What is your view about surrogate motherhood? Does it liberate or enslave women using technology.
The word ‘surrogate’ is derived from the Latin word
‘subrogare’, which means ‘appointed to act in the place of’, or, in other words
a substitute. In simple terms, a surrogate woman is one who agrees to carry a
pregnancy to term for a couple or an individual, in case it is not possible for
the couple or individual to do so themselves.
What is your view about surrogate motherhood , women using technology, Although surrogacy can be done through different techniques/technologies,
it in itself is not a procedure, but an arrangement. Generally, this
arrangement is placed under the umbrella term of Assisted Reproductive
Technologies (ARTs), which you have read about in the previous unit on
‘Reproductive Technologies’. The surrogacy arrangement involves the use of
these technologies and procedures.
The arrangement of surrogacy can be defined on the basis of
whether the child is born using the egg of the surrogate woman, or of the
intended mother, or of the egg donor. In the first instance, where the
surrogate provides the egg, the arrangement is known as Genetic Surrogacy or
Traditional Surrogacy. This is done through the process of Artificial
Insemination (AI) or Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI). Since the genetic
material (egg) of the surrogate is being transferred, this kind of surrogacy is
termed as Genetic Surrogacy.
The other kind of surrogacy is known as Gestational
Surrogacy, where the surrogate conceives through Embryo Transfer, following the
procedure of in vitro Fertilization. The embryo might be a result of the
fertilised gametes of the intended parents, or gametes (either sperm or egg or
in some case both) obtained from the donors. Since the surrogate is not
providing the genetic material (i.e. her egg), but only gestates or carries the
child in her womb for nine months, such an arrangement is known as Gestational
What is your view about
surrogate motherhood? Does it liberate or enslave women using technology,
The use and abuse of women’s bodies has been written about
extensively. You have already read about the mind-body dualism in the first
unit “Body in Bio-medicine” of this course. This dualism re/presents women as
close to nature, living through their bodies, and men as close to culture,
living through their minds. As such, women’s bodies are subjected to control by
male agents, while all forms of their labour (public and private) are devalued.
This includes their sexual and reproductive labour, which is domesticated and
therefore, not recognized or rewarded as typically ‘productive’.
Feminist Perspectives on Surrogacy
The debate around the female body being ‘inferior’ and ‘weak’
has been a matter of long standing contestation, and feminists have long
struggled to challenge this patriarchal notion of ‘biology as destiny’.
Surrogacy is able to push pregnancy from the private to the public, from care
to work, and in doing so, is able to destabilise binary notions of women’s
capabilities and roles.
Shulamith Firestone
(1971) has
hailed reproductive technologies as having the potential to emancipate women by
liberating them from motherhood, which is their primary link to the private
sphere. With surrogacy, not only is the domestication of women’s sexual and
reproductive labour challenged, but women’s autonomy—financial and otherwise—
is also enhanced. What is your view about surrogate motherhood? Does it
liberate or enslave women using technology, In regarding surrogates as providers of a ‘service’, we are recognizing
reproduction as a resource in society, for which we are compensating surrogate
women as economic agents in the public sphere.
Cultural Acceptance and Reproductive Technology
The development of reproductive technology has been built on
the cultural notion of parenthood and infertility. Therefore, new reproductive
technologies have been put to use and accessed in relation to infertility
treatment exclusively. In this section, we will focus on the understanding of
reproductive technologies, in particular, IVF, through a cultural lens.
Reproductive technologies are the embodiment of cultural norms and are entwined
with the lives of people in a complex way.
The advancement of reproductive technology has shaped the way
women, in particular, experience their body, motherhood, and their lives. For a
majority of women, the female body has been the primary site for innovations in
reproductive technology.
These technologies are not liberating in themselves,
but are instrumental in shaping the lives and thoughts of men and women in and
around conception, childbirth, and infertility. What is your view about
surrogate motherhood? Does it liberate or enslave women using technology, Sarah Franklin (1997) uses the term ‘embodied progress’ to explain the
growth of IVF in the late twentieth century as a range of resources which produce
new form of reproductive choices for women. Innovations related to reproductive
technology have been rooted in the cultural values of scientific growth and
moved by market and economic indicators. Here, both scientific progress and
reproductive based innovations are supported through the cultural notion of
childbirth and the biological family.
As feminists and anthropologists argue, the progress of
reproductive technologies have not only seen nature as a category that can be
manipulated, but also acquired an understanding of human interventions in the
process of reproduction as being ‘normal’.
Fertility Industry and Its Growth
After the birth of the first test-tube baby in England, IVF
and other assisted reproductive technologies had moved from the laboratory and
experimental stage to its operational-use stage across the developed and
developing worlds. Initially, reproductive medicines such as oral contraceptive
pills, IUD (Copper T), hormonal injectable contraceptives, hormonal implant,
morning-after pills were developed in order for women to have control over
their bodies and for treatment of problems related to the fallopian tube. Other
advanced technologies, including IVF, started to focus on the problem of male
and female infertility directly while viewing infertility as a form of
Eventually, these technologies were advised to
patients/couple when they visit infertility clinics for medical guidance and
counseling. Recently, IVF has been projected as a viable option within the
range of medical options in the name of infertility treatment. Such programmes
were specifically encouraging women in their thirties to experiment with the
notions of a ‘take-home baby’. What is your view about surrogate motherhood?
Does it liberate or enslave women using technology, In spite of its high cost, many
couples in the developed world saw IVF as an option to treat infertility.
During the 1990s, there was a significant growth of IVF centers in United
States to facilitate infertility treatment.
Similarly, the criteria for accessing IVF became flexible -
raising the age limit from thirty-five to forty, accommodating consumers of
various income levels, and treating all kinds of infertility in the name of
IVF. With this process of corporatization, IVF aggressively penetrated into the
market of both developed and developing countries. The flexibility in the
criteria was targeted at creating a consumer-friendly culture towards these
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