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NOTE: All questions are
Answer the
following questions in 1000 words each. 3 x 15 = 45 marks
Q.1. Discuss cognitive development during middle childhood.
Middle childhood
brings many changes in a child’s life. By this time, children can dress
themselves, catch a ball more easily using only their hands, and tie their
shoes. Having independence from family becomes more important now. Events such
as starting school bring children this age into regular contact with the larger
world. Friendships become more and more important. Physical, social, and mental
skills develop quickly at this time. This is a critical time for children to
develop confidence in all areas of life, such as through friends, schoolwork,
and sports.
Theoretical Views of
Middle Childhood
The body of research concerned with children ages 6-12
encompasses disciplines ranging from psychology and sociology to medicine and
public health. Surprisingly, few theoretical formulations have included
extensive treatments of this age group, in contrast to the amount of
theoretical attention given to infancy, early childhood, and adolescence. The
two major views of the child between 6 and 12—those advanced by Sigmund Freud
and Jean Piaget—focus on some possible reasons for the common belief in middle
childhood as a distinct developmental period.
Sigmund Freud assigned to the years between ages 5 or 6 and
adolescence the vital tasks of skill development and the consolidation of
psychosexual achievements from earlier periods. Freud's characterization of this
period as one of latency has been widely misconstrued as indicating it is
relatively insignificant, perhaps because the psychosexual events of earlier
and later periods appear more dramatic in psychoanalytic thought. This aspect
of Freud's formulation is also captured by Erik Erikson's emphasis on the
development of a sense of industry and Harry Stack Sullivan's interpretation of
the importance of interpersonal relationships during the same period. Although
none of these three theorists has had a substantial impact on research on
middle childhood, Sullivan's ideas have frequently been invoked in connection
with research on social relations with peers in the elementary school years.
All three, however, underscore the occurrence of significant psychological developments
in middle childhood and the importance of recognizing the culturally defined
tasks associated with the period.
The second major view, represented by Jean Piaget's theory
of cognitive development, emphasizes the extent to which children in this age
period become capable of logical thinking, reasoning, and problem solving in a
variety of tasks. Whereas preschool children are inordinately tied to the
concrete, readily perceptible characteristics of tasks, the thoughts of
children ages 6-12 are more fully logical and more systematic. Thus, in
Piaget's view the significant psychological accomplishments of middle childhood
are in the realm of intellectual competence. The goal of most of the research
emanating from Piaget's theory has been understanding the logical model of
intellectual functioning; indeed, the major contribution of Piaget-inspired
scholars has been an image of the child at every stage of development as an
active, integrating organism in interaction with the environment. Cognitive-developmental
formulations such as Piaget's undergird a core of studies of children ages 6-12
that have contributed substantially to knowledge of specific aspects of this
age period; these include not only studies of cognitive development per se but
also studies of concepts and understanding of the social and subjective worlds.
In recent years research on self-concept, social interactions, family and peer
relationships, school functioning, and health has been influenced by
cognitive-developmental perspectives. In each of these domains the focus has
been on differences between the intellectual capabilities of children in middle
childhood and those of younger and older children.
Demographic Overview of Children in Middle Childhood
We begin with a sketch of children in middle childhood in
the United States today. Our purpose is not an exhaustive demographic analysis
of middle childhood but rather an impressionistic overview of the lives of such
children. Through the presentation of data from large-scale data sources, the
following sections serve as background to the analyses of children's
development in the remainder of this report.
Several limitations on the type and scope of information
presented should be made clear at the outset. First, despite repeated calls for
an integrated system of childhood social indicators that tracks the welfare of
children in this country, such a system has yet to be developed. Data based on
sources with long histories, such as the Current Population Survey, are a major
source of information about population trends, the types of families in which
children are growing up, and the schools they attend. Less is known, at least
from a national perspective, about the quality of children's lives and their
perceptions of their worlds. Several recent studies, such as the National
Survey of Children (Zill, in press), have begun to fill this gap. Nevertheless,
we have only a rudimentary understanding of children's own views of their
Besides the relative scarcity of certain types of information,
other limitations mark these data. For our purposes the preferable unit of
analysis is the child. The following sections reflect this preference, but in
many cases information in which the family is the unit of analysis was the only
kind available. In addition, data are most frequently reported in broad age
categories that are not consistent across data sources or over time. Whenever
possible, we report information on children between the ages of 6 and 12.
Often, however, data were available only on expanded age groupings, such as
5-13 or 6-13.
The Population of
School-Age Children
In 1982 the
population of U.S. children ages 6-12 was 23.6 million, representing slightly
more than 10 percent of the total U.S. population of 232 million. This age
group is approximately equally divided by sex (51 percent were boys, 49 percent
were girls). Of the total number of children, 15 percent were black. Relative
to children of all ages, a higher proportion of black children (12.6 percent)
than white children (9.7 percent) were between the ages of 6 and 12.
Current data are not available for racial and ethnic group
breakdowns of children ages 6-12. These data are published, however, for
children ages 5-13 or 5-14 (see Table 1-1). Table 1-1 presents
the number of children in six racial and ethnic groups and their proportion in
the population and provides additional data on children of Hispanic origin.
The racial and cultural diversity of children ages 6-12 in
the United States raises questions about how their lives are different and what
components of the differences may be significant to their development. Although
at present we can only speculate on the implications, we can see a number of
dimensions on which children in this age group vary.
Children ages 6-12 were fairly well distributed across the
country in 1981, but the geographical distribution varied by race (Table 1-2).
More than half of black children, compared with less than a third of white
children, live in the South. In contrast, white children are more likely than
blacks to live in the Northeast and in the West.
Nearly half of all children live in a Standard Metropolitan
Statistical Area (SMSA) with a population of at least 100,000 people (Table 1-3).
Black children are more likely than white children to live in or near a city of
500,000 or more people. In contrast, white children are more likely to live
outside the city limits and in areas defined as non-SMSAs (population less than
50,000). For example, while 44.1 percent of white children live in nonurban
areas, only 27.5 percent of black children live outside central cities.
Family Environments
The majority of children ages 6-12 live in nuclear-type
families—that is, with either one or two parents and children (see Table
1-6). But there are some differences between the family composition of white
and black families. Black children are more likely than white children to live
in extended families—families that contain other people related to the head of
the household. The proportion for both groups is small, however. Furthermore,
as Table 1-7 shows, there is a greater likelihood for black parents
to have more children, spanning a wider range of ages. Black children ages 6-12
are likely to have more siblings in general and more siblings close to their
own age. Black and white families also differ according to parents' marital
status, parents' employment status, and financial resources. Hispanic families
differ from both black and white families in that they appear likely to have
more and younger children. Comparable information is lacking on other ethnic
Most school-age children (about 80 percent overall) live
with two parents, according to Census Bureau estimates and estimates from the
Panel Study of Income Dynamics. There are sizable racial variations,
however. Table 1-8 shows that, while 83 percent of white school-age
children lived with two parents in 1981, only 51 percent of comparably aged
black children lived with two parents. Further differences emerge between the
races among children living with only their mothers: 75 percent of white
children who lived with their mothers in single-parent families did so because
their parents were divorced, compared with 26 percent of black children. In
contrast, one-third of black children lived with their mothers alone because
they were single and never married and one-third because their parents were
separated. According to Census Bureau estimates, approximately 72 percent of
Hispanic children live with two parents (Bureau of the Census, 1981), a figure
similar to that for white children.
Q2. Define
life span development. Discuss the characteristics of life span development.
Q3. Discusspsychosocial challenges in older adults.
Answer the
following questions in 400 words each. 5 x 5 = 25 marks
Q4. Define intellectual disability. Explain its identification process in children andeffective teaching strategies.
Q5. Elucidate Marcia’s identity status.
Q6. Describe the ageing process in men and women.
Q7. Explain Levinson’s seasons of life theory.
8. Describe cognitive changes during middle adulthood.
Answer the
following questions in 50 words each. 10 x 3 = 30 marks
9. Exceptional children
10. Cross-sectional method
11. Grammar and pragmatics
12. Signs of negative self-concept in adolescents
13. Growth spurt
14. New egocentrism
15. Sociometric rejections
16. Social hazards during early childhood
17. Continuity vs discontinuity
18. High-risk behaviours during adolescence
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· 30th Sept, 2023 (if
enrolled in the January 2023 session).
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Assignments 2022-23
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