Critically examine the role of caste as a determinant of voting behaviour in India’s electoral politics.


Critically examine the role of caste as a determinant of voting behaviour in India’s electoral politics. India is the largest Republic in the World, Voting is one of the most generally used terms in contemporary age of popular politics. In popular systems, and their number is relatively large and ever adding, each adult citizen uses‘ advancing’as a means for expressing his blessing or disapprobation of governmental opinions, Critically examine the role of caste as a determinant of voting behaviour in India’s electoral politics. programs and programmers of colorful political parties and the rates of the campaigners who are engaged in the struggle to get the status of being the representatives of the people. An empirical study of the determinants of electoral geste displays the astounding fact that the geste of man is told by several illogical factors and pressure groups in invoking religious and collaborative factors, influence of plutocrat or attractive personality of a leader and host of other illogical forces have their definite influence on the minds of the namer. Still, in broad terms, as Richaed Rose and Harve Massavir point out, advancing covers as numerous as six important functions-


 1. It involves individual ‟ s choice of governors or major governmental programs;

 2. It permits individualities to share in a complementary and continuing exchange of influence with office- holders and campaigners;

3. It contributes to the development or conservation of an individual ‟ s constancy to the being indigenous governance;

 4. It contributes to the development or conservation of a namer ‟ s souring from being indigenous governance;

 5. It has emotional significance for individualities; and

 6. For some individualities it may be functionlessi.e devoid of any emotional or political significant particular consequences.


Critically examine the role of caste as a determinant of voting behaviour in India’s electoral politics.

 Voting Behaviour In India Determinant


Critically examine the role of caste as a determinant of voting behaviour in India’s electoral politics. The geste of namer is told by several factors similar as religion, estate, community, language, plutocrat, policy or testament, purpose of the pates, extent of ballot, political surge etc. Critically examine the role of caste as a determinant of voting behaviour in India’s electoral politics. In India following main political and socio-profitable factors which act as determinates of advancing behaviours in our Popular system;

(1) Charisma One important factor of voting geste is Charisma like Nehru, Indira, Vajpayee, Modi and a unforeseen change in the mind of the choosers in response to the prayers issued by similar great numbers may be counted as the concrete attestations of the part of seductiveness in the electoral geste of ourpeople.The watchword of „ Garibi Hatao ‟ worked cautions in the election of 1971; the personality ofMrs. Gandhi after India ‟ s miraculous palm in the Bangladesh War had the same marvelous impact on the mind of the electorate in the State Assembly choices of 1972. Critically examine the role of caste as a determinant of voting behaviour in India’s electoral politics.The image of Jayaprakash Narayan had the same effect in the choices of 1977. So was the effect of the personality of Rajiv Gandhi in the choices of 1984 and ofV.P.Singh in the choices of 1989. Personality of Modi, BJP won election of 2014 and 2019 and also won numerous state assembly election in different countries.

 (2) Caste Caste continues to be a determinant of advancing behaviours in India. It has deep roots in the society and constitutes an important base of society at every position. Despite in our constitution have several vittles which enjoin action and demarcation on its base, estate continues to be a determinant of political behaviours. Politicisation of estate and order in polities has been a well known reality of the Indian political system. The political parties in India, without any exception, while formulating their programs, programmes and election strategies always keep in mind the estate factor. Caste is a factor in the selection of campaigners for querying an election from a constituency. Votes are demanded in the name of estate. Jat Ki Vot Jat Ko, Brahmin votesvs. Jat votes or Jat votes vs Ahir votesetc., are generally used for planning an election strategy. despite Caste is the main language of choosers belonging to pastoral India. The decision to apply Mandal Commission recommendation for reservation of jobs for other Backward Classes ( gentries) and the response it generated in politics testifies to the uninterrupted presence of estate as a determinant of politics in India. Still, it must be stated that the part of estate as determinant of the voting geste has been witnessing a change, at least in the civic areas.

 (3) Religion The establishment of a temporal state in India – by guaranteeing right to freedom of religion and treating every religion equal and non – recognition of any religion as a state religion – has not been successful in precluding the part of religion as determinant of political geste in general and voting geste in particular. The actuality of similar political parties andneo-political groups as stage linked with a particular religion, for illustration, Muslim League, Akali Dal, Hindu Maha Sabha, Shiv senaetc., have been one of the reasons behind the continued part of religion as a determinant of voting geste. The campaigners don't vacillate to seek votes by playing the religious card withco-religious choosers and the temporal card with members of others religious communities. Use of religious places for political ends is also a standard practice, particularly during choices. The choosers veritably frequently bounce on religious considerations.

 (4). Critically examine the role of caste as a determinant of voting behaviour in India’s electoral politics.  Language India is amulti-lingual state. Linguism also surves as factor in voting geste. The association of countries on verbal base completely reflects the significance of language as a factor of politics in India. There have been problems in countries like that of status of one particular language in that state, or relating to the quality of the status of a language of a state. Verbal interests always impact public and state position election. Critically examine the role of caste as a determinant of voting behaviour in India’s electoral politics.

(5) Plutocrat Factor India is a poor country with a large number of people living below poverty line. Plutocrat as similar plays a vital part in determining voting geste of the people in India. A rich seeker or party has always better chances of winning the choices. Critically examine the role of caste as a determinant of voting behaviour in India’s electoral politics.

 (6) Critically examine the role of caste as a determinant of voting behaviour in India’s electoral politics. Sub-Nationalism Ethnical pluralism, communalism, regionalism andsub-nationalism are the hard realities of Indian society. Of latesub-nationalism has come a pivotal factor in impacting the voting geste of the people. At times a secessionist group gives a call for the boycott of choices and uses pressure tactics to forces the choosers either not to bounce in favour of a particular party. Some indigenous political parties like some fragments of the Alkali Dal, Naga Nationalist Organization, Gorkha League, AASU and AAGSP in Assam. Critically examine the role of caste as a determinant of voting behaviour in India’s electoral politics.

 (7) Performance of the Party in Power Each Political party contests choices on the base of an election fiat, and after coming into power, it's anticipated to fulfit the pledges made there in. Good or bad performance of the ruling party, just on the base of the election pledges made and promises actually fulfilled influence the base geste of the people in a bigway.This has happed substantially because of a corresponding increase in the number of youthful men and women from educated upper middle class, and are ready to shift their support from one party to another on the base of their performance. Critically examine the role of caste as a determinant of voting behaviour in India’s electoral politics.












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