Religio-political ideas of Dayanand Saraswati
Swami Dayananda Saraswati (1824-1883) was a great reformer of
socio-religious in Modern India and was a dialectician and a Vedic scholar
• Saraswati was an arch-rebel who had refused to submit to
the traditional authoritarian dictates of his Saivite father in the field of
religious conscience
• He refuses to yield to the temptations and frowns of the
leaders of Hindu Orthodoxy, he was an ascetic, a puritan and heroic fighter for
Vedic Hindu religious practices
Religio-political ideas of Dayanand Saraswati
• He has continued his denunciation of the evil of
Christianity, he stood for the sanctity and supremacy of the individual in
quest of perfect truth.
Dayanada was a founder of the Arya Samaj through which they
had Enlighten Indian from the rigid caste system of the Hindu society and other
social reforms
• Although he has not given any systematic work in the field
of political philosophy, he is entitled to consideration in the history of
Indian political theory for two reasons: ØHe prepared the foundation of India’s political
Independence, his commentaries on the Vedas written in Sanskrit and translated
into Hindi by his assistant, he has crusade for the oppressed people and women
and his stress on education gave a new vitality and strength to the Indian
Religio-political ideas of Dayanand Saraswati
Through his organization they carried out on important social
and educational work in Northern India, it gave to the country a number of
freedom fighters for the cause of Independence.
• Dayanada inculcated the sentiments of patriotism, and
throughout Northern India, it spread the message of strength, power and freedom
in Modern India h
• Dayanada’s political philosophy represents a synthesis of
the Ideas of the Manusmriti and the Vedas, he took the concept of enlightening
monarchy from Manusmriti and from Vedas, there are references to assemblies and
the election of the King
• Dayanada stresses the elected monarchy, the King, he
interprets to be a President of the assemblies
• According to him the wisest and most learned among the
members of an assembly was to be elected the King or the President
Religio-political ideas of Dayanand Saraswati
Dayananda was a democrat, the organizational structure of
Arya Samaj founded by him was based on election, the introduction of the
principle of election was a revolutionary step in the Hindu religious society h
• Dayananda was supported to the democratic principle of the
election in the various recognized political bodies outlined by him as
Dharmaryasabha (Religious Council), Vidyaryasabha (Educational Council) and
Rajaryasabha (Administrative Council), these bodies were to adhere to the
concept of checks and balances
• He visualized a political system which will have the
essence of democratic norms although the external mechanism of it may,
sometimes, be monarchical
Religio-political ideas of Dayanand Saraswati
• Dayananda strongly pleads for the construction of a vast
commonwealth with the village as the unite, according to Satyarthprakas he says
that the King should appoint the chief of the hierarchical village
administration :
Chief of one village g
Chief of ten villages
Chief of twentieth villages
Chief of hundred villages
And the chief of one thousand villages
Every chief of the village will assign their duties according
to their hierarchal order, let the chief of one village daily apprise the chief
of ten villages privately of all crimes committed within his jurisdiction and
chief of ten submit his report to the chief of twentieth this is how the
process goes forward till the King
• Dayananda gave the supreme power to the people and
according to him both the King and the sabha were accountable to the people.
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