion Schemes/Export Incentives in India.
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