Examine the nature and scope of public systems management

Nature And Scope of Public Administration

INTRODUCTION Public administration both as a practice and a discipline is undergoing change in view of contemporary global developments in the socio-economic arena. The current globalisation trends have led to a rethinking about the role of the State and government. Approaches to public administration are also embedded in wider conceptions of the State, the relationship between State, market and civil society. The market model of governance has been emerging since 1980s. 

Public administrators are now viewed by many as entrepreneurial managers whose job is to attain cost effectiveness. They are expected to be more entrepreneurial and result-focused. In this context, the concept of public systems has added a new dimension to the structure and system of working of public administration. Public systems management is a developing theme lending a new dimension to the discipline of public administration. In this Unit, an attempt is made to explore the evolution, nature, scope and characteristics of Public Systems Management (PSM).

Policy management is a recently arisen discipline contrast with other Sociology's discipline. Policy management has acquired huge significance since the rise of Managerial state. In Old Greek, Roman and Indian political framework gave more significance to the idea of Organization. Kautilys' "Arthasathra" contributed huge scope in the regulatory framework; it bargains each part of the state and its connection to subjects. In straightforward sense Policy implementation is state system. In each Political Framework organization play critical part

 Meaning of Public Administration

The word Administration has been derived from the Latin words ‘ad’ and ‘ministiare’ which means to serve. In simple language it means the ‘management of affairs’ or ‘looking after the people’. In general sense Administration can be defined as the activities of groups co-operating to accomplish common goals. It is a process of management which is practiced by all kinds of organisations from the household to the most complex system of the government. According to L. D. White, Administration was a ‘process common to all group effort, public or private, civil or military, large scale or small scale’.

Examine the nature and scope of public systems management

Public administration is "centrally concerned with the organization of government policies and programmes as well as the behavior of officials (usually non-elected) formally responsible for their conduct. Generally Public Administration has been used in two senses. In the wider sense it includes all the activities of the government whether falling in the sphere of legislature, executive or judicial branch of the government, in the narrow sense Public Administration is concerned with the activities of the executive branch only.

Definitions of Public administration

L D White observes, “Public Administration consist of all those operations having for their purpose the fulfilment or enforcement of public policy”.

Pliffner defines It would seem that “Public Administration consists of getting the work of government done by co-ordinating the efforts of the people so that they can work together to accomplish their set tasks”.

Nature of Public Administration:

Examine the nature and scope of public systems management

Necessary View. As per this view, Policy management is a whole of the multitude of exercises embraced in quest for and in satisfaction of public strategy. These exercises incorporate administrative and specialized as well as manual and administrative. Accordingly the exercises of all people through and through comprise organization despite the fact that they are of shifting importance to the running of authoritative apparatus. Prof: L D White takes on this perspective on Policy management. As indicated by him, Policy management 'comprises of that large number of tasks having for their motivation the satisfaction or implementation of public strategy'. This definition covers a large number of specific tasks, many in fields. Another researcher Marshal E Dimock additionally shares a similar view. He holds that organization is worried about the 'what' and 'how' of government. The 'what' is the topic, the specialized information on a field which empowers the overseer to play out his errands. The 'how' can the strategy of the board, the standards accord to which agreeable projects are conveyed to progress.

Examine the nature and scope of public systems management

Managerial view. According to this view, the works of only those persons who are engaged in the performance of managerial functions in an organisation constitute administration. In this managerial view the administration has the functions of planning, programming and organise all the activities in an organisation so as to achieve the desired ends. Luther Gullick and Herbert Simon subscribe this view. Gullick says ‘Administration has to do with getting things done; with the accomplishment of defined objectives’.

These two views are deals the nature of public administration. In simply the nature of Public Administration deals the execution.

Scope Of Public Administration

In the modern time Public administration have a pivotal role. There are many discussions about the scope of Public Administration, some scholars are argued that in the Neo-liberal time the scope of Public administration is very less and Private administration have growing importance. Some argues that the neo-liberal time the term Public administration has significant one because the neo liberal state has faced many problems like environmental and technological issues. The scope of Public administration deals in many ways Public Administration and People. Public Administration is an organisational effort it needed a close relation to people. In every Administrative system they have good relation between people and administrative agencies. It influenced the day to day life of the common people.

Examine the nature and scope of public systems management

Public Administration and Democracy o In a Democratic political system scope of public administration is related in many ways. It have close link to people and at the same time they are the watch -dog of the political system. The Modern democratic state gave more important to the welfarism, In a welfare democracy the effective administration is essential.

New Right Philosophy 

The term ‘New Right’ was first assigned to a group of monetarists from Chicago University in 1970s. The new right school of thought propagated the idea of noninterference by the government in the economy as it created distortions in the market, which produced adverse outcomes. It broadly maintains that State involvement leads to increasing monopoly, expanding budgets and suppressing of entrepreneurial behaviour, limiting choice, over production of unwanted services and encouragement of waste and inefficiency. In view of this, the new right philosophy has forcefully argued in favour of a reorientation of the State as regulator and producer. 

Therefore, deregulation and privatisation are amongst the six - point reform agenda of the New Right. The other measures are the reduction of inflation, lower taxation, increasing role of the market in the provision of public services and institutional and constitutional reforms. The aim of these reforms is to promote competition between rival bureaucracies, reduce the influence of interest groups and corporatist institutions and impose a constitutional upper limit on public expenditure as a proportion of the gross national product.


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