Murder in a minute By Shouvik Bhattacharya Plot Summary, Characters, About Author Life

Murder in a minute By Shouvik Bhattacharya

Murder in a minute By Shouvik Bhattacharya - In this post you will get all the information about ‘Murder in a minute’. The proper and easy explanation of the novel is written below, i hope will read the summary and know everything about 'Murder in a minute'.

murder in a minute short summary, murder in a minute plot summary, murder in a minute by shouvik

About Author

Murder in a minute By Shouvik Bhattacharya - Shouvik Bhattacharya maintains a broad international disputes practice, with a focus on complex and high-stakes international arbitrations. He also advises clients on issues of US federal and state law with a transnational focus. Shouvik has extensive experience of arbitrations in the energy industry.


  • Esha
  • Rishabh
  • Arya (brothers and stepbrothers to Esha)
  • Pranav
  • Rashmi (another pair of  stepsiblings to Esha),
  • Jyoti
  • Meera (maids)
  • Dhruv (the owner of KR Cements, rivals to Arora Cements)
  • Anubhav (Works at the Arora Cements)
  • Naina ( accountant to Aroras).


Murder in a minute By Shouvik Bhattacharya - Esha Arora is the current CEO of the famous Arora Cements. One evening she is found murdered in her room. Her Sweater and a blue envelope go missing. Her stepbrothers Rishabh and Arya get along with inspector Rashid to discover the truth of what had happened to Esha.

NOTE: Esha is an adopted girl.

Well, this story’s prologue was a good kick start to the story. Esha is struck in the back of her head and she falls down. The murder stuffs her face with a pillow to ensure her death. The whole family is saddened by Esha’s death. All the people of the house suspect Mr. Anubhav who last had a quarrel with Esha which even was on the local newspapers.

Murder in a minute By Shouvik Bhattacharya - Rishabh and Arya are interrogated by Inspector Rashid first. Then the Inspector wants Rishabh and Arya to accompany him while interrogating the others and they do so. While simultaneously Rishabh solves the mystery to the blue envelope and decides to meet the Detective who his related to this. But when Rishabh is just about to find the murderer he is attacked by few goons. Inspector Rashid runs from home to find Rishabh on learning where he had gone. Rishabh found a piece of glass next to his knee. He took it and suddenly scratched the main goon on his shoulder. On realizing Inspector Rashid’s arrival the goons take flight. When suddenly Rishabh gets a glimpse of a familiar pair of shoes. The shoe that Pranav owns, Adidas All Terrain.

Murder in a minute By Shouvik Bhattacharya - On reaching home, all have a meeting with the Inspector. Rishabh is allowed to give his order of events to sum and reveal who the murder could be. At the end of Rishabh’s analysis, all get the name of the murderer. The person who is suspected has an “entire truth” to reveal at the end of the truth Anubhav admits that he has lied during the interrogation. Suddenly as all the members are into deep thinking to realize who the murderer Arya quickly breaks the silence. Surprisingly, earlier than the Inspector himself. All are shocked to hear his version and are well convinced that the person suggested by Arya is the most probable murderer.  All are enraged when suddenly the person who is accused feels like his head is bursting with one last puzzle in his head which if not solved will lead him to an innocent arrest.

He suddenly sees a vision through which he sees the most surprising information. The person who was the timidest appears to be the murderer. Just before Rishabh reveals the person, few rowdies break into the house. When all the people inside the house fall to the ground to save themselves, one person among them rises to their feet and reveal their identity giving a shock to all the people just like Rishabh and expected and suspected finally.

The book ends with the Murderer escaping and flees. The murderer’s revenge is still not over. A new plot, a new person, a new revenge, a new story. The title of the sequel is the last 4 words. I guess. But this book is extremely unique and satisfying.

Murder in a minute By Shouvik Bhattacharya - I totally love this book. I am waiting to read the sequel. Shouvik! Hats off! The best kind of Indian author. I am totally awed by this. I wasn’t expecting such twists. Reading lots of Murder mysteries I knew twists were the best parts of this kind of stories. But I just didn’t see this mega twist in the story which changes the whole perspective and I am extremely new to a twist of perspective!!! I have no words the describe this kind of fulfillment. Such a realistic read and satisfying story set in the beautiful Himachal. Lust. Deception. Greed. Woven into the spine-chilling story for a cold winter.



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